News Disney World Cast Member unions to begin week of negotiations for wage increases, healthcare costs and more


Well-Known Member
That… is absolutely insulting.
To be fair, it's pretty light on details and their public messaging is meant to be embarrassing to Disney which is why I said "if to be taken at face value".

There's probably more to that story but just the same, it would be a shocking move if Disney's idea of negotiating was basically, "We'll keep taking things off the table until you bend."

Definitely not a good look for a company that's had a lot of recent bad looks.

Vegas Disney Fan

Well-Known Member
Here is the statement posted from UNITE HERE Local 737 on the status of the negotiations with Disney -

Looks like the gamesmanship has begun…

My guess is they didn’t up the offer to $17 to prevent a higher counter offer. Now they wait to see the unions offer so they can counteroffer $17.


Well-Known Member
Looks like the gamesmanship has begun…

My guess is they didn’t up the offer to $17 to prevent a higher counter offer. Now they wait to see the unions offer so they can counteroffer $17.
"Disney spokesperson Andrea Finger also told News 6 that the company provided an option to accelerate wage increases, which would bring all current non-tipped cast members up to at least $17 per hour upon ratification — and many more increasing to $20 per hour within the first year."
So who's not being upfront about what's being proposed?


Well-Known Member
I'd trade mine without a second thought.

I think it's interesting that the emphasis or derision about education falls along political lines.
Yes, I always find it curious when people seem so annoyed about the idea you would have a society that as a whole has a higher ability to process complex information by several extra years of non-vocational education. I teach university students, many of whom are very bright when they get to university, but they are still analysing and organising information at the high school level. There's nothing inferior about a vocational degree at all, but the notion that the only useful education is one that prepares you for a specific job speaks to a vision where the bulk of the population are basically drones whose purpose in life is to work.

What always strikes me is that these humanities-based programs are not going to go away, it's just that under a certain vision of higher-education they would by default be restricted to people for whom money was not a real issue. In other words, young people who already come from money will get the opportunity to go off for a few years and develop their skills of critical and analysis and gain a more general knowledge. The rest would be sent off to learn a particular trade, profession, or serve burgers.

Vegas Disney Fan

Well-Known Member
There's nothing inferior about a vocational degree at all, but the notion that the only useful education is one that prepares you for a specific job speaks to a vision where the bulk of the population are basically drones whose purpose in life is to work.

I think the frustration stems from kids going $100-200k in debt to get that education, graduating without an employable skill, and then being saddled with student loan payments that will haunt them for the rest of their life.

Knowledge is a great thing but too many kids are sacrificing their futures to get it.

I only had about $40,000 in student loan debt and it took me into my 40s to pay it back, unless they get a degree that results in a high paying job these kids have no chance of ever recovering from starting their life $200k in the hole. They are dooming themselves to decades of financial struggle before they are even 25.


Well-Known Member
I think the frustration stems from kids going $100-200k in debt to get that education, graduating without an employable skill, and then being saddled with student loan payments that will haunt them for the rest of their life.

Knowledge is a great thing but too many kids are sacrificing their futures to get it.

I only had about $40,000 in student loan debt and it took me into my 40s to pay it back, unless they get a degree that results in a high paying job these kids have no chance of ever recovering from starting their life $200k in the hole. They are dooming themselves to decades of financial struggle before they are even 25.
Education loan complex needs to be turned over to the private sector.


Well-Known Member
I think the frustration stems from kids going $100-200k in debt to get that education, graduating without an employable skill, and then being saddled with student loan payments that will haunt them for the rest of their life.

Knowledge is a great thing but too many kids are sacrificing their futures to get it.

I only had about $40,000 in student loan debt and it took me into my 40s to pay it back, unless they get a degree that results in a high paying job these kids have no chance of ever recovering from starting their life $200k in the hole. They are dooming themselves to decades of financial struggle before they are even 25.
Who's forcing the kid to go to a more expensive private college as opposed to a in state public university and live at home if possible to save on room and board? Ever hear of student loan abuse, if caught one can get in hot water but abuse happens when kids spend it other than what is meant for like tuition room and board. One had loans and was on a meal plan all u can eat in the campus cafeteria. What did the foolish kid do? Racked up credit card bills eating out frequently , instead of using the campus meal plan, going to exotic locations for spring and summer breaks, and drinking throughout their four years and crying they are more in debt.
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Active Member
As a current cast member, and a member of one of the unions, we are asking for $18 per hour at this time and a dollar more for the next 3 years. Why $18? The minimum income (living wage) to live in the greater orlando area is $18.85 per hour. That is the minumum it takes to work 40+ hours a week to pay for food, rent and the other basics it takes to live and get to and from work. The $18.85 is based on an economic analysis that was done back in January by one of the big state universities economic departments and the state of Florida (Sorry, I dont remember which school it was).

