Disneyland Resort in 2017: Marvel TOT retheme in DCA, Fantasmic! 2.0


Well-Known Member
They just want to get to the drop ride ASAP, and the boiler room ties with Soarin' for one of the most boring, tedious holding pens in the entire resort.

It's been too long (several years) since I've been on the DHS version, so I can't remember how their loading works. Seriously, it's one of the most aggravating waits ever. Getting shoved through the pre-show to a full boiler room just knowing you are in for 5 or 6 full aggravating cycles of the ride. I despise load processes where they decide to split you into smaller and smaller segments too early, the closer you get the longer you wait between each movement of the line.

Star Tours does a far, far better job of waiting until the last second before segmenting riders to their various theatres.

I kind of doubt they'll fix this, but next to the exterior this is the second biggest thing they could address in fixing up the ride.


Well-Known Member
But (being optimistic here) what if DCA's tower is a better overall experience after the change? The tower's not going away, it's getting new show elements and theming.

I normally get ticked about things like this, but in TOT's case at DCA... Okay, it's the only version the ride I've ever been on. I love it for the thrill and the mind-games it plays in the drop shaft. But, for me, from day one, the theming just does not work at DCA. You walk in from a busy Hollywoodland into a dusty lobby full of artifacts that no one pays any attention to because the change is so abrupt. 99% of the riders couldn't care less about the backstory---They just want to get to the drop ride ASAP, and the boiler room ties with Soarin' for one of the most boring, tedious holding pens in the entire resort.

And, on the outside, it's just an eyesore. There's no buildup, it's poorly placed and it's ugly. And its ugliness is there to tell a story that most people don't care about, because at DCA it's never been told well. I love the ride (and I'm a long-time fan of The Twilight Zone), but the Haunted Castle at the Santa Cruz Boardwalk does a better job of mood-setting (and its got just about the same abrupt transition time from walkway to queue). Marvel's a good fit for DCA (It's no longer about California, it's about adventures...in a park in California), and our ToT's theme has never been very effective. If the ride's still thrilling and the exterior looks better...how much are we really losing?

I've explained in numerous posts on this thread why I think the odds are very low that this change ends up being for the better. However, you are certainly entitled to your opinion but I think the average guest would disagree with you. When you say at DCA the story is not being told well you are comparing it to your knowledge as a super fan of WDW's experience to come to the conclusion that DCA's is expendable. The average guest is not comparing the different versions of this attraction and could care less that Floridas is better. Most probably haven't even been to Florida. They just know they LOVE their TOT.

I think people do care about the story and do not find the Tower an eyesore. I think most people love the ride because of the story and how it leads into the thrill. Sure not many folks are walking into the lobby just looking around trying to soak in every last detail. However, from the haunted hotel looming in the distance , to the music loop outside the queue , pre show to the ride the story is being created and suspense is building even on a subconscious level. And really, how many people these days treat the queue like part of the ride? Who doesn't have their face buried in their phone?

You really think people are just riding TOT for the thrill factor alone? I guess there's really no difference then between Supreme Scream at Knotts and TOT. Let's be honest here, if anyone is going to Disney PURELY for thrills they are at the wrong park. I love a good thrill ride but that's not what I or most people go to Disneyland for. Out of all of the "thrill" rides at DLR the only 3 that continue to be "thrilling" after the age of 10 are probably Space, Screamin and TOT.

Also, just want to mention I have no issues with Disney breaking from the California theme. Most of the recent additions to the park have very loose connections to California if any at all. My main issue again, is that a wonderful and well loved attraction with long lines and no issues will be watered down all in the name of synergy. Anyone with an ounce of artistic/ creative blood in them can see this. This would strictly be a short sighted crash grab.

EDIT: I was going to fix the typo above But oddly "Crash Grab" seems to be appropriate.
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Well-Known Member
I've explained in numerous posts on this thread why I think the odds are very low that this change ends up being for the better. However, you are certainly entitled to your opinion but I think the average guest would disagree with you. When you say at DCA the story is not being told well you are comparing it to your knowledge as a super fan of WDW's experience to come to the conclusion that DCA's is expendable. The average guest is not comparing the different versions of this attraction and could care less that Floridas is better. Most probably haven't even been to Florida. They just know they LOVE their TOT.

I think people do care about the story and do not find the Tower an eyesore. I think most people love the ride because of the story and how it leads into the thrill. Sure not many folks are walking into the lobby just looking around trying to soak in every last detail. However, from the haunted hotel looming in the distance , to the music loop outside the queue , pre show to the ride the story is being created and suspense is building even on a subconscious level. And really, how many people these days treat the queue like part of the ride? Who doesn't have their face buried in their phone?

