Disney Springs tenant watch


Well-Known Member
i have seen few parking decks go up faster than this one (other than prefab i mean) just follow the signs to the parking that is open(right next to the street lights) and park and schlep on down to DTD

This is OT, but I would love for someone to make a map of North America with the regions shaded for the various terms for parking structures. Here on the West Coast, they are called "parking structures", a la' the 10,000 space Mickey & Friends Parking Structure at Disneyland.

That West Coast rule is occasionally broken in the Pacific Northwest where a few urban facilities are labeled as "Parkades". A big swath of the country calls them "parking garages", even though they are much larger than the average two-car garage. And then there are sections of the East Coast and Upper Midwest that call them "Parking Decks". I think our Canadian friends often call them Parking Decks as well. (Can a Canadian weigh in here?)

And to bring it home to Disney, it makes me chuckle when I visit WDW and hear or read the phrase "Auto Plaza" when referring to a Toll Plaza at a theme park parking lot. At Disneyland the booths where you pay for your parking are called Toll Booths and the area is called a Toll Plaza. But at WDW the CM's all call it an Auto Plaza. In 1971 they sent out a bunch of Disneylanders to help open Walt Disney World, which was designed and built by Californians in 1968-71, so how the heck did the name get changed to "Auto Plaza"? :confused:
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Well-Known Member
They are on the last level of the parking deck I believe. It's not like progress isn't being made on the garage.

Only for about...I think 1/3. Another 1/3 is maybe 2 floors, and another 3rd hasn't even seen the second deck forms in place. Of course that was...about a week ago, but given how they've been going I doubt that has changed. They're still maybe only halfway done with it.


Well-Known Member
Park across the street and walk. Or bid to build a parking garage.

If you can't walk across a street but somehow can walk all of DTD/theme park, take the shuttle they offer.

But most of us wouldn't have a clue how to build a parking garage. Well, without it falling down in a light breeze, anyway... :oops:
So probably not a viable option.

Walking distance is a valid point, but have you ever seen people at a gym or fitness center jockeying for a close parking space, only to go in and walk two miles on a treadmill? At a shopping and dining complex, you want to draw people in, not give them a hassle about it and turn them off to the place before they've begun.

That said, I don't know how much better Disney could have done this. If you are building your garages in the middle of existing surface lots (not the best choice, I'd argue), then those lots must necessarily be closed. They perhaps could have waited until the first garage was done before closing any additional parking, but that would drag construction out even longer. At this point, probably best just to bite the bullet and get it over with.

Mouse Detective

Well-Known Member
Only for about...I think 1/3. Another 1/3 is maybe 2 floors, and another 3rd hasn't even seen the second deck forms in place. Of course that was...about a week ago, but given how they've been going I doubt that has changed. They're still maybe only halfway done with it.
I think they've been moving very quickly on this garage. The progress surprises me every time I visit.


Active Member
i have seen few parking decks go up faster than this one (other than prefab i mean) just follow the signs to the parking that is open(right next to the street lights) and park and schlep on down to DTD

Parking garages (or any other multi-level concrete structures) are victims of the atmosphere they are built in. They need to be poured, then allowed to cure. The more damp and humid the conditions, the longer the curing time. You can't remove the support forms until the concrete is ready. My guess is that Orlando is one of the least efficient places to construct a concrete structure (even though it's still relatively fast). Not an expert by any means, but I know that you need to form, pour, and wait. . . .form pour and wait.


Well-Known Member
i have seen few parking decks go up faster than this one (other than prefab i mean) just follow the signs to the parking that is open(right next to the street lights) and park and schlep on down to DTD

No. I'm not going to "schlep on down." I'm going to show the same disdane & respect towards management that they've shown the guests & tenants during this project.

I'd love to hear your rational as to why its acceptable for Disney to tear up all the parking lots at once for this project....


Well-Known Member
Not being sarcastic about this, but what else can they do though? They need to get those parking garages done. I get it's very very frustrating but they need to be done and quickly. And they're actually moving fairly quickly for a change.


Well-Known Member
After my first couple of visits after they closed off the parking lots, I have come to the conclusion that TDO had absolutely no clue the cluster**** that they were creating. They appeared totally unprepared and had no workable plan. It is amazing to me that this is the best plan that Disney could come up with.

At this point I refuse to go to DTD unless there is a band that I REALLY want to see playing at the HOB. Otherwise, for dinner and a movie it is Pointe Orlando or CityWalk.


Well-Known Member
No. I'm not going to "schlep on down." I'm going to show the same disdane & respect towards management that they've shown the guests & tenants during this project.

I'd love to hear your rational as to why its acceptable for Disney to tear up all the parking lots at once for this project....
Because it's their property.


Premium Member
Because it's their property.
Well it's obviously legal for them to do because its their property. I'm pretty sure @PhotoDave219 is talking about why they think its acceptable to put customers out like this.

For me it isn't a big deal. I'm there on vacation once a year where I'm usually taking a bus anyway. I think PhotoDave is coming from a different prospective being local and visiting more frequently. I can understand how this is frustrating. I'm not sure what else they could have done. At least they appear to be working faster than some recent projects.


Active Member
No. I'm not going to "schlep on down." I'm going to show the same disdane & respect towards management that they've shown the guests & tenants during this project.

I'd love to hear your rational as to why its acceptable for Disney to tear up all the parking lots at once for this project....

Yikes, sounds like its a mess. I can only speculate that rather than phase it in, the planners have decided to just go for it and get those garages built before summer. I neglected to check back for photos and posts--are they working on the new bus drop-off between the Marketplace and West Side? If not, this is also why they would want to get those parking structures up. It looks like it will require a lot of real estate currently reserved for parking. Either way they do it, its gonna a beast for the next 2 years. Getting those garages up as quickly as possible might make it tolerable.

Just speculating on what they were thinking. Whether it turns out the way they intended. . . .that's another story.


Well-Known Member
God help them if the tourism market ever stops again. Like 9/11.
Well, the US$ is recovering. Venezuela is melting down. Brazil is cooling. The EU is struggling.
Soon comes the point where Disney comes groveling back to the domestic market with the buy 5 get 7 nights plus a $250 gift card AND free dining if you please stay at one of our hotels deals.

This is where pricing people out comes back to bite them in the mouse tail. The domestic market didn't stop traveling they just found suitable alternatives.


Well-Known Member
Yikes, sounds like its a mess. I can only speculate that rather than phase it in, the planners have decided to just go for it and get those garages built before summer. I neglected to check back for photos and posts--are they working on the new bus drop-off between the Marketplace and West Side? If not, this is also why they would want to get those parking structures up. It looks like it will require a lot of real estate currently reserved for parking. Either way they do it, its gonna a beast for the next 2 years. Getting those garages up as quickly as possible might make it tolerable.

Just speculating on what they were thinking. Whether it turns out the way they intended. . . .that's another story.

Not even close on the bolded. They may be 2/3 of the way done by July, but they're not finishing it before the summer rush has ended. Plus with the direct connection that is supposedly happening from the new 536 ramp extension, they haven't even started on that part, so...yeah. I only go over now if its before 3pm or with a relative who has a handicap tag so I don't see the construction as much as before they closed off half of the lot behind Cirque for the new Cast Services building (or whatever that building will be). Plus with the widening project for BVD my trips there are going to be even fewer. I basically do anything I can to avoid BVD beyond Bonnet Creek Pkwy. unless I'm going to Typhoon now until like 2016.


Well-Known Member
Not saying they'll at all be done by July for the garages, but isn't one of them already at 5 levels? It's not nearly complete but it's coming along fairly well.

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