News Disney reminds guests to behave at Walt Disney World or be asked to leave


Premium Member
I get it. I just disagree that kind of stress should cause anyone to react with any kind of extremely confrontational attitude or violence

Sure, but you responded to a comment that said "What I was saying however is that even tho stupid people will always act stupid, Disney has themselves made visiting and enjoying the parks more stressful than ever and moreso than it needs to be"

To which you tried to say Disney is not stressful, real life choices are stressful.

Well, to a lot of people, not losing money, or wasting limited trips, or disappointing their family are all things that they value and when Disney layers things on that challenge all that.. yes, people feel stress from that, and yes Disney is culpable in creating that situation.

Disney is inflaming the problem by putting these extra burdens on people and agitators. Did Disney MAKE someone snap? No, but they are contributing to the situation.


Well-Known Member
Ha, no.
The people fighting would fight anywhere, anytime. The "stress" of Disney has nothing to do with it.
In regards to fighting, guests fighting at Disney will gather media coverage. Same folks fighting at the local bar down the street may not even make the evening news


Well-Known Member
Sure, but you responded to a comment that said "What I was saying however is that even tho stupid people will always act stupid, Disney has themselves made visiting and enjoying the parks more stressful than ever and moreso than it needs to be"

To which you tried to say Disney is not stressful, real life choices are stressful.

Well, to a lot of people, not losing money, or wasting limited trips, or disappointing their family are all things that they value and when Disney layers things on that challenge all that.. yes, people feel stress from that, and yes Disney is culpable in creating that situation.

Disney is inflaming the problem by putting these extra burdens on people and agitators. Did Disney MAKE someone snap? No, but they are contributing to the situation.

I said what I said.


Well-Known Member
Sure, but you responded to a comment that said "What I was saying however is that even tho stupid people will always act stupid, Disney has themselves made visiting and enjoying the parks more stressful than ever and moreso than it needs to be"

To which you tried to say Disney is not stressful, real life choices are stressful.

Well, to a lot of people, not losing money, or wasting limited trips, or disappointing their family are all things that they value and when Disney layers things on that challenge all that.. yes, people feel stress from that, and yes Disney is culpable in creating that situation.

Disney is inflaming the problem by putting these extra burdens on people and agitators. Did Disney MAKE someone snap? No, but they are contributing to the situation.

I have to disagree, sorry but Disney is a choice. I'm not buying the " oh my vacation is stress so I'm acting like a park ape " excuse.

Disney is not putting anything on anyone. There is no one "forcing " someone to go to Disney.

Yeah I'm weird, I expect adults to act like they have common sense no matter how disappointed they are. I expect them to be able to handle complaints and things going wrong with abusing the employees or swinging on other guest.

Sorry if anyplace is that stressful, stay the heck home.

Man, I hate to see these folks in a real stressful situation, lol say beach shore traffic
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Premium Member
I get it. I just disagree that kind of stress should cause anyone to react with any kind of extremely confrontational attitude or violence.
I never said it should. No one should ever do that regardless, I’m saying Disney isn’t making it easy on the easily triggered these days. They own some of the stress they put on us now that they didn’t used to


Well-Known Member
I never said it should. No one should ever do that regardless, I’m saying Disney isn’t making it easy on the easily triggered these days. They own some of the stress they put on us now that they didn’t used to

I still disagree. Let's stop boring everyone else though! 😂

I can say Disney has made trips more complicated than they used to be (even though not for me, but others say it is and I believe it for their own experience), but not more stressful, at least to cause any guest to act out in any way, shape or form.
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Premium Member
It’s been my experience that people behave more poorly these days. I’m not sure why but it’s not limited to theme parks and certainly not WDW.

If people can’t control themselves in stressful situations like going to theme parks, driving in heavy traffic or flying on a plane, it’s up to them to find a solution.
…you’ve come along way from your “people are smarter enough to make good choices” belief system when the virus broke out…


Premium Member
I still disagree. Let's stop boring everyone else though! 😂

I can say Disney has made trips more complicated than they used to be (even though not for me, but others say it is and I believe it for their own experience), but not more stressful, at least to cause any guest to act out in any way, shape or form.



Premium Member
I have to disagree, sorry but Disney is a choice. I'm not buying the " oh my vacation is stress so I'm acting like a park ape " excuse.

I never said it was an EXCUSE.

Disney is not putting anything on anyone. There is no one "forcing " someone to go to Disney.

You know... PENNDOT didn't FORCE me to drive through that intersection, the poor design of the intersection can CONTRIBUTE to an accident happening... even if it didn't FORCE or DIRECTLY CAUSE the accident.

Why is this so hard for people to grasp?


Well-Known Member
I never said it was an EXCUSE.

You know... PENNDOT didn't FORCE me to drive through that intersection, the poor design of the intersection can CONTRIBUTE to an accident happening... even if it didn't FORCE or DIRECTLY CAUSE the accident.

Why is this so hard for people to grasp?

You sound like my boss.

Just because people don't agree with you does not mean they don't understand you or the concept you are trying to explain.
Nothing Disney has done or is doing should be causing anyone to act like an idiot.


Premium Member
You sound like my boss.

Just because people don't agree with you does not mean they don't understand you or the concept you are trying to explain.
Nothing Disney has done or is doing should be causing anyone to act like an idiot.
I mean we're talking about the simple definition of 'contribute' which is to "help to cause or bring about."

If you think the environment people are put in and what they cope with is never a contributing factor to outcomes or people's reactions -- then you have your head in the sand and are hopeless.


Well-Known Member
I mean we're talking about the simple definition of 'contribute' which is to "help to cause or bring about."

If you think the environment people are put in and what they cope with is never a contributing factor to outcomes or people's reactions -- then you have your head in the sand and are hopeless.

I agree with you in the sense that this conversation is hopeless because I never said that. I think you are being deliberately obtuse.

I said Disney doesn't cause the kind of stress to make people act aggressively confrontational and violent - if they act like that, they would act like that anywhere.
The entire point of this thread is about what Disney added to their website. They didn't add it because someone grumbled loudly while paying for food.

In the end, you want to blame Disney for people getting in physical altercations. Spin it all you want, but that's what you are saying. I think you are wrong.

I think I've said all I can say on this topic :D, so I'm bowing out now so I don't cause anymore stress!
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