Disney World unfairly slammed for wages.

slappy magoo

Well-Known Member
That well known phrase "all the gear and no idea".

But if you want to take part in police actions worldwide you either have to pay for the technology or be prepared to pay in casualties.

Safe to assume you mean "you" in a more generic way? I'd be more than happy to spend less on military, even if it means our allies have to spend a little more. Barney Frank, who is technically an Independent Senator but caucuses with Dems, has argued that some of our allies spend less on their military because we do indeed have that "cops of the world" mentality. Were we to spend less on our military, they may have to pick up that slack, and that isn't necessarily a bad thing. Of course, it could come to bite us in other ways, for instance, those nations levying higher tariffs on goods technically imported from the USA, which means those companies take a hit as fewer goods are purchased overseas, which could result in them having to reduce their employment rolls...

Naught comes easy.


A naughty bit o' crumpet
Premium Member
Safe to assume you mean "you" in a more generic way? I'd be more than happy to spend less on military, even if it means our allies have to spend a little more. Barney Frank, who is technically an Independent Senator but caucuses with Dems, has argued that some of our allies spend less on their military because we do indeed have that "cops of the world" mentality. Were we to spend less on our military, they may have to pick up that slack, and that isn't necessarily a bad thing. Of course, it could come to bite us in other ways, for instance, those nations levying higher tariffs on goods technically imported from the USA, which means those companies take a hit as fewer goods are purchased overseas, which could result in them having to reduce their employment rolls...

Naught comes easy.

I think you have Barney Frank (D-MA) and Bernie Sanders (I-VT) switched....

Brian Noble

Well-Known Member
Here's an example of the company spending money where is doesn't really need it: Do they really need to be adding more and more DVC's? Yes, they are still planning more for WDW. That isn't something that really needs attention right now at WDW but they are pushing ahead anyways. Your ticket prices going up reflects these additions. Raising wages has been the least concern for them.
Are you kidding? DVC is a profit center---and a huge one. The sales prices of those contracts *more* than covers the development costs (by a lot). The annual dues cover the operating costs, plus a nice management fee to DVCMC, guaranteeing a profit year after year.

DVC practically prints money for the company.


New Member
This is just an example from January 2009 just in Iraq. Im sure you have an excuse for this too

if there were a foreign military occupying our country we would be killing them too.... they arent fighting us here... they are fighting us cause we are there.

and yep... "war on terror" is stupid... almost as stupid as a war in afghanistan. If you dont think thats stupid... ask the Soviets... oh wait... thats right... they went broke fighting that war and collapsed... sound familiar?


A naughty bit o' crumpet
Premium Member
if there were a foreign military occupying our country we would be killing them too.... they arent fighting us here... they are fighting us cause we are there.

and yep... "war on terror" is stupid... almost as stupid as a war in afghanistan. If you dont think thats stupid... ask the Soviets... oh wait... thats right... they went broke fighting that war and collapsed... sound familiar?

Yeah, they never killed anyone here.

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
if there were a foreign military occupying our country we would be killing them too.... they arent fighting us here... they are fighting us cause we are there.

and yep... "war on terror" is stupid... almost as stupid as a war in afghanistan. If you dont think thats stupid... ask the Soviets... oh wait... thats right... they went broke fighting that war and collapsed... sound familiar?

Current court cases would indicate otherwise, and I could have sworn that the Sovs were more indebted maintaining the massive forces required to maintain the balance in the Cold War, rather than the minor battles with the Taliban, who were funded at the time buy.........

Mr Bill

Well-Known Member
I don't think we went to war in Iraq because of terrorists. It had something to do with Weapons of Mass Destruction and invisibility cloaks.


New Member
I don't think we went to war in Iraq because of terrorists. It had something to do with Weapons of Mass Destruction and invisibility cloaks.

indeed... not one of those people was from iraq.... they were... Saudi Arabian.... not afghani either. Yes, the taliban helped Bin Laden... but Al Queda have been long gone from afghanistan for a long time, according to our own CIA intel.

Its like fighting a war on the mob by bombing italy


Disney's Favorite Scumbag™
Premium Member
I don't think we went to war in Iraq because of terrorists. It had something to do with Weapons of Mass Destruction and invisibility cloaks.
I thought it was for Mama Hussein's secret falafel recipe.


A naughty bit o' crumpet
Premium Member
indeed... not one of those people was from iraq.... they were... Saudi Arabian.... not afghani either. Yes, the taliban helped Bin Laden... but Al Queda have been long gone from afghanistan for a long time, according to our own CIA intel.

Its like fighting a war on the mob by bombing italy

No, they hadn't. In fact, the Taliban were the last refuge for Al Qaeda after it got booted from Saudi Arabi and then Sudan....


A naughty bit o' crumpet
Premium Member


New Member
Pakistan, now, Afghanistan then. Which is why the Taliban leader offered to turn over Bin Laden to a neutral country if the U.S. could verify his involvement in 9/11. So I don't know what CIA reports you were referring to about Afghanistan not harboring Al Qaeda.......

im saying they arent now... we have been at war there for nearly a DECADE... and we have done zip... when we leave no matter what it will be the same there as it was and always has been... you cant have a major effect in a tribal area.

What is the exit plan for Afghanistan? for 9 years we have never had an answer to that question. What are the terms of victory? there are none... and nobody has a clue how to define them. exponentially more american lives have been lost in Iraq and Afghanistan than during 9/11... and for what?


Well-Known Member
Either that or some folks are just flat out nuts.

Of course, this is the site where folks think 1972 parades and new meet-greet-and-gropes are somehow equal or better than the WWoHP.

Oh look who is back slamming Steve's visitors in the same old haughty manner. How common.

Leave if you are too "special" for us. :wave:


A naughty bit o' crumpet
Premium Member
im saying they arent now... we have been at war there for nearly a DECADE... and we have done zip... when we leave no matter what it will be the same there as it was and always has been... you cant have a major effect in a tribal area.

What is the exit plan for Afghanistan? for 9 years we have never had an answer to that question. What are the terms of victory? there are none... and nobody has a clue how to define them. exponentially more american lives have been lost in Iraq and Afghanistan than during 9/11... and for what?

I don't have an issue with those concerns. But asserting the U.S. was never attacked or that Al Qaeda wasn't in Afghanistan at the onset is simply wrong.


Well-Known Member
wow, super thread drift.

Long and short of this, lets face it you can't make a living working at a theme/amusement park, no duh, but lets put this in other terms, I work for Best Buy the super mean retail giant, the kids in the store get paid squat, Myself I was good at my job and three promotions later make a decent wage, not getting rich by any means but a decent wage, is the guy running Dumbo supposed to be able to support his kids and wife and dog for his whole life pushing the button on Dumbo to make it go? Absolutely not, this isn't 25 years ago as well people aren't expected to stay at the same company for their entire working life, people move around and go from job to job, Disney feels the same way, I am sure their are ways to advance internally if you play your cards right and do a good job, now I'm sure there are other ways to get other jobs out there too, you could move, get more education, etc..

Now does the current job market suck, you bet ya, stop all the belly aching and find a different job or a way to move up, pay at entry level stinks because no one expects you to make a career out of operating an theme park ride or sweeping streets.

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