Disney unions vote on contract....


As I said, I have no love of unions. I have dealt with them for many many years. However, I do know how they are SUPPOSED to work.

Most of the time they are not so openly blatant about not caring about the membership.

Unions, like politicians come across well meaning and useful. However they all turn into real useless dung piles in no time once enough power is accumulated.


Well-Known Member
What caught me was this: " reminder that Disney is offering each full-time worker a $100 bonus if the contract is approved on the first vote."

I'm pretty sure that's called tampering. If I were one of the unions agaibnst this contract I would contact NLRB.
I'm reminded of an old Simpsons episode:


"Its basically the same contract, but we get a free keg of beer for this meeting! In exchange for that, we have to give up our dental plan!"

And of course everyone rushes to the beer keg.


Beta Return
As I said, I have no love of unions. I have dealt with them for many many years. However, I do know how they are SUPPOSED to work.

Most of the time they are not so openly blatant about not caring about the membership.


Understood. I have the opportunity to work with open and union shops in my line of work (Construction Management). Some construction unions are decent, while many are less than decent.

Unions, like politicians come across well meaning and useful. However they all turn into real useless dung piles in no time once enough power is accumulated.

Pretty much true.

Wilt Dasney

Well-Known Member
The dilemma with the Service Trades Commission is that it is comprised of various local unions each representing different types of employees.

Like the International Brotherhood of Jazz Dancers, Pastry Chefs, and Nuclear Technicians? (see below)

God, I love the classic Simpsons episodes. Jokes that flew right over my head as a kid are just hilarious now. :lol:


Wilt Dasney

Well-Known Member
Would anyone with more knowledge of the situation care to comment on the likelyhood of a strike? Folks with reservations comming up need to start tracking that possibility. :(
One thing to keep in mind is that WDW CM's are not required to join the unions that represent their positions. (I only know this because I was talking with a friend about the negotiations last night, and she told me she had declined to join the union at her location.)

I would have to think this fact would blunt the threat of any strike, since Disney would still have employees willing to come to work.


Well-Known Member
One thing to keep in mind is that WDW CM's are not required to join the unions that represent their positions. (I only know this because I was talking with a friend about the negotiations last night, and she told me she had declined to join the union at her location.)

I would have to think this fact would blunt the threat of any strike, since Disney would still have employees willing to come to work.

Though those CM's would have to pull all of the weight of the union CM's not being there making it unfair to them. This would definately be noticed by guests.


Active Member
Kudos, Raven. I've worked 2 union jobs in my 20+ years in the civillian work force and when I leave military service, I hope I never have to work in a union shop again. Waste of time and money; especially when they send dues money to politicians that are good for unions but bad for EVERYTHING else in the country.


Not to mention...not so good for the reputation, I'm a teacher. For those that care to listen, we have no control over the state and national leaders that make decisions that don't necessarily represent the feelings of those they serve.:zipit:


Beta Return
One thing to keep in mind is that WDW CM's are not required to join the unions that represent their positions. (I only know this because I was talking with a friend about the negotiations last night, and she told me she had declined to join the union at her location.)

I would have to think this fact would blunt the threat of any strike, since Disney would still have employees willing to come to work.

And to those who decide not to come to work anymore, I imagine there are PLENTY of unemployed people sitting at home who would gladly take their spots.

Wilt Dasney

Well-Known Member
Though those CM's would have to pull all of the weight of the union CM's not being there making it unfair to them. This would definately be noticed by guests.
Yeah. I guess what I was saying is the unions might be less likely to threaten a strike in the first place if they know they don't have the power to shut down the resort.

But it's just a guess based on the very little information I have about the situation. :lol:


Well-Known Member
And to those who decide not to come to work anymore, I imagine there are PLENTY of unemployed people sitting at home who would gladly take their spots.

Which is one of my biggest gripes about Disney's unionized employees. There are some industries where unions do provide solidarity for their members, but the theme park industry is not one of them.

Day in and day out, all I see from full-time union cast members is laziness and a disregard for why they are there. These are people that continually use their seniority to bid for a full 40-hour-per-week schedule, and then proceed to early release from their shift every day. Meanwhile there are seasonal and part-time non-union employees who are scrounging for shifts that they can't find, and the poor College Program students making just bare minimum wage for the same jobs that Full-Timers in some cases can be getting paid almost double for, are the ones to suffer.