You really think people are just riding TOT for the thrill factor alone? I guess there's really no difference then between Supreme Scream at Knotts and TOT. Let's be honest here, if anyone is going to Disney PURELY for thrills they are at the wrong park. I love a good thrill ride but that's not what I or most people go to Disneyland for. Out of all of the "thrill" rides at DLR the only 3 that continue to be "thrilling" after the age of 10 are probably Space, Screamin and TOT.

Also, just want to mention I have no issues with Disney breaking from the California theme. Most of the recent additions to the park have very loose connections to California if anything at all. My main issue again, is that a wonderful and well loved attraction with long lines and no issues will be watered down all in the name of synergy. Anyone with an ounce of artistic/ creative blood in them can see this. This would strictly be a short sighted crash grab.
This. It doesn't matter what you think of the park, what they are doing is cheap, screwed up, and a slap in the face to one of the most classic and beloved attractions ever.


Well-Known Member
Reminder: We don't actually know what they are doing to the ride. It could be a cheap slap in the face or it could be well executed.

Arguing over details no one knows is mostly pointless. They may do a wonderful job, they may make it worse, or it could be a lateral move.

It will still be a hotel, it will still feature a creepy atmosphere and story leading into a thrill. It will just be a different story and the exterior will be improved. That's all we really know. It is also being better integrated to the new land it will sit squarely in the middle of, instead of the other land it was tacked onto around the corner.

We also know that Twilight Zone is not quintessential to making a good Tower of Terror Ride. Whether GoTG could be a good ToT is down to execution, not speculation. Good ideas have led to seemingly terrible results, then bad ideas have led to fans begging for it on the opposite coast.

The difference is execution. The difference between DCA and DHS is that DCA's version is far from perfect, there is room for improvement and therefore change.

One thing I do know is that 1:1 cloning ideas between coasts is more often than not a bad idea.


Well-Known Member
Reminder: We don't actually know what they are doing to the ride. It could be a cheap slap in the face or it could be well executed.

Arguing over details no one knows is mostly pointless. They may do a wonderful job, they may make it worse, or it could be a lateral move.

It will still be a hotel, it will still feature a creepy atmosphere and story leading into a thrill. It will just be a different story and the exterior will be improved. That's all we really know. It is also being better integrated to the new land it will sit squarely in the middle of, instead of the other land it was tacked onto around the corner.

We also know that Twilight Zone is not quintessential to making a good Tower of Terror Ride. Whether GoTG could be a good ToT is down to execution, not speculation. Good ideas have led to seemingly terrible results, then bad ideas have led to fans begging for it on the opposite coast.

The difference is execution. The difference between DCA and DHS is that DCA's version is far from perfect, there is room for improvement and therefore change.

One thing I do know is that 1:1 cloning ideas between coasts is more often than not a bad idea.

So in your opinion cloning TOT was bad idea? No wonder those lines are so short.

But seriously .... Why, because Floridas is better? Or because it has longer lines in a park with 5 rides?


Well-Known Member
Again most people on these forums are speaking as Super fans who not only know details about the other versions of the same attraction but have also had the privilege of riding them.


Well-Known Member
So in your opinion cloning TOT was bad idea? No wonder those lines are so short.

Yes, poorly cloning ToT was a bad idea, instead of more purposefully designing it for the park it was in.

Wouldn't you rather have a purpose built ToT like at Disney Sea, instead of a half-hearted clone?

That doesn't mean the end result (and resultant lines) were terrible, it's just not the execution that it can and should be.

Florida's is better in most every way. Lines have nothing to do with it. You seem to ascribe an awful lot about an attractions success to how long people have to wait for it.


Well-Known Member
Ok then obviously you haven't read all of my posts in this thread if you think that I think that long lines are the ONLY reason it should stick around.

But id say, yeah lines and popularity are usually a good indicator if something worked out or not.


Well-Known Member
Ok then obviously haven't read all of my posts in this thread if you think that I think that long lines are the ONLY reason it should stick around.

I have, I definitely understand why you are passionate about it and the reasons it is great. There is a difference between 'an awful lot' and 'only', by the way.

I think ToT is a great attraction and should stick around (which it is). I just don't think Twilight Zone is what makes or breaks ToT in DCA.

The jury's out on whether GoTG can make for a good ToT.

But id say, yeah lines and popularity are usually a good indicator if something worked out or not.

Unfortunately, even if they do a really, really bad job integrating GoTG to ToT, I guarantee the lines will still remain as long.
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Well-Known Member
An entire decade later, no less...

Plus... 12 years later and we STILL don't even have randomized drop sequences or effects in the elevator shafts. Grrrr!

Everytime I come around and start to accept our ToT for what it is, I pay a visit over to DHS and am reminded just how bad we got gypped on ours.

Even the little things, like going right into the elevator and not having to cross a hallway to load/unload makes a big difference in the original.


