News Disneyland Magic Key Program


Well-Known Member
Im glad magic key is here, i am def gonna get a socal resident pass for 180 + 20 a month and prob go to the parks 20 times in the next year. Im happy about this news


Well-Known Member
“Thank you, Mickey, may I have another?”
“Thank you, Mickey, may I have another?”

Rich T, dude you been here for how long saying you are tired of the magic? 🤣

C'mon man, if you're THIS tired, then yeah, OK, but you can't keep saying this over and over and yet still just as eager to be here. If people are REALLY tired of something, they would just move on. At least for a little while.

And hey, that's your right. But no offense, for people who DO still enjoy it and yes come because they actually are excited to go back, I just don't think they should be criticized for simply wanting to be excited again or enjoy being a fan.

But if others want to step away, no one is getting on your case about it.

Vegas Disney Fan

Well-Known Member
Rich T, dude you been here for how long saying you are tired of the magic? 🤣

C'mon man, if you're THIS tired, then yeah, OK, but you can't keep saying this over and over and yet still seem just as eager to be here.

And hey, that's your right. But no offense, for people who DO still enjoy it and yes come because they actually are excited to go back, I just don't think they should be criticized for simply wanting to be excited again.

But if others want to step away, no one is getting on your case about it.
I’ve discovered one constant in my several years following Disney message boards… every time Disney changes anything, whether it be prices, rides, blackout dates, fireworks, hours, shows, etc, etc etc there’s people who claim they’ve reached their breaking point and they’re never going back… maybe some follow through on that threat but judging by the ever growing park attendance I seriously doubt it. For parks that “suck” they sure are popular.

Californian Elitist

Well-Known Member
No one, @Rich T included, has said that they were never going back. Rich has also been very consistent with their feelings towards the parks and I highly doubt they were visiting dozens of times per year before last year.


Well-Known Member
I’ve discovered one constant in my several years following Disney message boards… every time Disney changes anything, whether it be prices, rides, blackout dates, fireworks, hours, shows, etc, etc etc there’s people who claim they’ve reached their breaking point and they’re never going back… maybe some follow through on that threat but judging by the ever growing park attendance I seriously doubt it. For parks that “suck” they sure are popular.

For the record I wasn't trying to get on anyone's case, but yeah I see this over and over and over and over and over again too. And one thing if YOU'RE tired and cynical, no one is telling you not to be. But when you translate on to others that they should feel AS you do, then I think you need a break lol. Not forever, but just a break.

We've all been there at some point. I stopped going to DL for a few years back in 2000 to 2005. Now, I didn't stop going to Disney, just Disneyland. ;) I spent a lot of my time in Tokyo (I lived there, I'm not rich). My point is I didn't make a hundred declarations about it online, I simply STOPPED going. But I knew at some point I would go again, L.A. is my home and I grew up with that park. But when it feels more like a chore than 'fun', then yeah take some time off and see other parts of the world....when we're finally allowed to. ;)

Vegas Disney Fan

Well-Known Member
For the record I wasn't trying to get on anyone's case, but yeah I see this over and over and over and over and over again too. And one thing if YOU'RE tired and cynical, no one is telling you not to be. But when you translate on to others that they should feel AS you do, then I think you need a break lol. Not forever, but just a break.

We've all been there at some point. I stopped going to DL for a few years back in 2000 to 2005. Now, I didn't stop going to Disney, just Disneyland. ;) I spent a lot of my time in Tokyo (I lived there, I'm not rich). My point is I didn't make a hundred declarations about it online, I simply STOPPED going. But I knew at some point I would go again, L.A. is my home and I grew up with that park. But when it feels more like a chore than 'fun', then yeah take some time off and see other parts of the world....when we're finally allowed to. ;)
I said similar the other day, if the new DL AP replacement was bad we were already pricing out WDW and DL Paris trips as replacements.

I disagree with a lot of the choices Disney makes, I just can’t imagine not going back because I’ve never found a replacement other than other Disney parks.


