Disney tattoo recommendations for guys


Well-Known Member
The only thing in your post that you hit on that was right was that you are going to get flamed. What rock are you living under ? Seriously. This negative connotation that you speak of is pretty much only held these days by old school elderly people and narrow minded persons such as yourself. In my job I encounter at least 2 dozen customers a week face to face and many more people when stopping for lunch, gas....etc. And guess what ? These days I'm noticing just as many with tats as without, And thats the tats that I can SEE. Young, old, all incomes, all races.

Why are you and the other tattoo bashers reading this thread anyway ? The title was pretty hard not to understand. The o/p obviously wants to GET a tat and just wanted advice. If you don't like tats, fine thats your perogative. But why must you share your thoughts in a PRO tattoo thread. Can't we have just 1 thread around here that doesn't turn negative or nit picking :shrug:

As for the o/p, a lot of good advice has been given here. Make SURE you can live with it, and is placement going to be an issue ? Those are always my biggest pieces of advice. I have 5 so far. Don't regret 1 of 'em. I was hoping #6 would be an Eagles or Flyers championship tat but I'm getting antsy for another. Been about 6 years. Maybe a night shot of Spaceship Earth. I'll bet the purple tint would look way cool. Now, should I include the wand :ROFLOL:

Ooops, forgot to mention.....Sorcerer Mickey on my right bicept, Donald on my left.

You are correct, the other poster did only ask for pricing, location, and design information. However, I can't think of a thread in recent memory that hasn't been hijinked to some extent. It seems people only complain about this when said hijinking is contrary to one's own opinion. I'm not irate that most of you support tattooing or disagree with me; I don't see why you all so vehemently defend your views if I'm wrong, like my opinion actually has some affect on you. But you're entitled to do that, since a forum is a marketplace of ideas. Likewise, I am entitled to share my unpopular ideas even if they don't fall under the precise topic created (just as you are entitled to attack said views). Just remember, if my opinion is so off-base in the first place, it probably shouldn't make a whole lot of a difference to you.


New Member
I'm sorry whats wrong with Marines!!!:mad: No one really cares about your opinion. The OP asked for help with what he should get not your narrow-minded view. My hubby is a Marine and has 13 tattoos that are all tasteful and can be covered for his day job and I love them. I also have 2 tattoos that I love. To the OP I would think long and hard before spending that kind of money. I have PRINCESS in script scaling the lenght of my lower back with flowers surrounding it and that cost me $300 nine years ago. It is a pretty large tattoo so I see it as though I got a deal:ROFLOL:

If no one cares about his opinion, what makes you think people ought to care about yours? This attack on a single position that's different than yours makes you all look like you believe you are the holders of the only right opinion.

And in reference to what was said earlier that any dissenters ought to just stay away from this topic. Bull. This is a discussion board. People are free to openly discuss what they wish, even if they have *gasp* varying opinions.


New Member
I know that this topic has already been discussed on these forums, but I didn't find anything that peaked my interest when I did a search on people who have decided to have their love of WDW immortalized on their body in the form of a Disney-related tattoo.

I am a 36 year old husband and father who has been weighing the options of getting a tattoo (currently tattoo-less) and couldn't decide what interested me enough to consider getting it permanently etched into my skin. I also don't know where the best spot would be (considering my right calf at the moment) for said tattoo. I have considered Travis Barker's Famous Stars and Straps 'F' (the cool F with the star in it) for my right calf, but then thought about how cool a Disney themed tat might look instead.

Does anybody have any suggestions or pictures that they could share with me about best locations or designs (I think the Epcot logo might be cool as it is by far my favourite WDW park). Also, what is the pricing like to get a decent sized one, preferably with some colour in it? Any cool tattoo artists up in the Michigan area that you could recommend, preferably north of Detroit?:wave:

Dude, don't be a sissy. Put the tat on your arm. Make a commitment! Or you might as well put it on your lower back!

I'm kidding. I don't have any tats, but I've thought of getting King Louie on my forearm (I like jazz and orangutans). If you're looking for a less conspicuous place than your arms, the chest is an option.


New Member
When I was in the Air Force I got a tat.
I never told my parents for the fact that its against my religion to desacrate your body but anyway I got ....

a USDA stamp( the same stamp you see on beef) tat on my butt. Yes I was young.

:lol: That's great! Sounds like a good tat to me.


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
How about a Peter Pan?
How about just a black Mickey head. Maybe that's a little unimaginitive.

That was my first tattoo. On my right shoulder. Then after other tattoos, a year or so later, I got fireworks and "pixie dust" above it. I love it so much, even tho I was fired from Disney. Disney will ALWAYS mean SO much to me.

But you really need to think about what it is you want. Come up with an idea and if you still want it a year or two later, then get it. Don't permanently ink your body with the first thing you think of, cuz you'll end up regretting it. I absolutely love all of my tattoos because they represent important parts of my life that will never change.

Ella's Mommy

Active Member
If no one cares about his opinion, what makes you think people ought to care about yours? This attack on a single position that's different than yours makes you all look like you believe you are the holders of the only right opinion.

And in reference to what was said earlier that any dissenters ought to just stay away from this topic. Bull. This is a discussion board. People are free to openly discuss what they wish, even if they have *gasp* varying opinions.

The OP didnt ask for anyones opinion on the subject of tattoos. He is trying to get ideas. So for someone to push their opinoin when that has nothing to do with the post is just really annoying. I'm not saying that my opinion is the only right one either.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
As for the o/p, a lot of good advice has been given here. Make SURE you can live with it, and is placement going to be an issue ? Those are always my biggest pieces of advice. I have 5 so far. Don't regret 1 of 'em. I was hoping #6 would be an Eagles or Flyers championship tat but I'm getting antsy for another. Been about 6 years. Maybe a night shot of Spaceship Earth. I'll bet the purple tint would look way cool. Now, should I include the wand :ROFLOL:

Ooops, forgot to mention.....Sorcerer Mickey on my right bicept, Donald on my left.

