Disney Testing Metal Detectors, Screening Devices

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Greetings all from the Geek Labs

Source Local6.com

Visitors May Be Screened Like Airport Travelers

POSTED: 3:59 pm EDT April 15, 2004
UPDATED: 5:34 pm EDT April 15, 2004

ORLANDO, Fla. -- Walt Disney World will be testing magnetic-style screening devices or metal detectors after hours at its theme parks, sources tell Local 6 News Thursday.

Although security was increased at Disney parks after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, only open-bag security checks are currently performed at the entrances to theme parks.

The devices would possibly screen Disney visitors like airport passengers.

Security experts familiar with the story told Local 6 News that the move is a critical development in Disney's security agenda.

One of the possible tests at the parks could include how potential interference from Disney's monorail systems would affect magnometers, according to the report.

Disney executives would not confirm or deny the testing on park grounds. However, a U.S. Secret Service spokesman said major corporations around the world are testing new security technologies.

"Disney, being the leaders in their field, is always willing to try and experiment with the latest advances to enhance the experiences of their customers," U.S. Secret Service spokesman Robert Flaherty said.

Local 6 News reported that possible security testing at the parks was not prompted by any new threats against Disney.

Watch Local 6 News for more on this story.


Account Suspended
I'm sorry sir, you can't bring that can of Pepsi into the park.

Why not?

It's a security threat... and we sell coke.:lol:

WDW John

While I like the idea of Disney checking everyone with metal detectors I hope that it doesn't significantly add to the time it takes to get into the park. The article compares it to airport security and I'm sure most if not all of us have waited in line there.

Also, while I woudn't be surprised at all to find out that some people bring knives or guns into the park, I wonder how many really do. Are there stabbing incidents there? Or gun threats? I just don't know. If someone were to strap a bomb to themselves would there even be enough metal for the detector to notice?

Don't get me wrong, I'm all for increased security, I just wonder how effective it will be...
Expect at least a 45 minute wait to enter the park. If the detectors are set to any kind of functional level it will detect keys, cell phones, belt buckles, and many kinds of shoes. Perhaps one of the new explosives detectors that you just walk through would be more practical.


Well-Known Member
While I'm for safety and everything ... using these will make the front of the parks look aweful. At a Six Flags park I went to, they use them, and it makes the front entrance look like a jail. Just imagine waiting 15 minutes at a bag check, then walking over to a metal detector and having to wait alot more time, and then going to wait in the ticket line. They might aswell just open the parks at 11am. But, if they can figure out a system that doesn't pick up cell phones/ beepers and thing like that, and set it up right as you're coming out of the bag check, that may not be so bad. It has never made sense to me that they only check bags and things at the parks...Never the waterparks, and much more importantly, DTD and PI.

Sir Hiss527

New Member
It takes forever just to get in Six Flags in Atlanta...Let alone Disney!! I hope this change is not permanent. It would keep us safe, but also very annoying. Thanks for Update OrlPassholder.


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On the news tonight they interviewed a local CIA field agent and he explained how these detectors are very sensitive and has to be adjusted to meet the way the end user wants them work. So if they do put the detectors into operation I would imagine they will be “tweaked” to not be so sensitive. Example I can relate to was the system that runs Mission: SPACE had to be tweaked not to pick up shoe prints on the floor which cause it not to turn on.

As far as my stance on this I am all for it. Unfortunately in this time we have to be extra careful... Personally I think all the bag checks are in the wrong spot. I have mentioned this to Disney before but I was given the answer "research showed this was ideal" *sigh* Oh well I am all for it.


Active Member
Metal detectors seem like a waste of time and money. WDW is open to all the world from all sides. A terrorist attack at WDW would probably come from a device in a car or van parked near a support pillar of the monorail at Epcot. It would be triggered by remote control by the terrorist getting on a bus to Downtown Disney. The terrorists are not really concerned with numbers, they just want you to be terrified 24/7.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by orlpassholder
On the news tonight they interviewed a local CIA field agent and he explained how these detectors are very sensitive and has to be adjusted to meet the way the end user wants them work. So if they do put the detectors into operation I would imagine they will be “tweaked” to not be so sensitive. Example I can relate to was the system that runs Mission: SPACE had to be tweaked not to pick up shoe prints on the floor which cause it not to turn on.