Everyone wants to come to Disney world, and it seems that no one has an issue with what it costs to come here (They keep coming). It is a great products that is in high demand. However, what happens when no one that wants to work at Disney can afford to live within a reasonable commute? There will be no one to work at Disney World. It is bad enough, that a lot of the cast live over an hour drives away.

It is not like we are asking for something WDW can not afford to do. Just look at the Disney Parks and Resort revenue and profits for the last quarter..... they were all up by 20+%. We are talking BILLIONS of dollars.
I understand that Disney needs money to keep running and to move forward with new projects and movies..... but, come on; what we are asking for is pennies compared to what this company is making every day.

Also, dont let the release from Disney foul you about the many departments getting over $20 an hour. Last list I saw, was only 3 departments. Housekeeping, Bus Drivers and Cooks (and only certain levels of cooks, not the basic line cooks). Why just housekeepers? why not front desk, concierge? Why only Bus Drivers? what about Watercraft, Monorails, and Skyliner? What about Custodial? They are the ones that keep the parks and resorts clean......

We are running WDW very short staffed everyday (And I am sure every guest that comes to the parks can see that). Before Covid, there was a long line of people waiting at Cast to work at Disney. That line does not exist anymore, and we are losing people fast that we can hire them. So, maybe a few extra dollars an hour will help the cast that are already over worked and busting there a## everyday to provide the magic, and help Disney hire people that wont quit after a month or 2.

We are the Cast the provide the magic, make dreams come true for 10's of thousands of families every day. It is time for Disney to realize that they need to take care of us if they want us to continue to take care of your family.

Please do not give the BS line about I can always go and work somewhere else.... I know that and every cast member knows that. Please understand that working at Disney is a real job to us, just like your job is to you.
Some of us work at Disney just because it is a job, some of us work here because we love the company, Some of us work here because we love the product, and some of us work here because we like helping families have the best vacation possible.
We dont work at Disney to make the shareholders and executives richer, we work at Disney for you and your family.

OK, rant over...... thanks for listening!


Well-Known Member
As a current cast member, and a member of one of the unions, we are asking for $18 per hour at this time and a dollar more for the next 3 years. Why $18? The minimum income (living wage) to live in the greater orlando area is $18.85 per hour. That is the minumum it takes to work 40+ hours a week to pay for food, rent and the other basics it takes to live and get to and from work. The $18.85 is based on an economic analysis that was done back in January by one of the big state universities economic departments and the state of Florida (Sorry, I dont remember which school it was).

Everyone wants to come to Disney world, and it seems that no one has an issue with what it costs to come here (They keep coming). It is a great products that is in high demand. However, what happens when no one that wants to work at Disney can afford to live within a reasonable commute? There will be no one to work at Disney World. It is bad enough, that a lot of the cast live over an hour drives away.

It is not like we are asking for something WDW can not afford to do. Just look at the Disney Parks and Resort revenue and profits for the last quarter..... they were all up by 20+%. We are talking BILLIONS of dollars.
I understand that Disney needs money to keep running and to move forward with new projects and movies..... but, come on; what we are asking for is pennies compared to what this company is making every day.

Also, dont let the release from Disney foul you about the many departments getting over $20 an hour. Last list I saw, was only 3 departments. Housekeeping, Bus Drivers and Cooks (and only certain levels of cooks, not the basic line cooks). Why just housekeepers? why not front desk, concierge? Why only Bus Drivers? what about Watercraft, Monorails, and Skyliner? What about Custodial? They are the ones that keep the parks and resorts clean......

We are running WDW very short staffed everyday (And I am sure every guest that comes to the parks can see that). Before Covid, there was a long line of people waiting at Cast to work at Disney. That line does not exist anymore, and we are losing people fast that we can hire them. So, maybe a few extra dollars an hour will help the cast that are already over worked and busting there a## everyday to provide the magic, and help Disney hire people that wont quit after a month or 2.

