Disneyland Australia


New Member
Can't wait for the studios park, I like your ideas. No offense but mouse you can not spell, Try to speel a little better in the future its killing me.


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Originally posted by james4023464
Can't wait for the studios park, I like your ideas. No offense but mouse you can not spell, Try to speel a little better in the future its killing me.

I will try.:)


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Here is Around the World in 80 Days:

Around the World in 80 Days is a suspended dark ride that puts together parts of some Disney rides some examples are Peter Pan's Flight, Horizons, Cyberspace Mountain, Maelstrom, Fliks Flyers (From Fliks Fun Fair at DCA),Sorin' over California, Indiana Jones, and something like the Rockn'RollerCoaster Pre-Show.


I line for Around the world in 80 days is very much like the line for Journey to the Center of the Earth and 20 Thousand Leagues Under the Sea, Very dark, damp, you can hear water dripping, and all the steal and metal is rusty. The sign for the ride is like the other signs in Mysterious Island. The sign is inside a huge glass rotunda, on a hot air balloon. The begging of line goes around the hot air balloon. When you finish going around the hot air balloon you enter a dark damp cave. Once you turn left you see little rooms made out of the rock. Inside the rooms are blackboards showing the hot air ballon plans and here are also desks and other stuff you would find in a resurch are back in the late 1800's . Then you get to a preshow area were a person tells you that you are going to be one of first people to take part of Captain Nemos Around The World In 80 Days Hot Air Ballon Excursions (The person is on a screen that looks like the person is there. ex. Rockn'RollerCoaster). The person also tells you that you get to choose your rout around the world. You have to take at least 11 places to fly over .

Here is the list:
Fly Over = stop
Stop 1- 1. Egypt
2. Turkey
3. Russia
Stop 2- India (have to for an effect)
Stop 3- 1. China
2. Hong Kong
3. South Korea
Stop 4- Japan (have because no other place to go)
Stop 5- 1. Hawaii
2. Alaska
Stop 6- 1. San Francisco
2. Los Angeles
3. Baja California
Stop 7- 1. Chicago
2. New Orleans
3. Mexico City
Stop 8- 1. New York City
2. Cape Cod
3. Key West
Stop 9- 1. London
2. Spain
3. Iceland
Stop 10- 1. Paris
2. Norway
3. Italy
Stop 11- 1. Greece
2. Germany

Stop 12- Mysterious Island (to end it)

You then go to a machine that has buttons that you push to make your rout, ex you want to go see Egypt you push the button next to Egypt. Once you’re done a card is zipped out that has a code on it. After you’re done with the machine you go to the loading platform were you see the hot air balloon you will be traveling in. You see other people leaving in hot air balloons though a hole in the rock ceiling. The balloon comes in 3 colors red, Blue, and yellow. The basket you set in fits 4. In the middle of the basket is the device that spits the fire out to make the balloon go up. For Restraints you were a seat belt that locks once the ride starts and a very light lap bar. Once you are looked up the CM you take your card with the code on it and put in a slot in a fire device thing that tells the balloon were to go. Then you’re off! I will tell what will happens in each of the locations towmarrow!


New Member
this ride sounds kick @$$, I would love to ride this. This is one of the best ride ideas I've heard in a long time. Can't wait to see the rest.


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I will have to post the locations Towmarrow because I will be at a friends house who lives about 50 miles away from my computer. Bye :)
This ride sound preety neat, but I have a suggestion:

Having people select destinations on cards in the qeue presents two problems. Cards could be lost in the transfer and some people may select their destinations faster than others, plus guests could not remain in a perfect queu if they need to split off thus causing chaos in the qeue as the order is enevitably shuffled. The possible better alternative would be to have guests select their destinations once in the ballon, the onboard computer would then directly control the rest of the ride. The system could not be faltered by the card transfer people would be more quickly forced into making their selctions. They could more easliy be timed here and could be slected on some sort of intial desent.


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Sorry for the long delay agin. Same reason to (Football). We don't have pactice towmarrow because our High School Team has a scrimage and they want to whach. So the ride locations will be posted towmarrow.:)


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Sorry for not getting Around the World in 80 Days done this last weekend. Im typing it up right know on Microsoft Word and it should be done by 28.:)


New Member
whats up mouse, is it just me or have you been posting Around the World in 80 Days for over a month now. I think we have seen more of enough of this ride. Tell us about your other rides. Not trying to be rude.


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Here finnaly are the descriptions of each location in Around the World in 80 days. The Emperors New Groove boat/dark ride will be posted sometime next week. For fun once you’re done reading this chose the route you would like. Here it is:

Stop 1.
You leave Mysterious Island at night so in the begging it will be dark and there will be stars in the ceiling and the first fly over or stop will
Will be at sunrise.

1.Egypt- For Egypt you will fly right in front of the Great Sphinx and the Great Pyramids of Giza at sunrise. If you look at the bottom of the main pyramid you will see AA people digging around it. Then after that you fly over the Suez Canal with AA boats moving though the canal

2.Turkey- For Turkey you will fly over Istanbul. Once named Byzantium then Constantinople. During the fly over of Istanbul you will see the Haghia Sophia. Which is a large domed building with four large towers on each of the corners.

