Disneyland Fantasmic Dragon Engulfed in Flames


Well-Known Member
That said, although I can cut them some slack for having a crummy opening night based on that info above...

Overall, I'm still unimpressed with this show, and what it means for how the Parks are being led and operated today.

It was closed for over a year. The Company that owns this water show and the theme park facility it plays in wastes hundreds of millions of dollars on bomb movies and bad business decisions every year. Previous closures and remounts to this 32 year old show in the 2000's and 2010's were generally to add and plus up the original; adding new and upgraded stagecraft tech, adding new floats, new action, new effects, new Characters, etc.

But this time, all they did was cut back or remove stuff they used to have, and not add a single new thing to make up for it.

That isn't good enough. Sorry TDA, you can't downsize and take 3 steps back and expect praise and adulation for it. :rolleyes:
We could just be happy that F! is Back......

And say DLR has a lot to clean up for the 70th.....Hopefully a F! Dragon if its safe. The new Pixar Parade is in DCA, so why does DL Park need Together Forever instead of RDCT or DL Forever exactly?,?????

Actually use a Night Parade before it goes the way of Spectro?????

DL, along with MK really need to get going in 2025!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
We could just be happy that F! is Back......

Yes, we could. 🤔

But to do that we'd have to dramatically lower our historical expectations of Disneyland's operation and standards. I'm unwilling to do that, so TDA doesn't get a pass from me for this lessened performance standard for Fantasmic!.

DL, along with MK really need to get going in 2025!!!!!!!

Agreed. God help us if they keep using 2024's lowered standards into 2025 and beyond.


Well-Known Member
Yes, we could. 🤔

But to do that we'd have to dramatically lower our historical expectations of Disneyland's operation and standards. I'm unwilling to do that, so TDA doesn't get a pass from me for this lessened performance standard for Fantasmic!.

Agreed. God help us if they keep using 2024's lowered standards into 2025 and beyond.

I strongly suspect the addition of alcohol to Disneyland Park was to help their scores- I know I'd be far more forgiving of their lackluster service and maintenance after a few drinks!



Well-Known Member
This seems to be a glaring problem with the current leadership at the Parks. They just don't care.
Potrock was in the VIP section celebrating with his lackeys once the show was over. They all seemed pleased.

I didn't see Iger or The Hair. I'm sure even they weren't interested in seeing the show without the dragon.

I was in the BB section when F! returned after the shutdown two years ago and again last night. There was more energy in the crowd yesterday than there was two years ago. I hope that management doesn't mistake the energy of last night's show for general approval of all the cuts they made. Last night's crowd consisted of the hardest of the Disney die-hards, and they are pretty easy to please. I don't think the general public will be willing to consistently shell out money for dining packages if they don't bring Murphy back. No one wants a dragon on a stick again. We want Murphy or his/her sibling. We also want Ursula and the crocodile. If they keep making cuts, F! will just be another WoC, and no one wants that.


Well-Known Member
I have not kept up with the show news because the 2017 version is an absolute travesty.

Thay being said, I was under the assumption that the show was returning now due to having been repaired. What on earth have they been doing for the past year?


Well-Known Member
I have not kept up with the show news because the 2017 version is an absolute travesty.

Thay being said, I was under the assumption that the show was returning now due to having been repaired. What on earth have they been doing for the past year?
They spent a year refurbishing burnt & broken equipment & animating a crocodile

choco choco

Well-Known Member
We want Murphy or his/her sibling. We also want Ursula and the crocodile. If they keep making cuts, F! will just be another WoC, and no one wants that.

I'm old enough to remember when the Flotsam and Jetsam eel figures were a part of the show. I found them terrific. No idea when they left, but if the Ursula figure is too tall these two certainly could have worked.


Well-Known Member
Pretty much what I expected, simple choreography dance to replace the destroyed flying carpet, B-Mode Climax with additional shiny sparkles to distract from no dragon, and a AA Crocodile-less Peter Pan segment due to the ROA makeover.

Guess we will see how long this "temporary" version will last.


Well-Known Member
People seem to greatly underestimate the amount of damage that was done to the show during the Dragon's cataclysm. With all the unseen infrastructure that was destroyed, investigations, safety reevaluations, gutting and then rebuilding that had to happen, all while the park operated daily around it, it sort of is amazing that the show is back within about year, even with significant pieces missing. People seem to think the Dragon alone was damaged and could just be easily pulled out. The truth is so much more than the Dragon was damaged that I don't think I would have been terribly shocked if Disney had instead just closed the show permanently.

Now, I DO think it's fair to say the show underwhelms without the Dragon. It does. But I am sort of surprised by how many people seem surprised by the current scene - I haven't paid particularly close attention to developments here, and even I felt like Disney has been pretty clear for a while that the show would be Dragonless upon its initial return. I guess I'm not sure what people expected that's super different from what they did with the scene.

If it helps any, add my voice to the chorus of those saying a new Dragon is being created - everyone I've spoken to who would know has told me this is genuinely in the works. Part of the issue is that Murphy was already so notorious for issues that there was never a chance they would just rebuild her as she was. Add to it that needing a new Dragon to be designed from the ground up was a sudden and completely unexpected project, and that the space in which she would have to be housed was absolutely obliterated . . . They couldn't properly start in earnest right away, lots needed to be understood and reconfigured before they could begin proper conversations of what a new, safer but still impressive Dragon might be that could be integrated into the rebuilt stage.

I wish it were done already too, and am pretty quick to hound Disney for taking the cheap way out. But to the people asking what they spent the last year doing, the answer is actually a ton. I'm hoping the new Dragon joins sooner rather than later, but I'd also rather they take the time to get this one really right. Maybe it would have been better if they held back the whole show until a new Dragon was ready, but restoring even it to where it is now was not actually as easy a fix as some seem to think.

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