Disney World unfairly slammed for wages.


WDWMAGIC - not only do we know how to fix Walt Disney World, we can fix the economy!

While one maybe slightly more complex than the other, fixing either is not nearly as simple as the suggestions being bandied about.

Mr. Morrow

New Member
Original Poster
ok, so lets cut the BULK of our spending... lets go for the biggest... Defense and military spending... lets move out of all of our bases overseas, move out of Iraq and Afghanistan and reduce our military spending.

maybe end social security too... grandma can eat cat food...


I am leaving this thread now because this is getting way to political but yes that makes sense cut defense :rolleyes: I changed my mind one of the things I would have my taxes raised for is to increase defense. :wave:


Well-Known Member
WDWMAGIC - not only do we know how to fix Walt Disney World, we can fix the economy!

While one maybe slightly more complex than the other, fixing either is not nearly as simple as the suggestions being bandied about.

The solution for either is no secret and the same for both.

Create a quality product(government) and people will flock to it and it will thrive. Try to give people an inferior product and make them pay more for it and you will eventually fail.

Pretty simple really, but so many people, businesses, and politicians fail to step back and look at the big picture.


New Member
I am leaving this thread now because this is getting way to political but yes that makes sense cut defense :rolleyes: I changed my mind one of the things I would have my taxes raised for is to increase defense. :wave:

and thus they run away when presented with facts and reality....

also it speaks volumes of your morality when you would rather spend money to kill people than to help people live.

Mr. Morrow

New Member
Original Poster
and thus they run away when presented with facts and reality....

also it speaks volumes of your morality when you would rather spend money to kill people than to help people live.

No but there are people all over that want to kill us, so yes I want to spend money on defence.

slappy magoo

Well-Known Member
No but there are people all over that want to kill us, so yes I want to spend money on defence.

We spend more money on defense than any other nation. We spend more money on defense than EVERY other nation...COMBINED.

A freshly-certified CPA with 2 weeks experience at H&R Brock could probably find a few hundred billion dollars of flat-out waste in the military budget that could either be given back to us or help out the economy with rebuilding our nation's faltering infrastructure. It's common knowledge that many of the things our military still spends money on are weapons and technologies that would be great in a military strike were a nation stupid enough to attack us. But for a war on terror, where it's not necessarily a single country or band of countries attacking us but rogue fanatics on a crusade without any official government sanction? Bupkiss.

I'm all for spending money on defense. I just want that money to be spent wisely, and for the fat to be cut out. We spend more than is necessary, and anyone who thinks otherwise must be...uh...compensating for some other...uh...shortcomings...with big missiles and screaming jets with enormous payloads...

I'll wait for a second while the more "pro military spending and damn the cost" amongst us grab a cigarette...


A naughty bit o' crumpet
Premium Member
A freshly-certified CPA with 2 weeks experience at H&R Brock could probably find a few hundred billion dollars of flat-out waste in the military budget that could either be given back to us or help out the economy with rebuilding our nation's infrastructure.

I'm all for spending money on defense. I just want that money to be spent wisely, and for the fat to be cut out.

A Truman Committee for the 21st century would come in handy....

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
We spend more money on defense than any other nation. We spend more money on defense than EVERY other nation...COMBINED.


That well known phrase "all the gear and no idea".

But if you want to take part in police actions worldwide you either have to pay for the technology or be prepared to pay in casualties.

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