3.Russia- For Russia you will fly over Moscow. During your trip over Moscow you will fly next to St. Basil’s Cathedral and The Kremlin. On the roads below you see people and horse buggies.

Stop 2.

1. 1.India- India will have two parts. The first part will be flying over the jungle in India and seeing a train stopped in because there is no more track. Also you will fly next to the Taj Mahal. The second part is flying over the Bay of Bengal. Once you first start off you can see dark clouds in front of you. Soon after you start hearing thunder and seeing lighting. Then the winds start to kick up and you balloon starts to sway back and forth a little bit. Then it starts to downpour (You get wet but not to wet). Then after about a half a minute after the swaying starts the sun comes out and the storm ends.

Stop 3.

1.Hong Kong- If you chose to fly over Hong Kong you will fly over two areas in Hong Kong. The first area you will fly over is a busy market place. There will be a lot of people walking around below you. The second are will the port of Hong Kong. Below you will be large late 19-century ocean liners and other types of boats.

2.China- For China you will fly over two things again. The first thing you will fly over is the Yangtze River, the largest river in Asia. You will see different types of boats in the river. The second thing you’ll see is the Great Wall of China. There will be AA people walking the wall for transportation.

3.Japan- For Japan you will fly next to Mt. Fuji. If you look at the side you will see a group of people trying to go up the side of the mountain. After flying next Mt. Fuji you will fly over a Buddhist Temple.

Stop 4.

1.Alaska- if you chose Alaska you will go over a large arctic environment. If you look done you will see an igloo. Another thing you will notice or fell is that temperature of this area is a lot lower then the other rooms. You also have fake snow will be blown on you as well.

2.Hawaii- if you prefer warm places to cold places you will chose Hawaii (I sound like a travel agent). For Hawaii you will fly over Mauna Loa. When you flying over Mauna Loa it will be erupting a little bit. After that you will fly over a beach with waves coming in.

Stop 5.

1.San Francisco Bay Area – This Area will have two parts. The first part is you will fly over the bay. The second part of the Bay Area is you will fly over what will become Yosemite National Park. On one of the rock faces you will see someone climbing up it.

2.Grand Canyon- says it’s self.

3. Mexico City- while flying over Mexico City you will see a lot of Spanish looking buildings. You will also fly over the remains of old Aztec temples and buildings.

Stop 6

1. Chicago- You will fly over what the port looked liked at that time

2. New Orleans- you will see the city and a boat going down the Mississippi River to the Atlantic Ocean.

Stop 7

1. New York City- you fly over what the city looked liked back then. Also you will see a bunch of boats heading to Ellis Island.

2. Cape Code- First you will fly over Boston. Then after that you will fly over the cape itself.

3. Key West- you fly over the Gulf of Mexico then you will see the Islands in the distance. Which you will then fly over.

Stop 8

1. Iceland- Iceland will be a mix between Hawaii and Alaska. It will be like Hawaii because it will have erupting volcanoes and it will be like Alaska because it will feel cold and there will be a lot of snow around the volcanoes.

2. Spain- For Spain you will fly over a cattle farm with Spanish Cowboys grouping them up. Then after that you will over Barcelona.

3. United Kingdom- First you will fly over Ireland for a brief period of time. Then you fly over London were you will see Big Been and other London landmarks.

Stop 9

1. Paris- For Paris you will first fly over the Eiffel Tower. Then you will fly over the rest of the city and other Paris landmarks.

2. Norway- For Norway you will fly though one of Norway’s fjords. Then you will fly over a little fishing village at the end of the fjords.

3. Italy- Italy will be split up into two parts. The first part is you will fly over Rome. You will see the Coliseum and other land marks. Then you will fly over Venice and you see the canals.

Stop 10

1. Greece- For Greece you will fly over Athens. You see the Parthenon and other old Greek ruins.

2. Germany- When you fly over Germany will fly over Neuschwanstein Castle. This is the castle that inspired the look of the Castle at Disneyland.

Well, the description of the expereince sounds good good, but how is the ride acutally going to work, mechanically speaking? Is it a dark ride, EMV, ect. How are you building the scenery and so on? Also how is this whole interactive thing going to work, I know you said before but you were kind of vauge, you'll have alot of combonaitons to account for.


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You ride in a hot air ballon that is like Peter Pan. Except the it will be able to sway back and forth to your left and your right. You also sit with two people sitting one way while the other two people are facing them. The Ballon moves by a machine that is derected by a cable. The Ballon is conneted to the the machine with cables also. The machine is above the unseen ceiling. The machine can tell when your out of the room and it will read the what you chose and it will move you to another cable that goes though the next room. If you don't understand what I said here is a pic.


  • ballon.jpg
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So inorder to switch cables I am assuming that the machine is on a track of it's own and can switch tracks like a roailroad does, but then if so is the cable really nesisary?
I really like your ride so excuse me for playing devil's adovacte for a minute, but what exactly would happen if say 5 ballons in line picked the smae or very similar routes wouldn't there be a chance of them backing up the works so to speak

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