Disney slowly losing our dollars.


Well-Known Member
Ah the Tabasco lady from Largs. She's a hot one. Largs is famous for four things..Fish & chips...Nardini's ice cream..The boat to Rothesay..And the boat back.;)

Hatter, your memory is failing, must have been the tabasco. The boat goes to Greater Cumbrae (otherwise known as the Millport ferry) and the Rothesay ferry leaves from Weymss Bay (three miles from my front door in Inverkip). Largs now has a Tony Macaroni restaurant which is worth visiting if you are ever in the area again.

real mad hatter

Well-Known Member
Hatter, your memory is failing, must have been the tabasco. The boat goes to Greater Cumbrae (otherwise known as the Millport ferry) and the Rothesay ferry leaves from Weymss Bay (three miles from my front door in Inverkip). Largs now has a Tony Macaroni restaurant which is worth visiting if you are ever in the area again.
Thanks for that.Tony Macaroni.I love that name. Thats the name Ive been looking for in my music venture.Instead of Rick Bochinno.My bands now in turmoil.;)


Well-Known Member
Yes, $DIS is certainly concerned about attendance at its Florida parks. Take a look at their quarterly conference calls and other statements made by management.
Even the absolute attendance numbers are down. When you look at market share, I cant understand how any of the WDW leaders still have jobs.


Well-Known Member
I wouldnt have a problem with the price hikes if they maintained the level of quality. I dont care if you are the biggest fan on this board. There isnt not one of you that can deny that there has been a drop in maintence, food quality. You still may enjoy it, it still maybe magical but the issues still exsist. Everyone has a different level of tolerance. I have said it many times, my family has a very real vested interest in WDW. My mother has been a CM for 17 yrs. My grandaughter grew up in a Disney family. Pixie dust was served on a daily basis.

If my family has soured on WDW...its really saying something. I could not even fathom how much money my family has spent there. But it will be a very long time before I return. FOr those who think that ..... great one less person in line. Have at it. I am happy for you. If it is worth the money you spend there....God Bless ya' But there are people here that refuse to accept the product in its current state. Will I eventually return to my beloved happy place? Only time will tell. For those that are taking their dollars else where and dont think it is having an effect? It does. TDO sees it. When a buisness loses its hardcore fan base it dosnt go unnoticed....the question is, do they care?

Absolutely. I am dying to become a dvc member for years now. I keep trying to talk myself into it. We have always adored disney, I have been coming since I was an infant!.. But right now, I'm sitting in Bay Lake Tower, having just written a letter to Disney corporate about what a terrible decline it is in. The crowds this week have been bad. The tour groups are nightmarish. Dirty, filthy bathrooms. Haven't had a decent server at any restaurant all week. Cold buffet foods....
and the cm's haven't even been decently polite on average, let alone "magical". The customer service this week has made me think we are in 6 flags occasionally. Cm's have not greeted us in stores, have ignored us while loudly talking in groups..
Apparently training is happening this week, which is not helping. Top it off with masses of tour groups, and "slow" season it is not. We have seen obnoxious behavior, idiot drunks, and more brazilian cheeks hanging out then I have ever seen in my life (does no one check outfits at the gate anymore?) ugh. My husband wanted to stop going to the parks by day 3. He will not come back as of now. He may be willing to try Disneyland, but wdw has hit his last nerve. The tour groups and their 600 fastpasses at a time have hit my last nerve.


Well-Known Member
Oh, and a word about training, too. The cm's do not seem to understand the disney product anymore. Several times this week, we have been looking for characters and had to describe them, since the cm's did not know who the characters were. If they had nothing of that character and we asked where we coud find them, they looked at us blankly. No one had a clue, and no one offered to see if they could ask someone else.


I think this thread needs more attention paid to it. Just so we are clear, I will go back to WDW but I do have to say I feel like there has been a paradigm shift. Mind you, I am not going on a tirade here about a horrible experience, these are just observations I have made on my most recent trip. My family and I are DVC members and we are all in agreement, something has changed. I would love to hear some of the WDW Magic community and their thoughts.

The most important thing has been the decline in service. I’ve never heard “no” or “sorry we can’t do that”, not only at WDW, but anywhere else I went on vacation, as many times as I did on my last trip (5/31-6/4). There has been a discernible change in the employee’s attitudes, this is ubiquitous. There are many instances I could reference but I’d rather highlight a few experiences that best illustrate my point. I had an issue at check-in; we had several different reservations as we are all DVC members. We tried to change our reservation and move a member from one room to the other. Point-blank they said, “No, we can’t do that. You have to call DVC.” I was astounded; they didn’t even offer me a phone. We got the issue resolved, but it wasn’t the optimal solution and when I informed the woman at check-in that it wasn’t optimal she said, “we’ll you’re too impatient”. It is just one example of a pall of snarkyness that has encompassed the world.