Very rarely or at all have I met a full-time union cast member that actually enjoyed their job and lived for the guest service. Some of the best performers I've seen are the College Program students, who have dreams and aspirations of working for Disney as a career who sacrifice a lot to travel sometimes cross-country to work here, and then have to spend 4-7 months making crappy pay, barely making ends meet, and hoping if they get sick that their parent's health insurance will still cover them because Lord knows despite the fact they work a full-time schedule, they definitely don't get the full-time benefits.

The unions at Disney do nothing but protect the useless employees that take their position for granted. If it was up to me I'd abolish the whole damn thing and give the jobs to people who actually WANT to work them for the right reasons.


Well-Known Member
And to those who decide not to come to work anymore, I imagine there are PLENTY of unemployed people sitting at home who would gladly take their spots.

Amen to that. You know, the biggest strip mine in our state is going to be shut down here in a few. I won't get into a political debate or anything like that, but I know lots of families that would be glad to have a job. What people don't see is that the closing of one thing has a big trickle down effect. The mine closes. People move. Businesses close. Tax revenue goes down. Teachers get laid off. Scary times. I think some people are very self-serving and not willing to take one for the team so to speak in order to keep food on the table for everyone. There are times to fight, but there are also times to be smart. This is a time to be smart. This is not a job-seeker's market because for every paying job, there are at least 5 people in line for it. I do understand people trying to improve their lots in life, but it's just a shaky time to go about it right now.

Which is one of my biggest gripes about Disney's unionized employees. There are some industries where unions do provide solidarity for their members, but the theme park industry is not one of them.

Day in and day out, all I see from full-time union cast members is laziness and a disregard for why they are there. These are people that continually use their seniority to bid for a full 40-hour-per-week schedule, and then proceed to early release from their shift every day. Meanwhile there are seasonal and part-time non-union employees who are scrounging for shifts that they can't find, and the poor College Program students making just bare minimum wage for the same jobs that Full-Timers in some cases can be getting paid almost double for, are the ones to suffer.

Very rarely or at all have I met a full-time union cast member that actually enjoyed their job and lived for the guest service. Some of the best performers I've seen are the College Program students, who have dreams and aspirations of working for Disney as a career who sacrifice a lot to travel sometimes cross-country to work here, and then have to spend 4-7 months making crappy pay, barely making ends meet, and hoping if they get sick that their parent's health insurance will still cover them because Lord knows despite the fact they work a full-time schedule, they definitely don't get the full-time benefits.

The unions at Disney do nothing but protect the useless employees that take their position for granted. If it was up to me I'd abolish the whole damn thing and give the jobs to people who actually WANT to work them for the right reasons.

That's exactly why I quit the AFT. Teacher unions have destroyed education. End of story.


Well-Known Member
Which is one of my biggest gripes about Disney's unionized employees. There are some industries where unions do provide solidarity for their members, but the theme park industry is not one of them.

Day in and day out, all I see from full-time union cast members is laziness and a disregard for why they are there. These are people that continually use their seniority to bid for a full 40-hour-per-week schedule, and then proceed to early release from their shift every day. Meanwhile there are seasonal and part-time non-union employees who are scrounging for shifts that they can't find, and the poor College Program students making just bare minimum wage for the same jobs that Full-Timers in some cases can be getting paid almost double for, are the ones to suffer.

Very rarely or at all have I met a full-time union cast member that actually enjoyed their job and lived for the guest service. Some of the best performers I've seen are the College Program students, who have dreams and aspirations of working for Disney as a career who sacrifice a lot to travel sometimes cross-country to work here, and then have to spend 4-7 months making crappy pay, barely making ends meet, and hoping if they get sick that their parent's health insurance will still cover them because Lord knows despite the fact they work a full-time schedule, they definitely don't get the full-time benefits.

The unions at Disney do nothing but protect the useless employees that take their position for granted. If it was up to me I'd abolish the whole damn thing and give the jobs to people who actually WANT to work them for the right reasons.

By the way, you are absolutely right, the CP kids are so enthusiastic and enjoyable. I have met a lot of career CMs that are not so magical.


Well-Known Member
From the article...

The proposed contract would have guaranteed a one-time $550 bonus plus three 3 percent raises during the course of the 42-month contract for full-time workers not already at the top of their pay scale.

