
I used to check wdwmagic.com daily, sometimes even twice a day. Now, I usually only check it out once a month. It has become a place where annual passholders whine and complain about the littlest of things.

The original poster is a prime example as to why I don't live on this board anymore. I have been to the World 5 times in the past 3 years. I still get that magical feeling anytime I walk in the gates. I don't need new huge e-tickets to be added every year.

The economy sucks right now. This is not the time to keep adding to the parks. Disney is and should be in survival mode. I bet Universal is wishing they could have gotten Harry Potter open before the economy fell apart. They are going to open with lower attendence then projected.


The original poster is a prime example as to why I don't live on this board anymore. I have been to the World 5 times in the past 3 years. I still get that magical feeling anytime I walk in the gates. I don't need new huge e-tickets to be added every year.

E-ticket every year isn't the point. The point is letting existing rides fall into decay. I still get the magical feeling, but sometimes its dampened by a great amount of flaws in rides, and the blatant disregard for show quality.

The economy sucks right now. This is not the time to keep adding to the parks. Disney is and should be in survival mode. I bet Universal is wishing they could have gotten Harry Potter open before the economy fell apart. They are going to open with lower attendence then projected.

But when the economy recovers, people will be saying, "Where should we go Disney or Universal? Well Disney doesn't have anything new and Universal has HARRY POTTER! Let's go there!"

You want to build something that will have the people talking when things get better, because if you announce plans for a ride after, it'll still be 3 years away from opening. So which would you rather have: a ride that will help attendance immediately after the economy recovers, or one three years after?

Mori Anne

Active Member
In the Parks
.......But when the economy recovers, people will be saying, "Where should we go Disney or Universal? Well Disney doesn't have anything new and Universal has HARRY POTTER! Let's go there!"........

This is a good point. But, for me, I could only spare a day or two to see Harry Potter :)...which I will, but the rest of the 10 days will still go to Disney. There is something about WDW (a few broken rides, a few dirty bathroom, overpriced meals, and all) that just puts me on cloud 9. Being at WDW isn't just about the rides, but the "illusion" that it creates for me and my family. Really, WDW isn't that expensive to go to, it is just expensive to eat at:) :D


This is a good point. But, for me, I could only spare a day or two to see Harry Potter :)...which I will, but the rest of the 10 days will still go to Disney. There is something about WDW (a few broken rides, a few dirty bathroom, overpriced meals, and all) that just puts me on cloud 9. Being at WDW isn't just about the rides, but the "illusion" that it creates for me and my family. Really, WDW isn't that expensive to go to, it is just expensive to eat at:) :D

Oh, I still love going to the parks, and I always have fun when I'm there. But I have goals in the company, preferably at WDW. And WDW Management has lost their way. They only care about the bottom lie and not about the quality of the product. I don't want to seem like I hate the parks, because I feel the farthest thing from that. I'm just disappointed in the direction in which they are being taken.


Well-Known Member
This is a good point. But, for me, I could only spare a day or two to see Harry Potter :)...which I will, but the rest of the 10 days will still go to Disney. There is something about WDW (a few broken rides, a few dirty bathroom, overpriced meals, and all) that just puts me on cloud 9. Being at WDW isn't just about the rides, but the "illusion" that it creates for me and my family. Really, WDW isn't that expensive to go to, it is just expensive to eat at:) :D

I agree, WDW is about the "illusion." Personally, though, I feel the "illusion" is ruined by the dirty bathrooms, broken rides and overpriced meals. That's not to say I'm still not a fan, I am, or that I don't have fun when there, I do, just that there are aspects of the parks operations that I feel could be improved upon.

Mori Anne

Active Member
In the Parks
I agree, WDW is about the "illusion." Personally, though, I feel the "illusion" is ruined by the dirty bathrooms, broken rides and overpriced meals. That's not to say I'm still not a fan, I am, or that I don't have fun when there, I do, just that there are aspects of the parks operations that I feel could be improved upon.