There is also a very glaring issue with technology. As someone who keeps up-to-date with the latest technology, I can only assume that the problem is that their technology infrastructure is too advanced for their software. There is no such thing as a key to the kingdom. I cannot begin to tell you how many times our PINs were erased. And after we checked out our entire party (14) had several quick-service meals to use a piece. Each time the food service person couldn’t complete the transaction. They could see that we still had meals left, they just couldn’t complete the transaction. We tried to resolve it at BW, but they said, “there is nothing we can do.” So each time on our last day when we ordered a meal someone had to call BW’s front desk. Completely inefficient and frustrating.

The biggest issue however was the lack of attention to detail. I saw rust, chipped paint, loose floorboards and worst of all trash, even an over-full trashcan in MK. I am easy to please, but I do not and cannot stand for an overflowing trashcan in WDW. It’s lazy and impish and is indicative of the service that has become all too common in these parks and resorts. I feel like there is a serious lack of training and understanding among management and staff.

If you notice not once in my post did I refer to anyone as a “cast member” and I think that is the most glaring problem right now; they are not playing a role, they are just getting through the day. There is a serious lack of attention to details within the cast and the sets and it breaks the heart. And I am not saying that everyone was horrible. I could dedicate just as much space to people that were great. We got family portraits and our photographer Amanda was amazing. We had dinner at the Kona Café, which is easily becoming out favorite restaurant on property and our waiter Jeremy was fantastic. But judging the entire body of work, I have noticed a lack in service, something I think Walt would be very ashamed of.


Well-Known Member
I think this thread needs more attention paid to it. Just so we are clear, I will go back to WDW but I do have to say I feel like there has been a paradigm shift. Mind you, I am not going on a tirade here about a horrible experience, these are just observations I have made on my most recent trip. My family and I are DVC members and we are all in agreement, something has changed. I would love to hear some of the WDW Magic community and their thoughts.

The most important thing has been the decline in service. I’ve never heard “no” or “sorry we can’t do that”, not only at WDW, but anywhere else I went on vacation, as many times as I did on my last trip (5/31-6/4). There has been a discernible change in the employee’s attitudes, this is ubiquitous. There are many instances I could reference but I’d rather highlight a few experiences that best illustrate my point. I had an issue at check-in; we had several different reservations as we are all DVC members. We tried to change our reservation and move a member from one room to the other. Point-blank they said, “No, we can’t do that. You have to call DVC.” I was astounded; they didn’t even offer me a phone. We got the issue resolved, but it wasn’t the optimal solution and when I informed the woman at check-in that it wasn’t optimal she said, “we’ll you’re too impatient”. It is just one example of a pall of snarkyness that has encompassed the world.

There is also a very glaring issue with technology. As someone who keeps up-to-date with the latest technology, I can only assume that the problem is that their technology infrastructure is too advanced for their software. There is no such thing as a key to the kingdom. I cannot begin to tell you how many times our PINs were erased. And after we checked out our entire party (14) had several quick-service meals to use a piece. Each time the food service person couldn’t complete the transaction. They could see that we still had meals left, they just couldn’t complete the transaction. We tried to resolve it at BW, but they said, “there is nothing we can do.” So each time on our last day when we ordered a meal someone had to call BW’s front desk. Completely inefficient and frustrating.

The biggest issue however was the lack of attention to detail. I saw rust, chipped paint, loose floorboards and worst of all trash, even an over-full trashcan in MK. I am easy to please, but I do not and cannot stand for an overflowing trashcan in WDW. It’s lazy and impish and is indicative of the service that has become all too common in these parks and resorts. I feel like there is a serious lack of training and understanding among management and staff.

If you notice not once in my post did I refer to anyone as a “cast member” and I think that is the most glaring problem right now; they are not playing a role, they are just getting through the day. There is a serious lack of attention to details within the cast and the sets and it breaks the heart. And I am not saying that everyone was horrible. I could dedicate just as much space to people that were great. We got family portraits and our photographer Amanda was amazing. We had dinner at the Kona Café, which is easily becoming out favorite restaurant on property and our waiter Jeremy was fantastic. But judging the entire body of work, I have noticed a lack in service, something I think Walt would be very ashamed of.
If you want the Disney experience you are missing, go to DL, a cruise or Tokyo. Night and day.


Well-Known Member
My husband wanted to stop going to the parks by day 3. He will not come back as of now. He may be willing to try Disneyland, but wdw has hit his last nerve. The tour groups and their 600 fastpasses at a time have hit my last nerve.

