Well-Known Member
Tron, John Carter, Cars 2, the princess and the frog, tangled....
Um.... Yeah, kinda!
It's not a dirty word to "borrow" other movies if done right.... Look at the great work one with Indiana jones, star wars, twilight zone et al.....
I think it just needs to be done right.... And a "classic" I'm just not sure they're making many classics these days.
The Lion King, Incredibles, Wall E, Up, Aladdin, etc. All great movies that have little to no representation in the parks. And I agree, there's nothing wrong with 'borrowing' movies. But think about how unrecognizable 'Disney' World would be if they kept/keep borrowing stuff. I remember a thread similar to this about Disney adapting Twilight just because it's popular. Really, Twilight!?