We are the Cast the provide the magic, make dreams come true for 10's of thousands of families every day. It is time for Disney to realize that they need to take care of us if they want us to continue to take care of your family.

Please do not give the BS line about I can always go and work somewhere else.... I know that and every cast member knows that. Please understand that working at Disney is a real job to us, just like your job is to you.
Some of us work at Disney just because it is a job, some of us work here because we love the company, Some of us work here because we love the product, and some of us work here because we like helping families have the best vacation possible.
We dont work at Disney to make the shareholders and executives richer, we work at Disney for you and your family.

OK, rant over...... thanks for listening!
If I was a small business owner paying my cashier $20 to ring up purchases I would be actively looking to install more self service kiosks so customers can ring up and bag their own paid items or raising store prices to reflect higher labor costs. If $18 is a living wage what does your elected official Ron D think about that? But thank you for all you do. What makes many of our visits special is the interaction with cast.
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Active Member
If I was a small business owner paying my cashier $20 to ring up purchases I would be actively looking to install more self service kiosks so customers can ring up and bag their own paid items or raising store prices to reflect higher labor costs. If $18 is a living wage what does your elected official Ron D think about that? But thank you for all you do. What makes many of our visits special is the interaction with cast.

Outsourcing jobs to technology will have the same consequences as outsourcing jobs offshore. Short term solution for the bottom line, long term pain for society. Take a drive through the rust belt if you need visual evidence of that pain.

To me this isn’t a question of the merits of paying unskilled workers for their labor. It’s a question of supply and demand, which absolutely applies to the labor Disney uses in the same way it applies to the tickets Disney sells. Why does Disney get to cite demand when shaking out the pockets of customers but workers don’t get to use the same argument to shake out Disney’s pockets? It’s known there’s currently a higher supply of jobs than there are people to fill them. Raise pay and I guarantee those jobs would be filled (extreme example: if I could make the same salary I do now to sell popcorn I’d be first to apply). If Disney can’t afford the cost to live here, then maybe they should heed some of the advice in this thread and move to an area of the country where they can afford it.


Well-Known Member
If I was a small business owner paying my cashier $20 to ring up purchases I would be actively looking to install more self service kiosks so customers can ring up and bag their own paid items or raising store prices to reflect higher labor costs. If $18 is a living wage what does your elected official Ron D think about that? But thank you for all you do. What makes many of our visits special is the interaction with cast.
LOL. How do you marry those two statements? How can you suggest they should replace with self service kiosks while also saying interactions with the cast members make your trips special?

I'd be fascinated to know the economic offset to raise cast member wages. Back of hand (so i may be way off, so please someone correct me). Let's say there's 60,000 cast members working an average of 30 hours a week. And on average, there 1,120,000 guests visiting parks in a week. If the cast members all get $3 raises, that would mean Disney would need to collect an average of $4.80 more from each park visitor each day. Keep in mind not all are hourly in that 60k either.


Well-Known Member
As a current cast member, and a member of one of the unions, we are asking for $18 per hour at this time and a dollar more for the next 3 years. Why $18? The minimum income (living wage) to live in the greater orlando area is $18.85 per hour. That is the minumum it takes to work 40+ hours a week to pay for food, rent and the other basics it takes to live and get to and from work. The $18.85 is based on an economic analysis that was done back in January by one of the big state universities economic departments and the state of Florida (Sorry, I dont remember which school it was).

Everyone wants to come to Disney world, and it seems that no one has an issue with what it costs to come here (They keep coming). It is a great products that is in high demand. However, what happens when no one that wants to work at Disney can afford to live within a reasonable commute? There will be no one to work at Disney World. It is bad enough, that a lot of the cast live over an hour drives away.

It is not like we are asking for something WDW can not afford to do. Just look at the Disney Parks and Resort revenue and profits for the last quarter..... they were all up by 20+%. We are talking BILLIONS of dollars.
I understand that Disney needs money to keep running and to move forward with new projects and movies..... but, come on; what we are asking for is pennies compared to what this company is making every day.

Also, dont let the release from Disney foul you about the many departments getting over $20 an hour. Last list I saw, was only 3 departments. Housekeeping, Bus Drivers and Cooks (and only certain levels of cooks, not the basic line cooks). Why just housekeepers? why not front desk, concierge? Why only Bus Drivers? what about Watercraft, Monorails, and Skyliner? What about Custodial? They are the ones that keep the parks and resorts clean......