Oh, I still love going to the parks, and I always have fun when I'm there. But I have goals in the company, preferably at WDW. And WDW Management has lost their way. They only care about the bottom lie and not about the quality of the product. I don't want to seem like I hate the parks, because I feel the farthest thing from that. I'm just disappointed in the direction in which they are being taken.

I completly understand. Everything can be improved upon, even at WDW. I don't think it is selfish, out of line, or "rude" for any fan of WDW (whether a weekly visitor, yearly, or whatever visitor he/she/you are) to want new attractions, want clean bathrooms, older rides cleaned up and brought back to their full potentials, management improvements, or even fans that would like to see WDW take a better direction than they are. I can't and won't fault anyone on that. After all, we ALL want more Disney, and we ALL want WDW to continue to be the best place EVER. :D

BTW... Disney.. If you are listening, can you PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE put more dole whip kiosks around the parks :) Thx in advance !!!


Well-Known Member
Exactly. Look, I don't know how often members of this forum visit DW, but I'm going to assume that a good number of them go yearly - or if they're a Passholder (like I am) go up to 3 or 4 times a year. Those very well might be the majority of people saying that Disney needs a new this or a new that. Fix that attraction and open this one. Truth is, we're the minority, guys.

There is an uncountable (yes, that's a word! Haha) number of families who can't afford to go as often as they'd like, or live out of the country, so on and so forth. They can go years, maybe even a decade or 2 without visiting DW. Do you think a family or a couple is going to nitpick about certain things at a Disney park after making their first trip in 5 years? No. It's all going to be like new to them again. Heck, prior to becoming a Passholder, I would only visit DW once every 2 to 3 years, and everytime I came back and hopped on POTC or the Mansion (among others) I'd discover something new or think to myself "Hey, I didn't even remember that!"

Some of you (and I'm not singling anybody out) just need to relax and not expect the World of THE World! Rome wasn't built in a day. Just because things don't sprout overnight doesn't mean there isn't anything to look forward to. It's coming. We just don't know when. Disney's not going to remain idle while competitors attempt to 1-up them. Be patient in the meantime, eh? And if you're there for the 7th time in a year, then there's a reason for it. Because you love the place. Because it takes you back to your childhood. Whatever the reason may be. Enjoy it.

You totally nailed it right on the head. Us Disney crazed fans are the minority based on the millions of every day families that go to WDW. Some go once in their entire life. Some every 5 or 10 years. I dont think the numbers of people that go every month or each weekend is that staggering. To be fair to Disney, they would have to have a new E-ticket Attraction built each month to make some of us happy.


Active Member
I just read 14 pages of WDW being stale. Now a few years ago, this thread wouldn't have lasted two pages much less 14..

but now, this thread had legs and legs and legs..

and judging by a combination of the economy, previous high gas prices and the miserly attitude of Disney World, I see this year as one of being a down year for this attraction..

and I say that Disney, you had better start listening. You have the golden goose but its getting very sick from lack of attention. and Trust me, any place can go out of business. EVEN DISNEY WORLD.

it's fair time that you stop raising prices and giving less to your consumers.

its time that you give more and charge a little less. Or things can turn and go down hill in a hurry..

One thing is that Disney needs x number of dollars to maintain upkeep. Just like the hotel that I USED TO STAY AT.. 20 years ago.. it was busting at the seems . it was free breakfest and a tank full of gas when you left..

and then the owners kept profit taking and no money in to upkeep..

First the gas station closed.. Then the restaurant .. and from what I here the hotel doesn't exist any more..

Disney.. you need to be listening.. because people are starting to talk.. and its not being stopped either.. and that friction means you can get some smoke... and eventually with smoke there is fire..

Its time for a call to action.. Disney.. ARE YOU LISTENING?

O hells bells and buckets, this whole thread will end in someones misery.:lookaroun


Well-Known Member
The food never bothered me....it is equal in price to food at many other major theme parks.

The attractions are being rehabbed, just at a slower pace than people would like. I'm not happy about it, but they are scheduling things for rehab all the time.

And Potterland has already had a major delay placed on it. I'd be surprised if it was completely finished in three years and I don't think the economy will have recovered in the time anyway. These problems are more serious than anyone wants to admit, and many companies are doing what they can to ride the storm.