Well-Known Member
No one, @Rich T included, has said that they were never going back. Rich has also been very consistent with their feelings towards the parks and I highly doubt they were visiting dozens of times per year before last year.

I didn't say forever. I said just for a little while. And I completely understand him. I been there too. I think everyone has at some point. But you have to admit, if you want to REALLY take a break, saying how much you want to take a break on a Disney message board for months on end is kind of defeating the purpose of taking a break. ;)

But it's just my opinion. I was mainly responding to his response to me.

Californian Elitist

Well-Known Member
I didn't say forever. I said just for a little while. And I completely understand him. I been there too. I think everyone has at some point. But you have to admit, if you want to REALLY take a break, saying how much you want to take a break on a Disney message board for months on end is kind of defeating the purpose. ;)

But it's just my opinion. I was mainly responding to his response to me.
You didn't say that, Vegas did with "never going back."

There is no correlation between writing messages here and actually going to the parks. I'm here every day and haven't gone back once this year. I went once last year and that's only because I was invited to attend the CM previews of Galaxy Edge. I may have went two or three times in 2019, the year I let me AP lapse. I currently have no intentions on going for the rest of this year or even next year. Some people post here and have never stepped foot in the parks.

Posting here doesn't automatically mean we're visiting the DLR constantly lol.


Well-Known Member
I said similar the other day, if the new DL AP replacement was bad we were already pricing out WDW and DL Paris trips as replacements.

I disagree with a lot of the choices Disney makes, I just can’t imagine not going back because I’ve never found a replacement other than other Disney parks.

I love Disney parks! I have been going to them for over 40 years now. I've been to every resort multiple times. I've also travel a good deal in general and been in about 50 countries now. But I also realize even though I still travel and love it I always try to combine my trips with a Disney park somewhere in the world. So I have both the travel and Disney bug. :)

But same time, my life isn't just about Disney either of course. I have not gone to the park for years at a time. Sometimes it's out of choice, other times it hasn't been. I've lived either way. And other times really appreciate doing other things. But I can't imagine NEVER going to a Disney park again. After the year we had, I certainly contemplated the idea as we all have but I still want to go.

In fact, I have a week planned for WDW this month! First time going in over a decade. But we're going back and forth on doing it because of the covid mess in Florida. I'm still trying to get back to Tokyo as well, but yeah lol. A lot of my life is geared to these parks. Same time if I didn't have a choice and couldn't do them again, I'll live. I've been to enough of them many times to last several life times at this point.


Well-Known Member
You didn't say that, Vegas did with "never going back."

There is no correlation between writing messages here and actually going to the parks. I'm here every day and haven't gone back once this year. I went once last year and that's only because I was invited to attend the CM previews of Galaxy Edge. I may have went two or three times in 2019, the year I let me AP lapse. I currently have no intentions on going for the rest of this year or even next year. Some people post here and have never stepped foot in the parks.

Posting here doesn't automatically mean we're visiting the DLR constantly lol.

OK gotcha.

But you know what I mean. If you are still coming on message boards hours at a time, you're not taking a break. Mentally you're very much still involved. Again, that's peoples right but if you are so cynical about it, then maybe just take time from ALL of it. Find a new hobby for awhile. Use all that time on Disney message boards and put energy somewhere else IF you are as tired of it as you claim to be. I'm just speaking common sense. In the end people should do what they feel and I'm not trying to run anyone off the boards lol.


Well-Known Member
For the record I'm not saying people should be happy about it lol, but they can't be surprised either, that's all. Did people SERIOUSLY think APs were going to be able to go whenever they want when Disney is literally trying to control attendance? And the main reason they got rid of the original AP program because they couldn't do that and was a major culprit to their attendance problem. So yeah.

But if you don't like it understandable. But we are living interesting times as they say. ;)

Edit: And weren't you the SAME GUY who wanted the APs to completely end because you said it made the parks overcrowded???? Am I confusing you with someone else?? So now you're upset that the passes you wanted to completely end a few months because you got sick of people showing up every week? But now you're upset because you don't have the ability to do that anymore?

