Fully vaccinated family of four goes to Disneyland, three of them get covid.
COVID vaccinations? Check. Disneyland tickets? Check. The happiest place on Earth? Not for this family.
1/4 efficacy... Not that great imo.
Wow thanks for posting this... this article had some really great points including this one:
After a quick getaway in Palm Springs, she suddenly experienced intense body aches, heavy congestion and fatigue. She tested positive the next day.
“What I've gone through is basically like having a bad flu, which isn't the end of the world as much as it's not been fun,” Storm says.
She’s recovering at home with over-the-counter medications but has never doubted her decision to get vaccinated: “Absolutely, stand by it, 100%. Had I not been vaccinated, it could be much worse, much longer, much more extreme, much scarier.”
It's good to see that people fully understand that the vaccine doesn't prevent you from catching and harboring the virus, but actually impacts your body's ability to fight it. This is absolutely the right way to think of this. If you can justify taking Airborne or Emergen-C before a flight across the country, you can easily justify getting the vaccine.
Additionally though there was also this:
A few days after they returned from Disneyland, Jenny McHargue convinced her husband to go to the emergency room. He was having trouble breathing.
“By that evening, he was like, ‘Yeah, I think it’s best for me to go,’” Jenny says.
Mike’s chest was X-rayed to check for blood clots, a side effect that hadn’t occurred to them. The medical team didn’t find any and Mike was eager to check out as soon as his blood oxygen improved. He wanted to keep his hospital costs down.
“I'm terrified of when the bill comes,” he confesses.
The one person in the group that ended up in the hospital (due in part to his pre-existing condition), was concerned about staying too long due to a mounting hospital bill. Even if you don't want to look at this as a humanitarian crisis, look at this as purely a financial problem: hospitals can't keep running by giving away services for free, and the majority of people in this country can't afford the long term ICU/Ventilator support that a COVID patient could require. Even if you want to dogmatically hold that the virus is 99% survivable, some of those survivors are going to be straddled with long term debt and leave hospitals begging for more money.
And this pending financial crisis in the health care industry can all be prevented if people just got their vaccines.