Disney Testing Metal Detectors, Screening Devices

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To me, this feels like a wild goose chase. All it will do, really, is make entering the parks even more inconvenient than it already is (and add a more jarring reality check, no pun...) Anyone who REALLY wants to inflict harm and/or terror will come up with some way to do it.

And you would all probably be surprised at some of the stuff people have tried to bring into the parks. I know when we first started bag checks, I would have people try to check-in their knives, etc., before they came into the park. Security got guns and other fun stuff on occasion (The knives we gave to security, and I believe the guests got them back when they left. The guns I don't know about...) The thing is, I ~know~ I could get nearly anything in (or out) of the parks (even through cast entrances) if I wanted to. We're really not that much safer than before...


I saw do whatever it takes to make the Disney experience safer for guests. If it means more waiting in line at the entrance, oh well, that's the world we live in today, unfortunately. Do we hate waiting in line? Yes....do we generally hate airport security now? Yes.......but we just shrug our shoulders and realize this is the way things our now and there's nothing we can do to change anything. I think that will pretty much be the reaction if Disney goes through with this....annoyance, yes, but also an acceptance of today's world.


New Member
I just got back from the World (trip report coming soon) & I thought the whole bag check thing was rather silly. While it didn't slow things down too much, the bags were given a rather cursory glance at best. It's anyone's guess what all those people without a bag were carrying in through their their coat pockets or baggy sweatshirts.

I'm all for the metal detectors. I think they'll somehow make it a streamlined process. I did notice however there were cameras above the bag check counters. Not sure if they were just normal video surveillance or something else, but I have a suspicion there's more security measures in place than we know about.


Well-Known Member
And when and if there is a problem at Disney World, at least they will be able to say they did everything in their power to prevent it from happening.


And when and if there is a problem at Disney World, at least they will be able to say they did everything in their power to prevent it from happening.

See, I honestly think ~this~ is why they're doing all these things. I'm not bashing Disney - they're doing what little they can do. But I don't think that ANY of these new safety measures, be they from the government OR from Disney, are going to stop anyone who REALLY wants to do something. I think we've been lucky so far. If what's happening overseas is any indication, the terrorists will just come up with some other way to hurt people. I think a lot of these new measures are more for peace of mind than anything else.


Originally posted by STGRhost
See, I honestly think ~this~ is why they're doing all these things. I'm not bashing Disney - they're doing what little they can do. But I don't think that ANY of these new safety measures, be they from the government OR from Disney, are going to stop anyone who REALLY wants to do something. I think we've been lucky so far. If what's happening overseas is any indication, the terrorists will just come up with some other way to hurt people. I think a lot of these new measures are more for peace of mind than anything else.

What I find interesting is someone could easily do something while in the "herd" (what I call large numbers of people all trying to go towards one general direction because it feels like cattle being herded to me) before they even GOT to the gates. I'm sure Cinderella's Castle would be a target, but personally I would think their goal would be the people. What then? Nothing is ever gonna be 100% safe. That's just the world we live in now. I'm not just talking about terrorists... I'm talking about loons of the world period. Security measures are always good don't get me wrong. I'm just saying that a lot can happen before you even get into the gate and if that does happen, all of the security in the world wouldn't have been able to foresee it and be able to stop it. Too many what if's in the world.

On a side note, I'm not so sure so I'm asking.... wouldn't the extra metal detecters & all of that stuff ruin a lot of people's film in their cameras? I know it's recommended you don't allow your film to be X-rayed but what about these other things?

Hank Scorpio

New Member
While I don't want the parks to turn into what resembles a prison when you enter, I happen to think that this is a good idea given the state of the world, and purely because if Disney didn't implement them and then there was a Terorist attack inside the park, it would be the same people complaining about the metal detectors that would then be complaining why didn't Disney use simple measures such as metal detectors that 'could have' prevented the attack.

Also i'm thinking, everyone has to go through a turnstile to get in right? Why not just have them there? Then no inconvience is caused and it will only slow you up if something is detected.


New Member
Originally posted by ISTCNavigator57
And when and if there is a problem at Disney World, at least they will be able to say they did everything in their power to prevent it from happening.