This is why I try and stay off message boards, for my sanity! 🤣
Yes I am the one that wanted them to completely end, still do. 100%. Same goes for fastpass I hope it never returns.

However, since now they are back and introduced, that is our current playing field. It is lame to not have a tier to visit without reservation.

Talking with my wife and we'd rather just get a ticket once or twice a year. We're probably getting too old/busy for monthly visits.


Well-Known Member
OK gotcha.

But you know what I mean. If you are still coming on message boards hours at a time, you're not taking a break. Mentally you're very much still involved. Again, that's peoples right but if you are so cynical about it, then maybe just take time from ALL of it. Find a new hobby for awhile. Use all that time on Disney message boards and put energy somewhere else IF you are as tired of it as you claim to be. I'm just speaking common sense. In the end people should do what they feel and I'm not trying to run anyone off the boards lol.
Why? You can still like something and also have feedback about it and be critical. If it gets unhealthy, yes, take a break. I can absolutely say I'm a huge Star Wars fan even if the new trilogy infuriates me.

You can be invested in something and care about how its future will be. As bad as Disneyland can get I still only wish the best for it.


Well-Known Member
Yes I am the one that wanted them to completely end, still do. 100%. Same goes for fastpass I hope it never returns.

However, since now they are back and introduced, that is our current playing field. It is lame to not have a tier to visit without reservation.

Talking with my wife and we'd rather just get a ticket once or twice a year. We're probably getting too old/busy for monthly visits.

OK, but help me out. Your main issue is that people use the APs to visit TOO much, right?

So isn't this kind of a nice middle ground? People get to still keep the passes, but same time Disney curtail their visits a little? Wasn't that the entire point about all of this? Not that Aps in itself was bad, simply that people were abusing them?

I admit I don't understand the logic but that's why message boards are fun. ;)

And for the record I NEVER had a problem with the crowding issue personally. It's a very popular theme park, its going to be crowded. But I understand why others did and especially now more than ever. Which is why I applaud the reservation AND thankful APs are back in some form.

And I always knew the APs were coming back. That was NEVER in question. But even I'm a bit surprise it's basically the same thing once you remove the reservations....which may be removed one day as well.

Rich T

Well-Known Member
Rich T, dude you been here for how long saying you are tired of the magic? 🤣

C'mon man, if you're THIS tired, then yeah, OK, but you can't keep saying this over and over and yet still just as eager to be here. If people are REALLY tired of something, they would just move on. At least for a little while.

And hey, that's your right. But no offense, for people who DO still enjoy it and yes come because they actually are excited to go back, I just don't think they should be criticized for simply wanting to be excited again or enjoy being a fan.

But if others want to step away, no one is getting on your case about it.
I deserve to be called out for repeating myself a bit, but I think it’s a view that needs to be out there. Disneyland always used to be a fascinating balance of art and business, but the recent pursuits of every last nickel in every guest’s pocket has really thrown Bobsyland out of whack.

I’m here because this forum is full of wonderful people with differing opinions, discussing one of the most fascinating places on Earth. Just because I despise its current stewardship doesn’t mean the last decades of wonderfulness didn’t happen. That’s entertainment history and will always be worth discussing.

And, yeah, when greedy people try to sell upcharges and overpriced subpar experiences as “magic”, that needs to be looked at from various angles, too.

I’m just one voice here. And I don’t mind being reminded that I’m often a grouch. And I don’t mean to put down anyone who feels Disney Parks in their current state are worth the money and time. They’re certainly still better than Six Flags.


Well-Known Member
Why? You can still like something and also have feedback about it and be critical. If it gets unhealthy, yes, take a break. I can absolutely say I'm a huge Star Wars fan even if the new trilogy infuriates me.

You can be invested in something and care about how its future will be. As bad as Disneyland can get I still only wish the best for it.