Well, that was a VERY rough trip. I was enraged, honestly. Many months on, I am willing to give it another shot. Now that I am calm, I will write about it again. Disney did contact us after my multiple complaints and did butter us up during that trip, but it was amazing how many things were wrong- little things and major things as well.
But, they have lost a lot of our money.. this time, we are eating every breakfast in our room, or grabbing a bagel. (We had several character breakfasts last time). We are eating only one sit down on our days in the park, (instead of the 1-2 or sometimes 3 a day) and some days, just counter/eating around the world. Packing lots of protein bars. I am done giving them a ton of money for sub-par food and sub-par service. Only 1 character meal this time (usually we hit at least 3).
We are also going to stay at the Dolphin. I am done paying their exorbitant deluxe prices, and we got an amazing deal at the Dolphin with our group.
The big one: We are going to Universal for 2 days- first time I have been there in 20+ years. It looks amazing, We got rooms at the Pacific (which has that Poly look/feel online at least) for hundreds less than a deluxe at Disney. They are giving us early entrance. Discounts for staying more than 2 days. I got the one reservation I wanted with no stress, less than 180 days out. The website did not stop working 6 times while I attempted to book the restaurant. It was easy to plan. We are all very excited about Uni, and there's not much to be excited about, or anything new, at Disney.. unless you want to do games all day.. and I spend enough time trying to get my gamer son out and living on vacation, don't need to tell him I am not spending 6 hours doing pirates, then sorcerer, then phineas and ferb. grrr.

I will see how it goes this trip. I love Disney, but they keep breaking my heart!


Well-Known Member
My parents first took me to WDW from '81 - 84. As a quasi adult I went in '97 while still in college. I was there every year since and in 2005 I joined DVC. I've been going twice a year since. However, the tickets are outrageous, even with the AP discount. As @sweetpee_1993 has found the joy of a Disney Cruise, I have as well. The problem is, I now wont be using most of my points for hotels. There is more value to use the points for a hotel as opposed to a cruise. I guess we will start renting them out now.


Keep Moving Forward
Well, that was a VERY rough trip. I was enraged, honestly. Many months on, I am willing to give it another shot. Now that I am calm, I will write about it again. Disney did contact us after my multiple complaints and did butter us up during that trip, but it was amazing how many things were wrong- little things and major things as well.
But, they have lost a lot of our money.. this time, we are eating every breakfast in our room, or grabbing a bagel. (We had several character breakfasts last time). We are eating only one sit down on our days in the park, (instead of the 1-2 or sometimes 3 a day) and some days, just counter/eating around the world. Packing lots of protein bars. I am done giving them a ton of money for sub-par food and sub-par service. Only 1 character meal this time (usually we hit at least 3).
We are also going to stay at the Dolphin. I am done paying their exorbitant deluxe prices, and we got an amazing deal at the Dolphin with our group.
The big one: We are going to Universal for 2 days- first time I have been there in 20+ years. It looks amazing, We got rooms at the Pacific (which has that Poly look/feel online at least) for hundreds less than a deluxe at Disney. They are giving us early entrance. Discounts for staying more than 2 days. I got the one reservation I wanted with no stress, less than 180 days out. The website did not stop working 6 times while I attempted to book the restaurant. It was easy to plan. We are all very excited about Uni, and there's not much to be excited about, or anything new, at Disney.. unless you want to do games all day.. and I spend enough time trying to get my gamer son out and living on vacation, don't need to tell him I am not spending 6 hours doing pirates, then sorcerer, then phineas and ferb. grrr.

I will see how it goes this trip. I love Disney, but they keep breaking my heart!

The only thing stopping me from heading over to Uni/IOA this trip is the fact my kids are 2 and 4. Just not enough for them to do yet but you can bet Disney will be losing days from us too in the Future. I'm planning at least 2 nights/days at Uni when the next Potter opens. so lat leaves 3/4 days for Disney.


Well-Known Member
My parents first took me to WDW from '81 - 84. As a quasi adult I went in '97 while still in college. I was there every year since and in 2005 I joined DVC. I've been going twice a year since. However, the tickets are outrageous, even with the AP discount. As @sweetpee_1993 has found the joy of a Disney Cruise, I have as well. The problem is, I now wont be using most of my points for hotels. There is more value to use the points for a hotel as opposed to a cruise. I guess we will start renting them out now.