Airport security saying that after 9/11. And now we have more extensive security measures. Go figure.

The rules changed on 9/11. Look at Israel. Their citizens are used to long security lines, security agents asking tough questions, etc. How many times has El-Al been hijacked ? I realize it's an inconvience, but people need to realize what is at stake. There won't be another hijacking of a US commercial plane, because the passengers won't ever let it happen again.


Having the bag checks and now possabily the metal detectors is a joke. What are they going to do, make me give up my little pen knife that I carry ? Pulease.


Well-Known Member
I hate those walk through things I'm always afraid of setting it off. I'm not someone who would even think of bringing something in I just hate them I ALWAYS get nervous before I go through Airport security. One time I was out with my friends shopping and I had gotten a CD and I kept settin goff the alarm and freaking out so I made my other firend that had another CD carry it for me.:lol:


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by TAC
The rules changed on 9/11. Look at Israel. Their citizens are used to long security lines, security agents asking tough questions, etc. How many times has El-Al been hijacked ? I realize it's an inconvience, but people need to realize what is at stake.

Forgive my ignorance, I think that while the country was greatly affected by the events of September 11th, and while there have been many steps in the right direction; there also have been many steps in the wrong direction.

Americans should not have to relinquish their peace of mind, convenience and their rights because of the actions of a group of terrorist. I know its hard, especially when the fear card is used by politicians (but I won't get into that).

The point is this, should we forget 9/11....NO!
Should we forget that the government left us vulnerable to this attack....NO!
Should measures be taken to stop similar events from occuring...YES!
Must people lose peace of mind, convenience, and their rights in the process.....again...NO NO NO!!!! (And it is the responsiblity of those in power to make sure none of those is lost).

I think that there are other things Disney can do, not necessarily having to do with metal detectors, that can prove to be good safety measures....but those things must not only be done at the park gates but everywhere....

But then like some have already mentioned...if these terrorist wanted to do something, chances are nothing will stand in their way...well something could...but thats failed in the past....

I posed this question in my initial post....if we are afraid, haven't the terrorist already won???

Again pardon my ignorant opinion. I think we never want to see another event like 9/11...and I pray we never witness something like that again.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by orlpassholder
Although security was increased at Disney parks after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, only open-bag security checks are currently performed at the entrances to theme parks.

The devices would possibly screen Disney visitors like airport passengers.
1) About time to :sohappy:
2) I hope that these will be used in conjunction with the bag checks and not instead of.
3) Can you use FP :lol:


New Member
Originally posted by objr
Americans should not have to relinquish their peace of mind, convenience and their rights because of the actions of a group of terrorist. I know its hard, especially when the fear card is used by politicians (but I won't get into that).

But then like some have already mentioned...if these terrorist wanted to do something, chances are nothing will stand in their way...well something could...but thats failed in the past....

I posed this question in my initial post....if we are afraid, haven't the terrorist already won???

Again pardon my ignorant opinion. I think we never want to see another event like 9/11...and I pray we never witness something like that again.

Oh, I completely agree. My opinion is that even the increased carry on security is a joke. Why? Because as I said in my previous post, the passengers will NEVER let a hijacking happen again on a US jetliner (probably no one would, even in other countries). People may get hurt or even maimed or killed stopping it, but the passengers will NOT sit complacently in their seats, hoping to land somewhere safely.

I think the TSA is a knee-jerk reaction to people saying "something has to be done." Every month you see a news story about someone who inadvertently or otherwise walked through security with something "illegal." And what does the TSA do? They ARREST that person ?!?!? How about FIRING the "security" personnell that allowed that person to get past ?

The big joke is on US, with all the security, and the National Guard "guarding" bridges, tunnels, and whatnot.

Originally posted by objr
I think that there are other things Disney can do, not necessarily having to do with metal detectors, that can prove to be good safety measures....but those things must not only be done at the park gates but everywhere....

If Disney wants to be one of the corporate leaders, then they would do more to make a baggage check less of an eyesore but still conduct it.