Well-Known Member
Look, guys, even I don't hate the DCA version of TOT. It's still good.

Don't get me wrong... It's still a must-ride whenever I'm in DCA and a great attraction overall. Its flaws are only exposed when you compare to the original. It's one of those 'ignorance is bliss' type deals -- I wish I had never experienced the original (especially before the one at DCA).


Well-Known Member
I have, I definitely understand why you are passionate about it and the reasons it is great. There is a difference between 'an awful lot' and 'only', by the way.

I think ToT is a great attraction and should stick around (which it is). I just don't think Twilight Zone is what makes or breaks ToT in DCA.

The jury's out on whether GoTG can make for a good ToT.

Unfortunately, even if they do a really, really bad job integrating GoTG to ToT, I guarantee the lines will still remain as long.

True, awful lot and only are not the same so I'll explain better....When you say awful lot i took as you were implying that lines are my main reason for thinking it should stay, but it's not.

So are you saying you think it's sticking around in it current form or that it will be sticking around with the GOTG retheme?

One year fast tracked plan. Drop ride for GOTG (that has nothing to do with this IP that has so much more potential) . Having to work around current infastructure? Cheaply Retheming a haunted hotel? For what ? An end game of 1-2 GOTG 10 second show scenes? Ya I have my Doubts.

Lines will be longer for a little while and then they would probably level off and be around the same as they are today. Still doesn't mean people wont prefer TZTOT. Just means they ll ride whatever E ticket is presented. It won't offer the experience that TZTOT did in that sense that you feel like you went on a journey or experienced something other worldly. It ll just be "I saw the guardians, and dropped a few times (elevator shaft opens ) oh wait... look I'm not in Space or some distant planet im at Disneyland."
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Well-Known Member
Plus... 12 years later and we STILL don't even have randomized drop sequences or effects in the elevator shafts. Grrrr!

Everytime I come around and start to accept our ToT for what it is, I pay a visit over to DHS and am reminded just how bad we got gypped on ours.

Even the little things, like going right into the elevator and not having to cross a hallway to load/unload makes a big difference in the original.
Look who was in charge of the resort when the ToT was built. No wonder it was done on the cheap. The TDS version is exactly the same building and ride except better themed. If they could bring our tower up to the theming of TDS but with GOTG I'll be happy.

Rich T

Well-Known Member
I've explained in numerous posts on this thread why I think the odds are very low that this change ends up being for the better. However, you are certainly entitled to your opinion but I think the average guest would disagree with you.....They just know they LOVE their TOT.

I'm being optimistic. It could certainly end up being poop, but it could also be awesome. And I don't even LIKE GotG. I do disagree with your view of the average DL guest. Average DL guests don't read forums, don't care if Radiator Springs is supposed to be in CA or AZ, and don't have any clue what the story of ToT is supposed to be. They just want a quality experience. As long as there's still a tower there with a scary elevator and imaginative surroundings, the average guest will not miss the Twilight Zone theme, because for the average guest, that was never the big draw of the ride. And most guests under the age of 30 will probably happily eat up the GotG theme with a spoon.

Just as a fer-instance; I was at DL a lot in '83 when new Fantasyland was unveiled. Like other fans, I was in heaven, soaking in every detail. Y'know what could be heard over and over all summer from "average" guests? "What did they change? I don't notice a difference." The average guest was aware it was pretty, but the average guest could not mentally compare it with what was there previously (old FL's jousting-tournament decor). The average guest didn't even realize that a FREAKING FULL-SIZE PIRATE SHIP had been removed.

Back to the present: When you say "Anyone with an ounce of artistic/ creative blood in them can see this," that's just needless insulting. One could just as easily say "Anyone with an once of artistic/creative blood in them can see that DCA's ToT is poorly designed and does a lousy job of telling a coherent story." And it would be just as inaccurate a statement.

We all have opinions; we all have certain parts of these parks we love dearly. You like DCA ToT a lot more than I do (and I do love it and ride it every visit). Myself, I ranted about pancakes and the loss of a (for me) cherished decades-old tradition a few weeks ago. We're all here for basically the same reasons; we love these parks. Someday (probably sooner than later) there'll be another issue we can all rally against... like Small World becoming Tsum Tsum Voyage or something...


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry, I did not mean to offend you. I just really believe that it's easy to see that it's creatively a terrible idea to retheme a haunted hotel drop ride to GOTG. It's also Cheap and lazy. Disney knows that they could do so many better things with the GOTG franchise but they re taking the easy route.

With Fantasyland 2.0 it was an obvious step in the right direction. They made the Fantasyland theming a million times better by removing those cheap Medieval circus tents or whatever they were and putting in charming facades. IMO Retheming TZTOT to GOTG is going backwards.

LOL and yes we all have are things, whether they be E tickets we love or pancakes.
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