EPCOT Explorer

New Member
These threads are pathetic. Why does Steve allow them to continue?

I think the problem with this messsage board is that its going to lose alot of WDW fans due to the constant whining of a few consistent posters. You think your posts and threads about how horrible Disney is or has become is getting through to the honchos in the offices of WDW, but in actuality all your doing is pushing fans of WDW away from Steves site.

People don't come to a message board about WDW looking for someone to criticize everything the company is doing. We come here because we love the product and its our escape from reality for a few minutes to talk about the place we love and the potential for good things to come.

Maybe I should go to a wrestling message board and complain all the time how the WWE better listen up! The program stinks now cause you don't have characters like George the Animal Steele or Golddust, and everyone looks like a regular guy! Im sure thats what the WWE message board fans will enjoy!

Or maybe I will go to a video game message board and complain how games now are too complicated and it was better back in the day cause I didn't have 10 buttons on a controller. Older games were so much simpler and fun! Yeah, I bet that will make Nintendo and Sony wake up and Im sure thats what the fans on the boards will really love it.

I grew up loving wrestling and video games and still have interest in both, but I don't enjoy the products like I used too, but Im not about to go on a message board where people who do love the current products are hanging out to talk about their passion.

I think you complainers on here are rude and disrespectful to the people who come here as fans of the current product that Disney is offering.

Compared to other boards...this one is civil.:D

And it's a Forum...This is it's purpose for it.:)

If you don't like it...? You know the answer.:wave:

The rest of us can talk about WDW and our thoughts on it.:)


Active Member
interesting... people are all for joining a discussion board when they have *I LIKES T3H PIXIE DUST* as a common cause. But when people start to be concerned for something they have a passion for they are seen as the message board heathens/lepers.

People, both side of the fence have an equal right to air their grievances. Being so drastic as 'you don't aggree with me so I am going to throw a hissy fit and leave' just wreaks of immaturity.

One of the main reasons why I pay hardly any attention to this place anymore - is as pumbass identified; the rose tinted users that jump down anyones throat for thinking in a slightly different angle. I get a better response playing hide and seek with my 1 year old niece.


Well-Known Member
To each his own. I know I wouldn't be on here as much if this site were only a bunch of sparkling icons and badges, and one line posts about how Jack Sparrow is so cute, or Splash Mountain is the best ride. I know there are posts like that here now, and I know they don't interest me, so I choose to ignore them. I prefer posts of substance, and critiquing the parks' decisions is one of the few possible topics of substance (besides topics of facts, which really aren't conducive to a forum, since there need not be any discussion there).

If someone is driven away when there is a mix of content, some of which appeals to them, that is their own fault for choosing to invest too much time in the content they don't like.

I agree. As long as it is well thought out I don't mind negative posts. Secondly, I was just at the world last week and was shocked at how many people were at the parks. The hotels were not that crowded but the parks had plenty of guests. 2009 might be bleak, but 2008 seems solid.


Born Modest. Wore Off.
Premium Member
I have been reading these threads over the past few months that talk about the inattention to details, lack of upkeep, non-working effects, loss of optimism (Explorer, that one's for you!), budget-cutting, and all-around disappointment at the direction of things. And I agree with most of it. And I am beyond disappointed and distraught at the closing of the Adventurer's Club.

However, I also see hints...wisps....harbingers if I am correct...that the seeds of change are being planted.

By and large, people are excited about the ideas coming to DCA, and the blue sky celler seems to show that the imagineers are still capable.

Toy Story Midway Mania is really quite a brilliant attraction, capacity issue notwithstanding. It's rereadability quotient ought to be extremely high.

We have seen big budget rehabs/improvements at PoTC and HM that have gone well and been well-received. And management has noticed, I'm sure.

Even the Country Bears is getting some love, though not as much as we would have liked.

The HOP rehab sounds, to me, like a test case for digital projection, which is something we've all longed for in other WDW productions. I'm guessing that if it works well, we'll see that applied to other attractions that need it.

The Kim Possible attraction, which I am personally excited by, shows that they are looking for new ways to add attractions.

Sure, this message is rose colored, (unlike Ben Franklin's spectacles in the American Adventure), and there is no doubt that I WANT to see these things as harbingers of the future. But even taking that into account, I am thinking that the next 15 years will have us all smiling much more than we may think. It won't happen in a big burst, but by 2013, I think we'll be amazed at all that has been done, announced, and planned.

So, in terms of my sig....now is not the best time of WDW's life....but there is, I hope, I think, a great big beautiful tomorrow


Well-Known Member
This is not the first down turn in the economy, after 911 the parks were empty for a couple of years. WDW did not get ambitous, they cut back and maintained the status. I remember they had a hiring freeze. This is what every smart company does to weather the storm. I think it would be irresponsible to get into expensive abitious projects.

In a down economy it's not a matter of people deciding were to go, wdw or Vegas. People don't have the money. Disney is in the position that the people that have money will still come. I have certainly seen a lot less advertisemnt by WDW. A smart corporate move..

I renewed my annual pass in Dec,2001 and WDW gave me an extra 3 months just for renewing. These are the sign of the times we are entering again.

Oh yea, I remember going in the summer of 2002 and I didnt notice how sparse it was until I watched the vacation videos we've made. Esp. comparing it to 2005 and such, I thought from then until maybe last year attendance kept climbing. Anybody think this year will see a small decrease in attendance at WDW?