Spaceship Earth would be sweet, wanded or wandless. :ROFLOL:

I thought about maybe a Donald one or even Mickey with a Detroit Red Wings jersey (different allegiances me and you :ROFLOL:) or even golfing or something like that. Combine a couple of the things I love to do the most.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
But you really need to think about what it is you want. Come up with an idea and if you still want it a year or two later, then get it. Don't permanently ink your body with the first thing you think of, cuz you'll end up regretting it. I absolutely love all of my tattoos because they represent important parts of my life that will never change.

Makes sense to me. When I originally thought about it last week, I was thinking about getting a 6 inch F (Travis Barker's Famous Stars and Straps 'F') on my right calf. I have been going back and forth on that one, so I can see why you say to wait it out for a bit.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Dude, don't be a sissy. Put the tat on your arm. Make a commitment! Or you might as well put it on your lower back!

I'm kidding. I don't have any tats, but I've thought of getting King Louie on my forearm (I like jazz and orangutans). If you're looking for a less conspicuous place than your arms, the chest is an option.

If I got a Disney one, it would probably be on my arm somewhere for sure. The only reason I was thinking right calf was for a 6 inch F (Travis Barker's 'F' for Famous Stars and Straps) maybe. The only other reason I was thinking calf was because I never go around without a shirt on or with a muscle shirt or that (just not me), so I wanted it somewhere that it could be seen but still hidden if need be. I always wear shorts when the weather gets warm enough, so at least I could appreciate it in in the warmer weather.:sohappy:


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
hi mike

i just got a mickey tattoo (three weeks ago) and am very happy with it:) . i got mickey on the outside of my leg, just below my knee. hi is in full color, is about2 inches tall. the cost wasn't bad ($100ish) and vicki was VERY sterile so i didn't have to worry about catching anything unwanted. i actually only live about 1 hr from sarnia and had mine done in chatham. let me know if you would like more info on where i got mine. i can honestly say i was wondering if i was crazy at the time (first tattoo) but couldn't be happier now!

Hey, welcome Captain NoBeard! We are practically neighbours!!!:wave: You are the closest person to Sarnia that I have ever talked to on here. I would love more info on this Vicki as the price sounds good to me. You don't happen to have a pic of your new tat, would you?

It's funny. I never even thought of Chatham when I was looking for local tattoo artists. I was looking down London way and that for some reason (even thought about Grand Bend, but only during the summer months obviously).

Glad to hear that you are happy with it and send me more info for sure please and thank you.:sohappy:


Well-Known Member
I'm sure I'm going to be flamed here by many of you with tattoos, but I would have to say I can't recommend any Disney tattoo, or any tattoo, for that matter. I think tattoos are absolutely tactless. Show your love for Disney some other way than by desecrating your body. So it'll cost $140-200? Spend that money on an item from the WDCC collection or a big figure that you can display in your home. Like it or not, there still is a negative connotation in American society that only drunks, "macho men", truckers, and marines get tattoos. At the very least, get it somewhere inconspicuous, especially if you're working a white collar job.

dude I have no idea where you are getting your information from but I know many well educated, college graduates that have tattoos and uhno...piercings. It in no way makes you a bad person because you "desecrate" your body. Open your mind and live a little bit. Its not the 1950s anymore....

I say go for it, but do keep in mind that its something that you want to keep forever and ever. I made one mistake and now thinking of trying to find some kind of cover up.


Well-Known Member
Its quite obvious by all the responses to this thread that WDWFigment is clearly in the minority on this subject, He has no idea what he is talking about and is only spouting personal feelings and calling it fact, which is nonsense.

Please do some reasearch next time WDWFigment before making such ouitlandish generalizations and basically insulting a large number of the visitors to this site.


Well-Known Member
Its quite obvious by all the responses to this thread that WDWFigment is clearly in the minority on this subject, He has no idea what he is talking about and is only spouting personal feelings and calling it fact, which is nonsense.

Please do some reasearch next time WDWFigment before making such ouitlandish generalizations and basically insulting a large number of the visitors to this site.

Either that, or there is a predisposition for people who have tattoos to respond to this thread since it's asking for advice on tattoos. Others with sentiment similar to mine might have just avoided the thread altogether (in retrospect, this is what I should have done). I wouldn't equate five pages of opinions from (primarily) people with tattoos as a barometer for public opinion. Keep in mind while my statements might be insulting to a large number of visitors to the site, several other visitors have insulted me (including your above comments) with personal attacks. Don't worry, I've learned my lesson and won't post in future threads where my opinion dissents from the topic creator.


Well-Known Member
Either that, or there is a predisposition for people who have tattoos to respond to this thread since it's asking for advice on tattoos. Others with sentiment similar to mine might have just avoided the thread altogether (in retrospect, this is what I should have done). I wouldn't equate five pages of opinions from (primarily) people with tattoos as a barometer for public opinion. Keep in mind while my statements might be insulting to a large number of visitors to the site, several other visitors have insulted me (including your above comments) with personal attacks. Don't worry, I've learned my lesson and won't post in future threads where my opinion dissents from the topic creator.

Its one thing to post your opinion, which is what the forums are for. Its another thing to make outlandish claims based on personal opinion and call them "Facts". I have no problem exchanging personal opinions in an adult manner till the cows come home, but your original post was insulting and demeaning. All I did was post information and facts pointing out the truth that tattoos are more a part of our culture than you realize or choose to admit. I then asked you to do some research of your own before posting outlandish claims and trying to convince people they are fact.

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