Yep! We have other friends who are DVC members who have switched gears to the cruises. They find a better bang-for-the-buck in renting out their unused points and pairing shorter stays with little bits of their points with more cruises. In fact, I'm in the process of renting 30 points to hit a DVC resort for a couple nights in September between the Dream and Fantasy...which will be cruises #6 and #7 in a 2 year time period. I'm just a *little* bit hooked. :D


Well-Known Member
We were just at the world last week and I must say, I thought the parks looked pretty good. The Splash refurb looked awesome, New Fantasyland looked great. We encountered some REALLY awesome CMs. EJ at check in gave my cousin birthday balloons, Lady Tremaine and the two stepsisters rode the carousel with us one mornong and spent a ton of time with our family making us laugh and interacting with us. Ryan at Typhoon Lagoon was super nice and even offered my cousin and I rafts at the top of Cursh N Gusher towards the end of the day so we wouldn't have to carry them up the stairs. There really are some CMs there who go out of their way to make someones day...

What I have issues with is the guests we encounter there. We stayed at All Star Sports and there were several VERY loud groups there. and when I say loud, I mean our room was right off the football field and when we got back to the resort at 11:30-12 at night, there were kids screaming and yelling and playing out on the football field. Quiet hours are from 10pm-8am. Security was NOT enforcing this at all. We called down to the front desk on 2 different nights and only then did security go down and put the quiet hours sign on the field. there were also loud people in the pool when we got back to the resort a couple nights after 1am and I'm pretty sure the pool closes at midnight? Also the football field was COVERED in bottles and trash and even a random flip flop when we went to leave one morning. The resort was looking like a Super 8 as opposed to an over $100 a night resort. Disney does NOTHING to stop the behavior of guests who are disruptive, rude, etc.. People are blatantly taking flash photos on rides with NO flash photos allowed, CMs see them and only say "no flash photos" and the guests keep doing it. Nothing else is said after that. These guests need to be spoken to or things like this are going to happen, and eventually get worse. A woman cut us in line for Buzz and I called her out on it and she said she was getting up in line with someone. She eventually got out of line, snuck into the FP line, stood talking on her phone, walked back up the FP line and cut back in front a little further up. We pointed her out to a CM as she was obviously line jumping and they came in, took a look around, saw her and then did nothing. Why have rules if people are going to break them and no one is going to enforce them? It's ridiculous.

I also have issues with the way things keep rising in price, yet they really are not giving us THAT MUCH in return. what did we get with FLE? A new dark ride in Ariel, but they closed Snow White for that, so that's a wash. I know an extra Dumbo spinner is not enough to warrant these price increases. Yes, the princesses will have a new M&G location, but their old location will close so this isn't an addition. The Mine Coaster and Enchanted Tales with Belle are the only two NEW things we are really getting. Then they're going and spending billions for NextGen, which is something I completely am against. I don't like the idea of getting 3 FPs per day MAX. We can usually crank out 6-8 per day if we do it right.

Uni seems to really be doing it right these days. Their resorts are reasonably priced, you get the Express Pass included with your resort and they are adding things at a much higher rate than Disney and of MUCH better quality. I think Disney really needs to keep one eye on Uni over the next few years. While I don't think anyone will ever surpass Disney as it is every kids dream to visit MK, I think Uni will definitely start taking business away from Disney, even more so than they already are. Disney is starting to get a little stale for some...


Well-Known Member
Yep! We have other friends who are DVC members who have switched gears to the cruises. They find a better bang-for-the-buck in renting out their unused points and pairing shorter stays with little bits of their points with more cruises. In fact, I'm in the process of renting 30 points to hit a DVC resort for a couple nights in September between the Dream and Fantasy...which will be cruises #6 and #7 in a 2 year time period. I'm just a *little* bit hooked. :D

Have you officially rented them yet? I'll have a bunch to rent soon.

Club Cooloholic

Well-Known Member
Look at the new Fantasyland. Where was the most detail concentrated what did they really want to make sure was one of the first offerings...oh right a restaurant, BOG. Something that people have to pay money to be in in order to enjoy(and lets throw in some booze cause who cares what Walt wanted). I'll still go because my little ones love it, but it lacks that magic and raising the prices and figuring out ways to make it LESS fun(pre-planning my fast passes? I was sick of planning what I might want for dinner 6 months ahead of time), but they want us to have it planned so we make more dinner and lunch plans, more dollars. All this shows where the focus is.


Well-Known Member
Are you doing a back to back between the Dream and Fantasy?

Dream girls cruise 9/8 - 9/12 then hitting the Fantasy 9/14. I need a do-over. I left waaaay too much undone on the Fantasy last week. Between being sick and teens who hated the Vibe crew so they wanted to tag along we did pretty much nothing in the adults offerings.


Well-Known Member
Dream girls cruise 9/8 - 9/12 then hitting the Fantasy 9/14. I need a do-over. I left waaaay too much undone on the Fantasy last week. Between being sick and teens who hated the Vibe crew so they wanted to tag along we did pretty much nothing in the adults offerings.
How many points were you looking for? Where did you want to stay? etc.

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