EPCOT Explorer

New Member
I have been reading these threads over the past few months that talk about the inattention to details, lack of upkeep, non-working effects, loss of optimism (Explorer, that one's for you!), budget-cutting, and all-around disappointment at the direction of things. And I agree with most of it. And I am beyond disappointed and distraught at the closing of the Adventurer's Club.

However, I also see hints...wisps....harbingers if I am correct...that the seeds of change are being planted.

By and large, people are excited about the ideas coming to DCA, and the blue sky celler seems to show that the imagineers are still capable.

Toy Story Midway Mania is really quite a brilliant attraction, capacity issue notwithstanding. It's rereadability quotient ought to be extremely high.

We have seen big budget rehabs/improvements at PoTC and HM that have gone well and been well-received. And management has noticed, I'm sure.

Even the Country Bears is getting some love, though not as much as we would have liked.

The HOP rehab sounds, to me, like a test case for digital projection, which is something we've all longed for in other WDW productions. I'm guessing that if it works well, we'll see that applied to other attractions that need it.

The Kim Possible attraction, which I am personally excited by, shows that they are looking for new ways to add attractions.

Sure, this message is rose colored, (unlike Ben Franklin's spectacles in the American Adventure), and there is no doubt that I WANT to see these things as harbingers of the future. But even taking that into account, I am thinking that the next 15 years will have us all smiling much more than we may think. It won't happen in a big burst, but by 2013, I think we'll be amazed at all that has been done, announced, and planned.

So, in terms of my sig....now is not the best time of WDW's life....but there is, I hope, I think, a great big beautiful tomorrow

I prefer posts of substance, and critiquing the parks' decisions is one of the few possible topics of substance (besides topics of facts, which really aren't conducive to a forum, since there need not be any discussion there).

If someone is driven away when there is a mix of content, some of which appeals to them, that is their own fault for choosing to invest too much time in the content they don't like.

Also true! As long as posters remain civil and are stating their opinion, as the OP here did, there is no reason to be insulted. People certainly have the right to disagree without being insulted.


Active Member
These threads are pathetic. Why does Steve allow them to continue?

I think the problem with this messsage board is that its going to lose alot of WDW fans due to the constant whining of a few consistent posters. You think your posts and threads about how horrible Disney is or has become is getting through to the honchos in the offices of WDW, but in actuality all your doing is pushing fans of WDW away from Steves site.

People don't come to a message board about WDW looking for someone to criticize everything the company is doing. We come here because we love the product and its our escape from reality for a few minutes to talk about the place we love and the potential for good things to come.

Maybe I should go to a wrestling message board and complain all the time how the WWE better listen up! The program stinks now cause you don't have characters like George the Animal Steele or Golddust, and everyone looks like a regular guy! Im sure thats what the WWE message board fans will enjoy!

Or maybe I will go to a video game message board and complain how games now are too complicated and it was better back in the day cause I didn't have 10 buttons on a controller. Older games were so much simpler and fun! Yeah, I bet that will make Nintendo and Sony wake up and Im sure thats what the fans on the boards will really love it.

I grew up loving wrestling and video games and still have interest in both, but I don't enjoy the products like I used too, but Im not about to go on a message board where people who do love the current products are hanging out to talk about their passion.

I think you complainers on here are rude and disrespectful to the people who come here as fans of the current product that Disney is offering.

You hit the nail right on the head, Kaz.


Well-Known Member
Honestly, I feel like the only one who can still have a good time at Disney Cutbacks or not :shrug:

We were just there and we had a great time...just like we always do.
Cutbacks? Economic crisis? We saw no signs of it.
We go fairly often, and each time we go with the same level of excitement and anticipation. And we never come home feeling like Disney has let us down. Maybe it's all in the attitude...


Well-Known Member
These threads are pathetic. Why does Steve allow them to continue?

I think the problem with this messsage board is that its going to lose alot of WDW fans due to the constant whining of a few consistent posters. You think your posts and threads about how horrible Disney is or has become is getting through to the honchos in the offices of WDW, but in actuality all your doing is pushing fans of WDW away from Steves site.

People don't come to a message board about WDW looking for someone to criticize everything the company is doing. We come here because we love the product and its our escape from reality for a few minutes to talk about the place we love and the potential for good things to come.

Maybe I should go to a wrestling message board and complain all the time how the WWE better listen up! The program stinks now cause you don't have characters like George the Animal Steele or Golddust, and everyone looks like a regular guy! Im sure thats what the WWE message board fans will enjoy!

Or maybe I will go to a video game message board and complain how games now are too complicated and it was better back in the day cause I didn't have 10 buttons on a controller. Older games were so much simpler and fun! Yeah, I bet that will make Nintendo and Sony wake up and Im sure thats what the fans on the boards will really love it.

I grew up loving wrestling and video games and still have interest in both, but I don't enjoy the products like I used too, but Im not about to go on a message board where people who do love the current products are hanging out to talk about their passion.

I think you complainers on here are rude and disrespectful to the people who come here as fans of the current product that Disney is offering.
So you came on this thread just to tell people that they are pathetic. Exactly what were you trying to achieve with that statement?

You said that "we come on these boards". Are you assuming a little here?

Finally, we are being "rude and disrespectful" because we may not agree with the "everything is great" crowd. Since when is disagreement "rude and disrespectful"?

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