News Disneyland cancels Annual Pass program


Well-Known Member
Six months ago I would have been really bummed today. Now I just find it funny. It's sort of hard for me to believe that Disney wasn't making up for lost admission revenue with pass holders by selling all kinds of "AP Exclusive" crap. They were selling all the unusable AP Christmas stuff at downtown Disney last time I was there. In any case, I've heard from someone at Disney that the APs are expected to return in a few years when/if things normalize. I don't know if that's an actual plan or speculation from within. I'll probably be out of state by then anyways.


Well-Known Member
Sorry if it is here somewhere, but LA Times had a quote that I hadn't seen:

A nice part of this is creating a variety of different ways for people to access the park,” Potrock said. “If they want to come every single day, do we have a program that allows them do that? If they want to come midweek, do we have a program that allows them to do that?”


Premium Member
Also, according to several online dictionaries, the phrase "ride off into the sunset" traces its first usage to 1963, after TV westerns had been popular for the previous decade. So that phrase isn't that old.

But I'm going to start using sunsetting in conversation as much as I can, rest assured.

Well shape up... its also used as an verb...



Well-Known Member
True...but you’re talking about a massive gap.

And in the end...they’re amusement parks. Not the Mandarin Oriental Bora Bora.

Not only was built and needs a middle class element to stay profitable.

You deserve a drink just for getting the Mandarin Oriental into the discussion.

All I've been able to come up with lately is Target and In-N-Out and Satin Topless on Ball Road. :(


Premium Member
Just comes down to if the gap is worth the cost.

They can’t jump that gap.

The fundamental belief by Disney fans that “there are 3 people to take my place...” might have jumped the shark...the data suggests about 5 years ago. Attendances has “fluttered” during a boom...not gone straight up on an incline as it always had given conditions.

For Disneyland: that’s really tied to the passes. Huge chunk of the gate traffic.

This is a test that covid gives them economic cover to thinks.


Well-Known Member
only time I heard the term sunsetting is when a person has dementia and they are having an episode where they can't remember anything. " he/she is sunsetting right now"

That's actually sundowning.



Premium Member
i just realized -

Without a Disneyland Annual Pass, where are all the local social media vloggers and 'influencers' going to get their 'unfounded entitlement' fix?

Without a Disneyland Annual Pass, where are all the local roaming gangs of uniformed 'DLR Social Clubs' going to get off on acting like they own the place...?

Without a Disneyland Annual Pass, where are the local eBay 'flippers' who make a second income on the side going to do for aquiring Limited Edition Park exclusive merchandise ( at a discount ) to resell...??

The world just imploded.
I mean....the Land just imploded.

I can feel the ground trembling from aftershocks here, under my feet 2,400 miles away.


You can rest easy... disney still is going to welcome all those “people” on most days.

But they won’t have the same idea that they can go anyday they please for their fixed price.

I think you’ll simply see new constraints and Disney is taking this period as the opportunity to reset the calendar and everyone’s terms.


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
They can’t jump that gap.

The fundamental belief by Disney fans that “there are 3 people to take my place...” might have jumped the shark...the data suggests about 5 years ago. Attendances has “fluttered” during a boom...not gone straight up on an incline as it always had given conditions.

For Disneyland: that’s really tied to the passes. Huge chunk of the gate traffic.

This is a test that covid gives them economic cover to thinks.

I think the real question is how much are those with APs spending. Because the number of APs expected pushes labor costs up. If it was a money maker, I don't know if we would see APs being cancelled and everything along those lines. I think it's in the 'barely breaks even' camp.


Premium Member
There's no going back to the way things were. membership will for sure be some type of reservation thing and you will only be allowed soo many vists within a year meaning to get their money's worth they will have to stay all day at the park or flush that money down the drain.

I think disney will keep unlimited visits... they will just effectively keep you from overrunning the place by having reservations and maybe some way to better regulate access to those reservations


Premium Member
maybe it will be a membership where if you want to go daily you pay a certain price per month instead of buying a pass out right.

I think they will want to keep dangling that carrot of “look at the value!” And keep the bodies in the park... when they want them. The problem has simply been the lack of controls to limit their impact.

I bet you see more expensive changes to frequent visitors in things like parking options not returning.


Well-Known Member
I think they will want to keep dangling that carrot of “look at the value!” And keep the bodies in the park... when they want them. The problem has simply been the lack of controls to limit their impact.

I bet you see more expensive changes to frequent visitors in things like parking options not returning.
Or they do a thing were everyone pays a base rate for a membership and you can add things on like a meal plan, going to the park daily for like 6 months out of the year but with reservations, a max pass option, parking option etc. kinda like a gym. where you can add things ala cart.


Premium Member
I think the real question is how much are those with APs spending. Because the number of APs expected pushes labor costs up. If it was a money maker, I don't know if we would see APs being cancelled and everything along those lines. I think it's in the 'barely breaks even' camp.
No...I hear you. Very valid points. We know that APs spend less...locals do the same in Florida...but they also have a greater of out of state APs that spend a ton. Pin nuts...more or less


Well-Known Member
I'll be a little irked when Disneyland reopens with daily tiered pricing. Passholder crowd patterns were the scapegoat for allowing such a system to be created in the first place. We're all in the same boat now.

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