I'm not saying anyone should retire from discussing Disney lol. But when other cynical people are questioning others for ENJOYING it then that seems just as wrong to me and it's more about you needing to step back and not others. Ultimately that's what I was responding to.


Well-Known Member
After 60 years of being a mega-fan, I really am done for now with the Disney parks. The thing they’re becoming is a thing I’m not interested in. They’ve been mutating for quite a while, I know, but... nah, I loved Disneyland in its sub-$90 admission days, but Bobsyland is a place where greed taints everything, spontaneity is dead, and creativity is limited to how many ways they can further drain all meaning from the words “magic,” “enchant,” “dream,” “imagine” and “believe.”

Eeeew, Bobs. Eew. And good luck, Disneyland. I’ll always love what you were. I hope someday you’re again run by people with souls.

LOL @ Bobsyland. Man you guys are on a roll today.


Well-Known Member
I deserve to be called out for repeating myself a bit, but I think it’s a view that needs to be out there. Disneyland always used to be a fascinating balance of art and business, but the recent pursuits of every last nickel in every guest’s pocket has really thrown Bobsyland out of whack.

I’m here because this forum is full of wonderful people with differing opinions, discussing one of the most fascinating places on Earth. Just because I despise its current stewardship doesn’t mean the last decades of wonderfulness didn’t happen. That’s entertainment history and will always be worth discussing.

And, yeah, when greedy people try to sell upcharges and overpriced subpar experiences as “magic”, that needs to be looked at from various angles, too.

I’m just one voice here. And I don’t mind being reminded that I’m often a grouch. And I don’t mean to put down anyone who feels Disney Parks in their current state are worth the money and time. They’re certainly still better than Six Flags.

Fair enough! I'm certainly not trying to run you off of course. But I will admit, I read your posts and I start to feel depressed lol. But you still love it, I GET it! I guess it just bothered me when you kind of criticized my post (and you WEREN'T criticizing me) because there are fans who are still super excited about the place and you seem to be implying they shouldn't love it as much as they do. That just rubbed me the wrong way. And maybe it shouldn't, you're just expressing your opinion. But you do this a lot.

And I'm not criticizing your issues with Disney. Clearly you're not alone on that front lol. Anyway, sorry if I came off a little strong. I just reacted. If you are happy here and it brings you joy interreacting with others, then that's great and all that matters. I hope no hard feelings!


Well-Known Member
OK, but help me out. Your main issue is that people use the APs to visit TOO much, right?

So isn't this kind of a nice middle ground? People get to still keep the passes, but same time Disney curtail their visits a little? Wasn't that the entire point about all of this? Not that Aps in itself was bad, simply that people were abusing them?

I admit I don't understand the logic but that's why message boards are fun. ;)

And for the record I NEVER had a problem with the crowding issue personally. It's a very popular theme park, its going to be crowded. But I understand why others did and especially now more than ever. Which is why I applaud the reservation AND thankful APs are back in some form.

And I always knew the APs were coming back. That was NEVER in question. But even I'm a bit surprise it's basically the same thing once you remove the reservations....which may be removed one day as well.
My opinion is I think APs complicate the pricing of Disneyland. They are unnecessary and the park should just scale ticket prices with demand. What ends up happening is ticket prices get inflated as a way to upsell the "cheap cost" of an annual pass. Not sure who wins here.

Disneyland I also feel has plenty of demand to sustain visits without having to resort to 400 dollar weekday "pack them in" passes. The day guests end up suffering if they visit during any of the days the low end economy passes are allowed.

I have to agree with @mickEblu , passes are made to create more demand, possibly obsession. Most of these passes (for weekends) have a very high visit count to break even. I'm sure many lose money on passes or visit more than they would
like to just to "break even".
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Well-Known Member
I'm not saying anyone should retire from discussing Disney lol. But when other cynical people are questioning others for ENJOYING it then that seems just as wrong to me and it's more about you needing to step back and not others. Ultimately that's what I was responding to.
Yeah I would agree, no one should tell someone their opinion isnt valid, whether its positive or negative.

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