
Well-Known Member
While I agree that many people need to get real and take off those rose-tinted specs, I can't help but think that this thread in particular was started by an alarmist and for no particular reason.... there is already another similar thread going on... it's more well thought out to boot. I see no point in starting a thread about another thread....


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure where you are coming from.
Yes prices are going out of site, but not only Disney, everywhere.
Our economy is falling apart right now, everyone is feeling it, even large companies.

Disney has put millions and millions into brand new rides the last few years.
They also have updated many of the old ones and repairing the parks to there old glory.

I am not sure what you are asking for except a break in price for yourself.

I thought Disney was expensive until I went to Washington DC. ouch. Much more expensive, so I imagine many other large cities cost just as much.

I would like better prices being a passholder but you cant ask for everything and still keep all the magic you love.



We were just there and we had a great time...just like we always do.
Cutbacks? Economic crisis? We saw no signs of it.
We go fairly often, and each time we go with the same level of excitement and anticipation. And we never come home feeling like Disney has let us down. Maybe it's all in the attitude...

Yup I was there a few weeks ago, and it was the most crowded I had seen it in a while. I know reservations look bleak in the upcoming months, but Disney knows what they're doing. They'll get things done.


Well-Known Member
So you came on this thread just to tell people that they are pathetic. Exactly what were you trying to achieve with that statement?

You said that "we come on these boards". Are you assuming a little here?

Finally, we are being "rude and disrespectful" because we may not agree with the "everything is great" crowd. Since when is disagreement "rude and disrespectful"?

Its rude and disrespectful when that is all you do on a message board that is meant for fans. Its one thing to disagree on which attractions are better, or the best park and things along those lines. But to come here on a daily basis and condemn WDW, the management and the company as a whole, with nothing positive to say is basically trolling.


Well-Known Member
Its rude and disrespectful when that is all you do on a message board that is meant for fans. Its one thing to disagree on which attractions are better, or the best park and things along those lines. But to come here on a daily basis and condemn WDW, the management and the company as a whole, with nothing positive to say is basically trolling.
Well, I do not think that the OP or others were necessarily trolling, I think that they love WDW so much that they are upset about what they feel are negative changes.

Fans are often critical of things. Do you not have a favorite sports team? Don't you criticize them when they do not perform up to your standards. There has not been a season that has gone by when I did not call the Yankees "a bunch of bums". But I still like the team. I also still love Disney. But there do seem to be some disturbing trends lately. You could disagree with that and that is fine, as long as the disagreement is intelligent and respectful, a majority of people will be willing to discuss the issue at hand. :)


What a tired thread. The OP assumes he/she knows the business of running a major American stock controlled company; as do many of the posters here.

There isn't much going on that is great and new and big at WDW... that we know of. But this yap, yap is such a waste of my click in NEW AND RUMORS. Put this in General Discussion or create a new SELF STIMULATE CHAT.


Well-Known Member
Granted there are somethings that need to be refreshed at WDR but its still better the going to Six Flags and being possably shot by a gang member.


Well-Known Member
I don't understand why some people are so down on WDW. The parks and hotels are great and we always have fun whether there are new attractions or not. Why is it so difficult for some people to just appreciate what they have? Of course Disney has made changes to WDW that i'm not excited about, but that doesn't take away from the really reason that many of us fans return time and time again - the Disney magic. I personally like to be at WDW no matter what I'm doing, I'd rather be at Diseny
*putting away soapbox*



I don't understand why some people are so down on WDW. The parks and hotels are great and we always have fun whether there are new attractions or not. Why is it so difficult for some people to just appreciate what they have? Of course Disney has made changes to WDW that i'm not excited about, but that doesn't take away from the really reason that many of us fans return time and time again - the Disney magic. I personally like to be at WDW no matter what I'm doing, I'd rather be at Diseny
*putting away soapbox*


Exactly. Look, I don't know how often members of this forum visit DW, but I'm going to assume that a good number of them go yearly - or if they're a Passholder (like I am) go up to 3 or 4 times a year. Those very well might be the majority of people saying that Disney needs a new this or a new that. Fix that attraction and open this one. Truth is, we're the minority, guys.

There is an uncountable (yes, that's a word! Haha) number of families who can't afford to go as often as they'd like, or live out of the country, so on and so forth. They can go years, maybe even a decade or 2 without visiting DW. Do you think a family or a couple is going to nitpick about certain things at a Disney park after making their first trip in 5 years? No. It's all going to be like new to them again. Heck, prior to becoming a Passholder, I would only visit DW once every 2 to 3 years, and everytime I came back and hopped on POTC or the Mansion (among others) I'd discover something new or think to myself "Hey, I didn't even remember that!"

