Well-Known Member
4.2 million souls worldwide that families will never see again. I could give a rats *** about survival rate. What's ok with you? 5MM? 6MM? 10MM?Giving up your freedom of choice over a virus that has a 99% survival rate. THAT is crazy.
But I suppose the double standard of "my body, my choice" is only valid if you are killing people, not saving them. It's a virtue signaler's paradise. If this whole thing wasn't about proving conservatives wrong, it would have been over long ago like H1N1 outbreak.
Double the panic = double the testing = double the knowledge of infected, even if it hasn't changed in reality.
A month ago all the major news outlets were telling us that the vaccine was just as effective against the delta variant as it was the alpha. Now Google is hiding the results like Eric Swalwell was trying to hide his fart.
Yes, the odds are in your favor that you will not die but people can take a very simple step that will pretty much insure that a) people stop dying and b) we get back to normal. But no, we're infringing upon peoples freedoms, we're implanting chips, all the vaccinated will die in a year, it's changing my DNA, I'll grow a third eye, I'm now allergic to everything, I'll become infertile, we don't know the side effects, it was rushed to market without proper testing, and dozens of other made up excuses. Yes, you have every right to make a choice but the stats show, without a doubt (except to those that believe everything is a lie), that the vaccine is saving lives. I don't see anyone trying to hide results around the vaccine and delta variant. They've said from day one that there will be breakthrough cases. Some, very few, people will die that are vaccinated but the vast majority will have sniffles or allergy like symptoms if any at all. Meanwhile, our hospitals are filling up again, infection and death rates are climbing and others who need significant medical procedures or ER help are having problems getting the care they need. Buy you do you, I sincerely hope you don't get sick or if you do, you are part of that 99% survival rate, unlike this man in my town of Corona. Stephen Harmon died the day of his last tweet below, 9 days after being diagnosed with a 99% survivable illness.