What the crap!?? I would kill for that. I haven't had a raise that great EVER. My incremental raise for adding a year of experience came out to $29.40 per check this year over last year. That's $588 per year or less than 1.5%. Wow. And I have a B.A. in secondary education, an M.A. in elementary education, and 45 additional hours of graduate school. Essentially, I have as much college education as a doctor. Over the last 20 years, WV has given teachers one raise of a flat amount, not a percentage based increase. Again, wow.


Well-Known Member
Day in and day out, all I see from full-time union cast members is laziness and a disregard for why they are there. These are people that continually use their seniority to bid for a full 40-hour-per-week schedule, and then proceed to early release from their shift every day. Meanwhile there are seasonal and part-time non-union employees who are scrounging for shifts that they can't find, and the poor College Program students making just bare minimum wage for the same jobs that Full-Timers in some cases can be getting paid almost double for, are the ones to suffer.

No ER's in my department no matter who you are. But even out full-time cast can't find extra hours. The "poor college program student" argument is dead due to the fact that they know the details of their program before they arrive. CP's can pick up a lot of hours and often do. And I've stated before many times that they are also thrown parties and events by the company (welcome and end-of-program party as well as other) that are not given to regular CMs. Then there is the story of all of the CP's in one attraction refusing to work past 8PM because they are missing parties at their residence. Now retired adults have to work often past midnight because if this. Sorry, not gonna get sympathy here.

Very rarely or at all have I met a full-time union cast member that actually enjoyed their job and lived for the guest service.

Guess you don't get around much. There are a TON of people that move to Florida every year, like myself, who work for Disney full-time that enjoy their job. If I wanted a simple job I could've stayed home and made more money. I gave that up to work for a wonderful company...a company that expects the highest level of guest service but refuses to pay a decent wage. I know I hear a lot of people on here say "If you don't like the pay get out. There are a lot of people that will do your job." That's why the company pays so little in the first place. People have that attitude when they start working but reality, and bills, hit them in the face about a year into their role. The roll over in cast is constant because people can't afford to work for that amount. I honestly feel sometimes that they are purposely paying a lower wage to make people go part-time so they won't have to pay insurance.

Some of the best performers I've seen are the College Program students, who have dreams and aspirations of working for Disney as a career who sacrifice a lot to travel sometimes cross-country to work here, and then have to spend 4-7 months making crappy pay, barely making ends meet, and hoping if they get sick that their parent's health insurance will still cover them because Lord knows despite the fact they work a full-time schedule, they definitely don't get the full-time benefits.

Let me just say that you nailed only about 1/3 of the CPs down with that quote. A lot of them simply come here because of the partying, lack of supervision in their dorms and the wild "times" that takes place in them.

My new roomie just got off the CP program in June. During his CP time he got 7 tattoos, a lip ring and had intercourse with over 20 girls in his complex. The "Disney Look" went out the door about a week into his program. He has another CP friend, who's father is a coordinator in my department, that is pimping out a CP girl to other guys in the program for $60. My roomie has the "aspirations of working for Disney as a career" yet doesn't seem to know a thing about guest service or the Disney Look or give a care about them. He wasn't like this when he arrived on property. And he showed me that a simple search on local hook-up sites revealed a ton of male CPs looking for "company" complete with very private photos of themselves.

Then there are the CP's on Facebook that constanly complain about guests in their status. Actual quote:

"...so today at greeter of the Haunted Mansion a guest asked me, "this is harry potter's castle, right??" and of course, seconds later, someone asked me, "is this a roller coaster??" dear guests - pleeease do even the SLIGHTEST bit of research before traveling across the country and spending thousands of dollars on your "dream come true" vacation!!!!"

Is it wise as a CP for Disney to be putting this on their FB for everyone, including future guests, to read? No. Do all guests research every aspect of their vacation? No. A lot of people are foreign to the US, others are on a surprise vacation, others plan a trip to a place they've never been. That's no reason to get upset at such questions because they are very common. Not all guests have knowledge of the place like we do on here.

I'm not saying all CP's are like this but this type of behavior is very common and any former CP can tell you that. This kind of stuff is uncalled for and just proves they don't belong working for Disney, let alone give the CP program a bad reputation.