Some of you (and I'm not singling anybody out) just need to relax and not expect the World of THE World! Rome wasn't built in a day. Just because things don't sprout overnight doesn't mean there isn't anything to look forward to. It's coming. We just don't know when. Disney's not going to remain idle while competitors attempt to 1-up them. Be patient in the meantime, eh? And if you're there for the 7th time in a year, then there's a reason for it. Because you love the place. Because it takes you back to your childhood. Whatever the reason may be. Enjoy it.


New Member
I'm so sick of these kinds of threads. Honestly, if you don't like it, don't go. And then don't complain about it at "An Unofficial Walt Disney World FAN Site".

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
Post on this thread have been delivered by Snap-on.

Of if youz dnt luv the muze ill squeem and squeem and squeem.
Oh deary deary me, Are the skools on holiday or has there been an increase in care in the community programs?

Susan Savia

Well-Known Member
I liked the parks the way they were 10 years ago...I miss those rides and shows...But I am sure WDW wants to keep up with the times and so they change things. That would not stop us from coming, ever. :)
I've been going to WDW for about 30 yrs.like it ...yep...if I didn't I wouldn't go.However ,I have noticed some letdowns,I went to POLY for dinner...Bathroom was the worst I have ever seen at Disney...it was dirty I mean towels & toilet paper on the floor.I never HAVE SEEN IT LIKE THIS.I stay on site every time I go...I am not hard up for cash BUT...prices...for rooms & food are kkind of high i CAN BUT REFUSE TO PAY $500 PLUS PER NIGHT! I don't look at these postings as people coming down on Disney...any business CAN improve & if no one complains the business cannot get better.In my business I ASK for ANY complaints...how can I satisfy customers..if they do not tell me what I am doing wrong!! No business is perfect & can always be improved!


Well-Known Member
I'm with you. Unless there's a significant raise in prices, I'm going to keep going. And going. And then go some more. They don't need new attractions, hotels, or anything of the like to keep me coming back. I'll be there regardless. A lot of people just sound like a bunch of spoiled brats.



Well-Known Member
granted there are somethings that need to be refreshed at wdr but its still better the going to six flags and being possably shot by a gang member.

That depends. A good shot in the leg could yield some great sympathy gifts. A trip to WDW for example.;)


Well-Known Member
Not sure what all the talk of high prices is coming from. I'm paying $144 per night for the Wilderness Lodge in January. I got a rental for for 6 days for $150. My flight just went down $40.

No complaints here.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
what this post is food for thought..

First, I didn't start the 14 pages of WDW being stale.. I was commenting on them..

two, There is at least an attitude that WDW is slipping. whether it be a little or a lot.. If there wasn't this attitude, there wouldn't be 14 pages of concern..

Three, this DOES go back to Eisner.. Because while at first he made major changes at WDW, He STOPPED.. and changed the progress attitude to one of profit taking.

So then this leads to this question. Don't you want to see WDW at its GREATEST? or is 3/4ths of Disney good enough? and if 3/4ths is good enough is then 2/3rds acceptable. and then how far down are you willing to go?

5/8ths? 1/2 ? IS DISNEY at one half its best GOOD ENOUGH?

because in business you are doing one of two things either IMPROVING or GOING BACKWARDS.. because no business ever stays at neutral.. EVER..

and right now, even the most die hard of you acknowledge that WDW isn't as good as it was at its peak..

and that's scary.. and not a good trend.


Well-Known Member
I've been going to WDW for about 30 yrs.like it ...yep...if I didn't I wouldn't go.However ,I have noticed some letdowns,I went to POLY for dinner...Bathroom was the worst I have ever seen at Disney.
You should see the bathroom Mickeys Star port and merchant of venus, it was nasty two weeks ago.
You should see the bathroom Mickeys Star port and merchant of venus, it was nasty two weeks ago.

It may be a small thing, but to me, the messy bathrooms are the most telling sign that things aren't what they should be. Years ago, when people asked me why we always go to Disney, I would say quite confidently that it was always spotlessly clean. I was amazed at how well-kept the bathrooms were despite thousands of people using them. In the past several years, however, I've noticed a very disturbing trend toward messy, and sometimes disgusting, bathrooms. I have complained to CMs repeatedly about the restroom near Sci Fi, which for the past few trips has been horrible. I saw the mess at the Poly ladies' room (by Ohana) recently, too. Nothing ruins the magic faster, IMHO!

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