Disney to make an expansion announcement today.


Well-Known Member
Ya know, through all the time I've been on here, a few years at least, I've tried to
stay balanced. Watched haters and foamers come and go. Be saddened, be cheered.
Sometimes eating the pixie dust, sometimes it passes me by. Heck, I've even (in the
early days) defended beleaguered JT. I don't know any of you outside this forum, and
have only possessed in my time one insider 'secret' of little consequence.

That's all by way of saying, today, with its Avatar-stop, and a full-on press gathering
for benches, is one of the saddest days I've had here. Something broke. There's
nothing to say at this point. I'm not in a position to go back to WDW right now, but
for the first time in years, I'm not sure I want to. My kids know I follow the company,
and always ask "what's new, what's coming?" and I have nothing to answer them. Benches.

Disney, wake up.
Disney, do better.
Disney, fix things.

And then . . . .

Disney, innovate.
Disney, lead.
Disney, astonish.



Well-Known Member
Ya know, through all the time I've been on here, a few years at least, I've tried to
stay balanced. Watched haters and foamers come and go. Be saddened, be cheered.
Sometimes eating the pixie dust, sometimes it passes me by. Heck, I've even (in the
early days) defended beleaguered JT. I don't know any of you outside this forum, and
have only possessed in my time one insider 'secret' of little consequence.

That's all by way of saying, today, with its Avatar-stop, and a full-on press gathering
for benches, is one of the saddest days I've had here. Something broke. There's
nothing to say at this point. I'm not in a position to go back to WDW right now, but
for the first time in years, I'm not sure I want to. My kids know I follow the company,
and always ask "what's new, what's coming?" and I have nothing to answer them. Benches.

Disney, wake up.
Disney, do better.
Disney, fix things.

And then . . . .

Disney, innovate.
Disney, lead.
Disney, astonish.


You are lamenting the symptom rather than the disease.


Well-Known Member
I'm curious...is Danny Cockerell related to Lee Cockerell? I'm assuming they are but want to make sure.

BTW, for those of you exasperated by JT and his posts I would strongly recommend the ignore function. Works wonders!! :)


Well-Known Member
oh ok, for how long.... that was a moment in time. Have we heard of anything related to Avatar in the news lately, toys still in stores? any type of games being made? any comics being made? novels being written as offshoots? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO


Well-Known Member
oh ok, for how long.... that was a moment in time. Have we heard of anything related to Avatar in the news lately, toys still in stores? any type of games being made? any comics being made? novels being written as offshoots? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

Avatar is a James Cameron franchise. Perhaps you were thinking it was owned by George 'cha-ching' Lucas. Just a guess.


Well-Known Member
oh ok, for how long.... that was a moment in time. Have we heard of anything related to Avatar in the news lately, toys still in stores? any type of games being made? any comics being made? novels being written as offshoots? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
definitely get the merchandising angle... but 2.7 billion is close to double the avengers so obviously somebody liked it.... maybe avatar to too adult for toys


Well-Known Member
Avatar is a James Cameron franchise. Perhaps you were thinking it was owned by George 'cha-ching' Lucas. Just a guess.

touche, but alas... SW is alive and well all of these years after their release. You need fresh content to keep people into the series, how many SW books have been written and there's a whole SW universe and timeline that goes wayyyyyy beyond the films.

definitely get the merchandising angle... but 2.7 billion is close to double the avengers so obviously somebody liked it.... maybe avatar to too adult for toys

$ in terms of sales is not an indicator of quality, it's a mob mentality... a lot of people like crappy movies because there are explositions and usually some sexual undertones

ie any Michael bay movie


Well-Known Member
oh ok, for how long.... that was a moment in time. Have we heard of anything related to Avatar in the news lately, toys still in stores? any type of games being made? any comics being made? novels being written as offshoots? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

Well first Avatar would have to be a franchise first. All it is a movie and a creepy halloween costume.


Well-Known Member
touche, but alas... SW is alive and well all of these years after their release. You need fresh content to keep people into the series, how many SW books have been written and there's a whole SW universe and timeline that goes wayyyyyy beyond the films.

$ in terms of sales is not an indicator of quality, it's a mob mentality... a lot of people like crappy movies because there are explositions and usually some sexual undertones

ie any Michael bay movie
because you think its crappy doesnt mean the rest of the world does..and just because a movie is crappy doesnt mean it cant be an incredibly immersive land...heck i never saw a single harry potter film when i went to WWOHP and went home and watched all of them..the land sold me on the movies could care less about cars but man cars land looks sweet..im sure WDI could do the same for pandora.... i ve said it before more than anything im pro expansion... if you dont get pandora you probably wont see anything at AK for the next 10 years


Well-Known Member
Well first Avatar would have to be a franchise first. All it is a movie and a creepy halloween costume.

I took three things away from that movie...

1.) computers are really powerful these days
2.) they recycled noise effects from Jurassic Park
3.) they specifically referred to the mystery of their life as "the force"

number 3 really bothered me, James... be creative and original and don't use concepts from Star Wars. Now SW could have certainly stolen it from someone as well, but SW and the "force" now go hand and hand.


Well-Known Member
Finally, Kevin, if you're still reading (and gonna believe you are), but I did read your column (you know I read all your stuff!:)) why the hell haven't you done a column on Disney playing with the AC? Get some talking head from Disney to talk about going green (instead of simply acting out of greed for the green) and then ask people how they feel about waking up covered in sweat because their AC shut off. Disney has been playing this game in Florida, off and on for a decade. You know, there was a time when they NEVER shut the a/c off in a show building like PoC. Do you know how long it takes on summer days to get it feeling even remotely comfortable in those? ... You're missing something that Disney should be royally bashed for and I certainly wouldn't expect someone like Jason Garcia to write about it ... and my pal Merfie simply wants to be the King of the EPCOT Fanbois, so he won't give them a shot. It might be a better column that reviewing another section of the AoA motel. Just a thought ...

But I *did* do that back on Sept. 4: http://micechat.com/10831-disney-cars-land-studios/


Well-Known Member
Why didn't they also say the Dragon also actually caught fire for a few seconds a few weeks back? Or the fact DL Fant is now in its 4th or 5th revision and DHS is still in its first?

Hey, they added those flashbangs at the end! (was that two years ago?)


Well-Known Member
Im sure you know who over on micechat will be having a field day with this one soon.

Oh yes, the tired and true players in the same old feedback loop are assembling. This thread was created for the conspiracy. Gotta give Jason Garcia props though for not selling out and joining in with the usual suspects.

~Times they are a changin'~


Well-Known Member
I took three things away from that movie...

1.) computers are really powerful these days
2.) they recycled noise effects from Jurassic Park
3.) they specifically referred to the mystery of their life as "the force"

number 3 really bothered me, James... be creative and original and don't use concepts from Star Wars. Now SW could have certainly stolen it from someone as well, but SW and the "force" now go hand and hand.

TBQH 'force' as in life force - but there is a bigger ling thing to me - they were looking for Unobtainium.

But JC probably had more fun going to Universities and trying to work out how flora and fauna work than retelling a story that has been around probably since the the mid 1650s in one form or another. Man tries to take over sacred/unspoilt location, natives revolt.


Well-Known Member
so was there really going to be an expansion announcement and they put it on hold or was this all wishful thinking from the original poster?

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