Well-Known Member
No ER's in my department no matter who you are. But even out full-time cast can't find extra hours. The "poor college program student" argument is dead due to the fact that they know the details of their program before they arrive. CP's can pick up a lot of hours and often do. And I've stated before many times that they are also thrown parties and events by the company (welcome and end-of-program party as well as other) that are not given to regular CMs. Then there is the story of all of the CP's in one attraction refusing to work past 8PM because they are missing parties at their residence. Now retired adults have to work often past midnight because if this. Sorry, not gonna get sympathy here.

Guess you don't get around much. There are a TON of people that move to Florida every year, like myself, who work for Disney full-time that enjoy their job. If I wanted a simple job I could've stayed home and made more money. I gave that up to work for a wonderful company...a company that expects the highest level of guest service but refuses to pay a decent wage. I know I hear a lot of people on here say "If you don't like the pay get out. There are a lot of people that will do your job." That's why the company pays so little in the first place. People have that attitude when they start working but reality, and bills, hit them in the face about a year into their role. The roll over in cast is constant because people can't afford to work for that amount. I honestly feel sometimes that they are purposely paying a lower wage to make people go part-time so they won't have to pay insurance.

Let me just say that you nailed only about 1/3 of the CPs down with that quote. A lot of them simply come here because of the partying, lack of supervision in their dorms and the wild "times" that takes place in them.

My new roomie just got off the CP program in June. During his CP time he got 7 tattoos, a lip ring and had intercourse with over 20 girls in his complex. The "Disney Look" went out the door about a week into his program. He has another CP friend, who's father is a coordinator in my department, that is pimping out a CP girl to other guys in the program for $60. My roomie has the "aspirations of working for Disney as a career" yet doesn't seem to know a thing about guest service or the Disney Look or give a care about them. He wasn't like this when he arrived on property. And he showed me that a simple search on local hook-up sites revealed a ton of male CPs looking for "company" complete with very private photos of themselves.

Then there are the CP's on Facebook that constanly complain about guests in their status. Actual quote:

"...so today at greeter of the Haunted Mansion a guest asked me, "this is harry potter's castle, right??" and of course, seconds later, someone asked me, "is this a roller coaster??" dear guests - pleeease do even the SLIGHTEST bit of research before traveling across the country and spending thousands of dollars on your "dream come true" vacation!!!!"

Is it wise as a CP for Disney to be putting this on their FB for everyone, including future guests, to read? No. Do all guests research every aspect of their vacation? No. A lot of people are foreign to the US, others are on a surprise vacation, others plan a trip to a place they've never been. That's no reason to get upset at such questions because they are very common. Not all guests have knowledge of the place like we do on here.

I'm not saying all CP's are like this but this type of behavior is very common and any former CP can tell you that. This kind of stuff is uncalled for and just proves they don't belong working for Disney, let alone give the CP program a bad reputation.

:brick::hammer::eek: Wow.


New Member
Kudos, Raven. I've worked 2 union jobs in my 20+ years in the civillian work force and when I leave military service, I hope I never have to work in a union shop again. Waste of time and money; especially when they send dues money to politicians that are good for unions but bad for EVERYTHING else in the country.
Thank you, very well said.


Beta Return
Amen to that. You know, the biggest strip mine in our state is going to be shut down here in a few. I won't get into a political debate or anything like that, but I know lots of families that would be glad to have a job. What people don't see is that the closing of one thing has a big trickle down effect. The mine closes. People move. Businesses close. Tax revenue goes down. Teachers get laid off. Scary times. I think some people are very self-serving and not willing to take one for the team so to speak in order to keep food on the table for everyone. There are times to fight, but there are also times to be smart. This is a time to be smart. This is not a job-seeker's market because for every paying job, there are at least 5 people in line for it. I do understand people trying to improve their lots in life, but it's just a shaky time to go about it right now.

That's exactly why I quit the AFT. Teacher unions have destroyed education. End of story.

Your last comment about unions and education applies here in Indiana too.

So does your first paragraph. Indiana has lost SO many jobs because Union employees have refused to take pay cuts to save their companies. United Airlines and several GM plants are the key examples.

It's sad that they didn't understand the concept: "Take a little less money for a while to help save the company....or take $0 when we CLOSE the company." And most of the union employees who worked for United and GM made such OBSCENE amounts of money, they could have taken 50% pay cuts and still made more than I do with a college degree and a full-time job.

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