As far as my stance on this I am all for it. Unfortunately in this time we have to be extra careful... Personally I think all the bag checks are in the wrong spot. I have mentioned this to Disney before but I was given the answer "research showed this was ideal" *sigh* Oh well I am all for it.

Where would you of liked to see them placed?


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Originally posted by ISTCrew20
Where would you of liked to see them placed?

Persoanlly the ones at MK are to close to the park. They need to be at the TTC so when people come right in they are checked not after that get on a monorail or a ferry. Just my 2 cents for what its worth


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by orlpassholder
Persoanlly the ones at MK are to close to the park. They need to be at the TTC so when people come right in they are checked not after that get on a monorail or a ferry. Just my 2 cents for what its worth

That makes sense, but the only problem is hotel guests coming from the bus loop.


It's HarmonioUS, NOT HarmoniYOU.
Originally posted by DarkMeasures
Six Flags GreatAmerica uses those and it takes forever to get in.

My exact thought!!! And the security folks become more of jerks... I have to empty my pockets.... so thats all my change... my camera, my phone... my car keys... money clip... ugh... I avoid flying so I dont have to deal with the long security issues... Not liking this idea. :(


Well-Known Member
While I think this is a possible step in the right direction a couple of issues:

-It can be said, that until this point there haven't been any terrorist attempts at the Disney Resorts and that the addition of these "security measures" would instigate, and perhaps challenge terrorist. It remains to be seen if that will be the case...(hopefully not)....

-Also, I wonder if these checks will include park CMs and others that enter the park (that aren't really park visitors, but work at the parks)....

-What sort of technology will be used, and where will these detectors be placed?? Guest convenience is important, but is security more or less important?

-If you ask me the resorts themselves are less safe than the parks...there are no bag checks at resorts, barely security.

-How much of the carefree atmosphere (escapist quality) is Disney willing to give up?

There are other forms of keeping the resort areas safe, perhaps many are being used at this time. I know I've read and seen reports about video surveillence that is able to scan faces and run them by a government databases to see if any flags come up...who knows if Disney is using this technology....the point is that there are many ways to keep the parks safe...not just metal detectors....

Atleast it seems they're making an effort to keep the parks safe...but if we're already afraid, does this mean the terrorist have already won??



It's HarmonioUS, NOT HarmoniYOU.
Originally posted by Sir Hiss527
It takes forever just to get in Six Flags in Atlanta...Let alone Disney!! I hope this change is not permanent. It would keep us safe, but also very annoying. Thanks for Update OrlPassholder.

Very annoying indeed... I see this as a HUGE HASSLE!! :(

Yes yes... I know it supposed to protect us... yadda yadda yadda... but there is nothing I hate more than an over zealous, underpaid, rent a cop with an ego and a “badge” giving me flack on my vacation about the belt buckle on my shorts setting off his/her detector! :mad:

Now... figure...what... it will take a heckof a lot longer to get into the parks? So do they plan on opening the parks earlier then to compensate?... To start screening people and getting them into the park in a timely fashion? Doubtful. :mad:


New Member
I go to airports all around america yesterday I was in Newark and while going through I left my cell phone in my pocket and the decector never went off....Give me a break none of the security setups are not alike and every TSAs is diffent...I think security and medal detectors are a window show for the same people who are scared to go on a plane


Well-Known Member
I know every time I've gone through a metal detector, my car keys, coins in my pocket, belt, and rivets on my jeans have not set the alarm off. They can certainly program them to ignore certain substances. I am all for this system if it keeps us safe, and I would say put them just beyond the current checking stations, which would alleviate any problems for the morning rush--everyone would be all checked before the gates opened. Just have it so you open the zippers on your bags, while the security guard is checking your bag, he tells you to take any metal objects off, you are all set to walk through the detector by the time he's done with your bag and on you go.


Well-Known Member
I'm so sick of this stuff. Can things go back to normal now, please. The bag checks are bad enough (my mom and I call it "agricultural inspection" to try and find some humour in it). If I need to do the whole airport bit when going to the parks.. well I just may not go to the parks anymore. This stuff is getting so ridiculous. WDW is supposed to be leaving the outside world and all of this stupid stuff going on out there. It's getting harder and harder to remember that. It makes me sad and it makes me cranky. I wanna go to Disney World and not have to be reminded every minute that someone is plotting to blow me up.
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