What if Disney created 'hydrolators' that "scans your bodies and bags - and puts you in the proper frame of mind to enter Walt Disney World?" [IE: If people think the hydrolators are real, do the same thing with security. :D ]


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by General Grizz
:sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy:
:sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy:

Currently the bag checks are a joke. Security looks at the bag and usually not thoroughly through them. I know when I have gone through I could of damn near brought a AK-47 in with me.

I hope this does work and they can keep the entrance lines at a reasonable length.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by TAC
What if Disney created 'hydrolators' that "scans your bodies and bags - and puts you in the proper frame of mind to enter Walt Disney World?" [IE: If people think the hydrolators are real, do the same thing with security. :D ]

Good idea...and I think there are some scanning devices out there right now that do something similar (just very expensive)...but when you do something like that and use such a machine all sort of privacy issues rise...

You know it seems to me that the only reason metal detectors would be put up is to show security not for actual "productive" security...because as some have posted in the past...Disney does other things dealing with security, that people aren't aware of (in addition to the bag checks...I'm guessing that the machines would go where the back checks are now combining both)....

As long as the lines aren't too long, then it wouldn't be too bad...maybe if Disney created its own technology....themeing the whole "experience" would awesome....just don't know how they would do that....

Metal Detector: Pixie Dust Sprinkler....:lookaroun :lol:


Well-Known Member
I don't think the idea was to check every inch of everyone's bag, but to deter anyone from trying anything. I know sometimes, I get barely checked at all, and other times, my entire bag is checked.


New Member
Originally posted by objr
Good idea...and I think there are some scanning devices out there right now that do something similar (just very expensive)...but when you do something like that and use such a machine all sort of privacy issues rise...

As long as the lines aren't too long, then it wouldn't be too bad...maybe if Disney created its own technology....themeing the whole "experience" would awesome....just don't know how they would do that....

Metal Detector: Pixie Dust Sprinkler....:lookaroun :lol:

What I meant was the same kind of "experience" as with the hydrolators. I didn't mean REAL metal detectors. Along the lines of "if people feel safe..." and "are these hydrolators real?"


They actually just said some info on this on CNN. I think metal detectors would actually be somewhat of a bad thing. Do we really need this kind of thing now? We've already got the bag checks, and metal detectors will just make everything look like a prison or another airport. Do you think people who would want to come to the Magic Kingdom to have a good time would want to take everything out of their pockets, then put it back in, and after that have to take their shoes off? The lines would be horrible (they could make FP for it though...:lol: ), and I'm sure park hoppers and Annual Passholders won't like the idea of having to go through the procedure again and again after visiting multiple parks in a day.:mad:

If they could somehow do it with little to no wait times, I would be in favor of it.

Sgt Tibs

New Member
Originally posted by objr
Forgive my ignorance, I think that while the country was greatly affected by the events of September 11th, and while there have been many steps in the right direction; there also have been many steps in the wrong direction.

Americans should not have to relinquish their peace of mind, convenience and their rights because of the actions of a group of terrorist. I know its hard, especially when the fear card is used by politicians (but I won't get into that).

The point is this, should we forget 9/11....NO!
Should we forget that the government left us vulnerable to this attack....NO!
Should measures be taken to stop similar events from occuring...YES!
Must people lose peace of mind, convenience, and their rights in the process.....again...NO NO NO!!!! (And it is the responsiblity of those in power to make sure none of those is lost).

I think that there are other things Disney can do, not necessarily having to do with metal detectors, that can prove to be good safety measures....but those things must not only be done at the park gates but everywhere....

But then like some have already mentioned...if these terrorist wanted to do something, chances are nothing will stand in their way...well something could...but thats failed in the past....

I posed this question in my initial post....if we are afraid, haven't the terrorist already won???

Again pardon my ignorant opinion. I think we never want to see another event like 9/11...and I pray we never witness something like that again.

I think you are SO on the money... :) The fear is stoked by our gubment, and our own misplaced sense of risk.

We fear hijackings more than smoking cigarettes. We fear dirty bombs more than driving across town. We fear abductions more than gun recklessness. And we are too willing to give up personal freedom. NOTE: "They" aren't taking our freedom as much as we are giving it up.

Disney mustn't encase the parks in "Berlin Walls."

WDW should be the escape from all of this.
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