We are running WDW very short staffed everyday (And I am sure every guest that comes to the parks can see that). Before Covid, there was a long line of people waiting at Cast to work at Disney. That line does not exist anymore, and we are losing people fast that we can hire them. So, maybe a few extra dollars an hour will help the cast that are already over worked and busting there a## everyday to provide the magic, and help Disney hire people that wont quit after a month or 2.

We are the Cast the provide the magic, make dreams come true for 10's of thousands of families every day. It is time for Disney to realize that they need to take care of us if they want us to continue to take care of your family.

Please do not give the BS line about I can always go and work somewhere else.... I know that and every cast member knows that. Please understand that working at Disney is a real job to us, just like your job is to you.
Some of us work at Disney just because it is a job, some of us work here because we love the company, Some of us work here because we love the product, and some of us work here because we like helping families have the best vacation possible.
We dont work at Disney to make the shareholders and executives richer, we work at Disney for you and your family.

OK, rant over...... thanks for listening!
Thank you for what you do. I believe cast members should get raises.

That being said. The BS line you don’t want to hear is what gives you power in this situation. It sounds like you like what you do and are not at the point where you would leave. However the reality is Disney has to provide enough to maintain your employment. Right now they appear to be doing so if you don’t want to consider leaving. If they don’t offer more, cast members should legitimately leave and do something else. Otherwise, Disney maintains the power.

Disney will have trouble replacing you and other cast members if they leave. They have a serious hiring problem. But it isn’t a problem for them if nobody is willing to stand up and say “I’m done with this BS”.


Premium Member
LOL. How do you marry those two statements? How can you suggest they should replace with self service kiosks while also saying interactions with the cast members make your trips special?

I'd be fascinated to know the economic offset to raise cast member wages. Back of hand (so i may be way off, so please someone correct me). Let's say there's 60,000 cast members working an average of 30 hours a week. And on average, there 1,120,000 guests visiting parks in a week. If the cast members all get $3 raises, that would mean Disney would need to collect an average of $4.80 more from each park visitor each day. Keep in mind not all are hourly in that 60k either.
Florida just passed a law that you can’t marry one clueless statement with another…
…goes into effect at 3pm 😎🌴


Well-Known Member
Outsourcing jobs to technology will have the same consequences as outsourcing jobs offshore. Short term solution for the bottom line, long term pain for society. Take a drive through the rust belt if you need visual evidence of that pain.

To me this isn’t a question of the merits of paying unskilled workers for their labor. It’s a question of supply and demand, which absolutely applies to the labor Disney uses in the same way it applies to the tickets Disney sells. Why does Disney get to cite demand when shaking out the pockets of customers but workers don’t get to use the same argument to shake out Disney’s pockets? It’s known there’s currently a higher supply of jobs than there are people to fill them. Raise pay and I guarantee those jobs would be filled (extreme example: if I could make the same salary I do now to sell popcorn I’d be first to apply). If Disney can’t afford the cost to live here, then maybe they should heed some of the advice in this thread and move to an area of the country where they can afford it.
The Mouse will not raise to the CM wishes. Its all a compromise between union and company during current negotiations. Reality is that the cast will approve the changes rinse and repeat in a few years.


Premium Member
Does nothing at all, except showing hollow gratitude.
I’m amazed at how many Disney fans actually believe that 60,000 view themselves as like players on a 4th grade soccer team?…
…and not what they are: scraping together quarters to pay for all the other things you need in life on the other side of I4 or 27…
It’s so arrogant and lacks common sense.


Premium Member
The Mouse will not raise to the CM wishes. Its all a compromise between union and company during current negotiations. Reality is that the cast will approve the changes rinse and repeat in a few years.
The dynamic is it’s not the UAW….so Disney will wait for collapse as they always do…

It would be a perfect time for universal to up their starting pay - again - to $18


Well-Known Member
I’m amazed at how many Disney fans actually believe that 60,000 view themselves as like players on a 4th grade soccer team?…
…and not what they are: scraping together quarters to pay for all the other things you need in life on the other side of I4 or 27…
It’s so arrogant and lacks common sense.
Because for so many disney is an escape. They can't or don't want to comprehend that this is their life and not just a week long vacation.

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