I agree with many of you about what needs to be done, but where is this money coming from?? Less people are flying, Disney stock has lost much of its value over the last year with many other major corporations, and the average family has less vacation time, fewer jobs, and will vacation closer to home. And yet we should spend recklessly on every project? Attitudes like that are what hit our economy in the first place.

The rehabs should be better, and money should be spent, but perhaps this is not the time. I'm sure they are worried that hey will not be able to fill all their new DVC and will be taking a huge hit in profits.

Just a thought.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
there are now over 25 pages..

From the last time I looked, there were over 25 pages on the Disney is stale post..

and again, I say, DISNEY You need to be listening.

word of mouth is the best and worst advertising.. and it operates on the 50/5 rule..

If you get bad service you tell 50 people.. good service 5 people..

so if the toilets are looking bad at Disney.. and they get 100,000 per day and they all tell 50 people.. it doesn't take long for the word to get around that DISNEY IS NO LONGER THE PLACE TO GO..

and say what you want.. but Disney needs big crowds to sustain its business..

so saying "don't come and more for me " isn't a equation that will work..

It time for some one who works for Disney who post here, to say.. hey if its starting on the internet its going to have LONG LEGS..

and maybe some big wig or some stuffed suit had better take notice..

any place can be in trouble.. I can give you a number of major stores, or use GM or a number of businesses as an example when you LET QUALITY SLIP..

that's the simple truth.


I agree with many of you about what needs to be done, but where is this money coming from?? Less people are flying, Disney stock has lost much of its value over the last year with many other major corporations, and the average family has less vacation time, fewer jobs, and will vacation closer to home. And yet we should spend recklessly on every project? Attitudes like that are what hit our economy in the first place

Your theory would stick if they haven't had HUGE crowds the past few years, yet still have been doing half as much that is needed.


Well-Known Member
Your theory would stick if they haven't had HUGE crowds the past few years, yet still have been doing half as much that is needed.

True, but I would contend that this cash has been flowing into new DVC construction as well as resort rehabs rather than into rides. It is not that the budget went down, it is that it has been allocated differently. Just the new North Tower demo and construction and what has been a near-complete refurb of the A-frame's rooms is quite pricey.

I would say again that less money is being funneled away WDW to compensate for DL falling apart around them a few years ago. I think in a few months, when the economic impact of the current crisis has really shown itself, then is the time to make far-ranging judgements.


I would say again that less money is being funneled away WDW to compensate for DL falling apart around them a few years ago. I think in a few months, when the economic impact of the current crisis has really shown itself, then is the time to make far-ranging judgements.

Unfortunately this just shows they haven't learned from their mistakes. Neglecting one park for the sake of the other doesn't work. Rides like Space Mountain, Jungle Cruise, Peter Pan, and POTC, yes POTC, are in terrible shape.

WDW Management, more importantly MK Management, needs to be campaigning for cash in order to fix these problems. But of course they know they can keep these rides open in their current conditions and get a record bottom line...but how long will it take before MK is falling apart?


Well-Known Member
Unfortunately this just shows they haven't learned from their mistakes. Neglecting one park for the sake of the other doesn't work. Rides like Space Mountain, Jungle Cruise, Peter Pan, and POTC, yes POTC, are in terrible shape.

WDW Management, more importantly MK Management, needs to be campaigning for cash in order to fix these problems. But of course they know they can keep these rides open in their current conditions and get a record bottom line...but how long will it take before MK is falling apart?

I agree, but how do we know that MK management ISN'T campaigning. I'm not sure who to point the finger at, or how much the business model requires the money moving this way.

I would love to be more informed, as perhaps someone out there is, on the inner finantial workings of Disney as a complete corporation, not just the parks department.

Perhaps they haven't learned, as I believe they have FAR overproduced DVC property....I just hope that perhaps there is something else behind it.


Well-Known Member
It is known and has been proven and announced that Disney employs people who do nothing but monitor message forums - so they are seeing this.

However, it is also a fact that the amount of people that frequent Disney fan sites is an extremely small percentage of those who visit the parks. (17 million people visited MK in 2007!)

