slappy magoo
Well-Known Member
I disagree, some children can get away from parents pretty quick and it takes one "bad guy" (not that this man was, but you never know) who looks like a loveable character to take advantage of that child. I can tell you from experience, I had to take care of A LOT of lost children when I worked at WDW... be it the crowd, the quick child, or the parents turning into children themselves, they wander off very easily.
Your cousin didn't approach the man in the mall, but these children where and I'm sure it wasn't only once or twice he was approached. Do you just go up to strangers and start hugging them, talking to them, etc? Think about why you don't and then reconsider your position on the issue. :xmas:
Which brings up another potential reason to cut WDW some slack over this situation:
Because CMs in costume have at least one helper/assistant along to assist in crowd control, things usually don't get too nutty, and it cuts down on the sort of frenetic activity someone else would need to get a kid away from his parents. Because this guy wasn't a Disney employee, there's less crowd control, and that means more bad things could happen. Granted, it's low on the probability list but it's all those ling details that management & securty are paid to worry about and plan around.