Disney Smells(scents) :)


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Original Poster
Alright, here's a good one: What are some of your favorite "Disney Smells". It can be any smell you like while in the parks, stuff outside of disney that reminds you of disney, old rides etc.

First and formost:

The orange fields in Horizons. Those were the best weren't they?

The way the water smells in pirates, splash or basically any water ride.

Disney Popcorn!!!

The entire frontierland area.

Please let me know cuz I am curious to see!


Active Member
The Bus / Tram Fumes.
The burning Rome in Spaceship Earth.
The smell of Test Track when you start breaking after the outside run.
Any circulating water on Property.
Mc Donalds french fry smell inside of the Dinosaur building.
The inside of any gift shop.
The mildew smell of the Splash Mountain logs.
The smell while on the Walt Disney World Railroad.
That Monorail carpet glue.
The inside of the Contemporary when the resort monorail doors open.
The inside of Rock N Rollercoaster.


I loved the orange smell in horizons. I still day-dream about it to this day and always buy citrusy smelling air fresheners. I wish they would've bottled that scent.

I also love the smell of burning Rome in Spaceship Earth. I don't know why I do, but I always look forward to it.

They should create a line of fragrances with those scents.

Oh yeah, I love the cotton candy smell in any shop that sells it.


New Member
Popcorn at any of the Disney Parks
Turkey Legs
The smell of the water rides...especiall Splash Mountain & Pirates
The Monorail smell....Sometimes it is so bad but it is a distinct Disney Smell
The smells of Main Street Definitely...there are so many of them
The Burning Rome smell in Spaceship Earth


Well-Known Member
The nuts at epcot, and the monorail are my favs. Did anyone else notice the christmas store isnt the same though? Its not so intense like it used to be and i kinda miss it.


Well-Known Member
You know when I think of Disney smells/scents two stand out in my mind:

-Aroma from a turkey leg/popcorn stand :slurp:
-The sometimes awful smell in some flower beds at the parks (I would imagine its fertilizer) :lookaroun

Oh and who can forget the great scent as you go inside the AK Lodge...that has to be the best lobby aroma at WDW...:slurp:


New Member
Well you most def. have to go with the fire smell from Rome on SSE. That's the ultimate.

Ok I still miss the smell of oranges in Horizons as well.

The smell of actually heat and humidity of Florida makes me happy haha.

The smell of recycled water anywhere at the park.

The smell of Splash Mountain...I'm guessing that's mildew.

The air conditioner smells so amazing haha.

And finally the smell of my favorite food at Disney haha...CHICKEN FINGERS!! :lol:


Park History nut
Premium Member
All the above and... the Disney Stores in the UK!! They must use the same air freshner as the parks and resorts... its just a general `Disney smell` that makes us smile everytime!


Active Member
The Confectionary on Main Street
Rome in SE
I don't know about the other resorts since we always stay at All Stars, but the lobby smell is kinda sweet---and I know good times are ahead as soon as we arrive and walk in the lobby.


Well-Known Member
The diesal fuel and fumes permeating from the busses and FriendShips. Absolutely the most Disney smell!

Anytime I smell diesal outside of WDW, I am immediately transported to waiting for a bus or taking the boat home after a fun day at the parks. And it's funny, b/c everyone in our family will mention Disney and the fun when diesal is smelt.


Also, I think the smell of manure is fresh and a good smell--when in moderation. So with Disney always planting and replanting, the smell of manure is also positive, tho not a favorite.

A "positive" good smell--walking by Yachtsman Steakhouse at night and smelling the char broiled goodness on the grills.


New Member
You guys hit them all:
Turkey Legs
The orange fields in Horizons
The flowers around Epcot
The inside of the buses
The musty smell inside Haunted Mansion...
BTW we are walking out the door in 5 minutes to drive to the airport. By this time tomorrow, I will be smelling all the smells.
Oh, I forgot, the Lobby of The Animal Kingdom Lodge.


Disney Air conditionnig

Haunted mansion inside

great ceremonial house at the polynesian

any of these scents you could blindfold me and put me in these locals and I would know where i am just on smell alone!!



Well-Known Member
I used to love the "musty" smell that you would smell when exiting the main theater and going to the "jungle" section at UoE. The smell isn't as strong as it used to be though :(.

Disney Hog

New Member
I stopped smelling when they tore down Horizons.

I refuse to smell anymore- It'll just lead to heartbreak.:cry: :cry:

I do like the burning of Rome.
Unfortunately I always think of JIYI when I smell a skunk on the road. I'd rather think of a skunk.


Active Member
deisel fuel from the busses
the air conditioner smells
monorail smells
burning rome in spaceship earth
Haunted Mansion
Tower of Terror Boiler Room


New Member
I think that most rides all share a similar smell, sort of smokey or something... hard to describe. I used to be petrified of all rides when I was little (and still am of some today), so even smelling that scent on something like Peter Pan's Flight can send a shiver up my spine :lol:



Well-Known Member
It all starts for me at the airport when I get that first wiff of FL air.
Wilderness Lodge - lobby, rooms, Roaring Forks
Main Street
Hauted Mansion
Contemporary Lobby
Bus fumes
Burning Rome in Spaceship Earth
Main Street Confectionary


Premium Member
I like all the Disney smells. They all smell like home. :)

I especially like the smells when you are standing in queue for the boat rides, like Pirates, Splash Mt., etc. It's neat to be able to smell the ride before you get to it.

I can't even imagine how insane non disney freaks would think this thread is.

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