I am not saying that Disney won't listen - I am just saying that they are going to weigh all input proportionally - and they will give more weight to people who complain in person than to those who complain on a message board - as faceless, nameless board members.


I agree, but how do we know that MK management ISN'T campaigning. I'm not sure who to point the finger at, or how much the business model requires the money moving this way.

They aren't. Believe me. They care about getting things done as cheaply as possible. The POTC rehab is a great example. We were supposed to get a new show scene, but of course management said, "They'll enjoy it the way it is."


Well-Known Member
I think it's easy for people to criticize a company's actions when they haven't a clue how a company that large actually works. Or how capitalism works, for that matter.
Look, you have the money. If you think spending it at WDW is a loss of potential, then don't do it. Let your money talk.
The fact is, people do still enjoy WDW and their money also talks. That's how capitalism works.
Sometimes a business sees fit to cut corners, but this thread accuses Disney of raising admission prices and giving less (I don't get the giving less part... examples? Are we talking Dining plan? Cuz before they cut that back it was wayyy too much food anyway.) and sits aside all these other threads demanding innovative resorts and high tech attractions. I wonder how people think a business gets the money to give people what they demand. Perhaps they think it grows on trees for business. Perhaps they think business should act like charities. Perhaps they don't think Disney pays for gas and feels the pressure of the economy right now.
I'm going to have to disagree with those folks, but look, it's YOUR money. Spend it where you see fit.
Please you have just opened another can of worms. I'll let others deal with the obvious categories such as cleanliness, food, retail etc. What I am able to talk intelligently about is the category of attraction quality. I give examples in the "stale" thread of how attractions like Dinosaur, Toy Story Mania, Everest, Mission Space, Philarmagic and Soarin' are far below the level of quality one should expect from Disney. They are offering less because they used to roll out attractions like Tower of Terror or Haunted Mansion. if you are at all interested in the answer to your question please start with my posts in that thread. If you'd like more on any of those I'd be happy to expound further as I could probably write a book on the subject.

Having worked on some of these attractions while employed at WDI and at some of its vendors I can tell you that you are experiencing the bottom rung of potential versions that could have been developed. It's true that throughout WDI's history no attraction ever made it off the drawing boards and into the parks in its original form. We would always start with a high concept far above what we thought would be approved. Once the project estimators got to work we'd be left with maybe 70% to 80% of the proposed scope. That was fine because we knew we could work with 70% of a 130% proposal. Now, creativity and passion has been replaced with corporate branding, lower budgets and poor management. Is that what you want after an 80% price increase?


Well-Known Member
Please you have just opened another can of worms. I'll let others deal with the obvious categories such as cleanliness, food, retail etc. What I am able to talk intelligently about is the category of attraction quality. I give examples in the "stale" thread of how attractions like Dinosaur, Toy Story Mania, Everest, Mission Space, Philarmagic and Soarin' are far below the level of quality one should expect from Disney. They are offering less because they used to roll out attractions like Tower of Terror or Haunted Mansion. if you are at all interested in the answer to your question please start with my posts in that thread. If you'd like more on any of those I'd be happy to expound further as I could probably write a book on the subject.

Having worked on some of these attractions while employed at WDI and at some of its vendors I can tell you that you are experiencing the bottom rung of potential versions that could have been developed. It's true that throughout WDI's history no attraction ever made it off the drawing boards and into the parks in its original form. We would always start with a high concept far above what we thought would be approved. Once the project estimators got to work we'd be left with maybe 70% to 80% of the proposed scope. That was fine because we knew we could work with 70% of a 130% proposal. Now, creativity and passion has been replaced with corporate branding, lower budgets and poor management. Is that what you want after an 80% price increase?

So what is the solution? Which level of management is curtailing progress? I'd be curious to know just because there is so much speculation about this on the boards. Admittedly TSM is not what I would consider a Disney classic, but M:S and Everest were great experiences to me. Especially M:S.

I guess I am asking if there is anyone in the company to become the next Walt. Or at least someone with the imagination to do so.

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