Disney or the rest of the world?


Well-Known Member
Christina said:
there are many things that you can see in other countries that are way more valuable to your whole essance

Who are you to tell me about my essance (whatever the heck that is anyway). Yes there are things I could see in other countries, but I really don't care. There is no reason why I or anyone else needs to see these things in order to fuction as a person. If I want to spend all of my vacations at WDW (which I do) that is my business.


New Member
Christina said:
Wow. What pathetic answers I'm reading.

You mean to tell me that if you had the choice of traveling and seeing the world- eating gelato in Italy, swimming in Greece, shopping in Hong Kong- you'd choose to go to DISNEY PARKS instead?

Snap back to reality people. I adore Disney, but trading it for REALITY is not going to happen in my books. From Italy to Bolivia- there are many things that you can see in other countries that are way more valuable to your whole essance than a Disney theme park. I'd much rather be able to build houses in Costa Rica and see relatives in Spain than spend a week at an playful city built to entertain you - life lessons do not come to you in Disney.

Okay, but think about this for me for a second...

Now, if you came up to me and said "no strings attached and no effect on any future vacations... here's a free vacation to Italy, or a free vacation to Disney" I'd take Italy... or wheever... I'D LOVE to see it. However... if you say... its either never see the rest of the world and continue to go to disney... or see the rest of the world and never see disney again... thats a no brainer... i'd choose Disney... AND HERE'S WHY...

I'm 20 years old, and I've been to Disney I would say about 15-16 times... and I love it. Been 12-13 times with my family, and it has been just incredible. Once I got to go with my senior class, and twice now I've gone with my girlfriend who I've been with for five years.

I DREAM of one day getting to take my kids to Disney... I dream of getting to see their faces when they first meet Mickey... and when they walk down Main street for the first time. I dream of getting to propose to my girlfriend in a few years in Disney World... I cannot wait until I have a family of my own to spend down there, and hopefully one day bring my parents as "grandma and grandpa" like we got to one year. T

here is so much in disney and yeah i could go years without going back (even though it would hurt a bit...) but... I can't imagine just NEVER seeing it again...

I don't really have any dreams of seeing my kids face in front of the eiffel tower, or anything like that. Sure I'd love to see it, but in 20 years i've never seen it... and i'm fine with that, I'd rather never see that then give up my dream of having my own family vacation down their with MY children... so I couldn't imagine choosing beauty of the rest of the world which I have never seen anyways over a DREAM of seeing my children's faces, and a DREAM (and a plan I have) of proposing to my girlfriend in a few years down there...


Well-Known Member
As much as I love Disney i do want to see the rest of the world. So i would choose the World. More to see and do. But I shall miss Disney. I will always have Paris.


New Member
Christina said:
Snap back to reality people. quote]


ummmm... the whole point of Disney is to escape from reality. That's what makes it so magical! I would pick travelling the US and include heavy doses of both WDW and Disneyland. :D


Well-Known Member
Society tells me that I should see more of the world and become more cultured. I've traveled a lot, have seen what I "need" to see, yet I have no compulsion to go back to any of those places again.

WDW, on the other hand, would make my travel list every year if it were just up to me. Some see that as being closed-minded and superficial. I see it as knowing what I like, and not being ashamed about pursuing it.


New Member
I dont care for long plane flights (the flight to hawaii was enough for me), so Id prefer all my countries in one spot. And only EPCOT does that. Plus I like the surreal enviroment in disney, everything is always clean and well cared for, you dont find that in the real world much.

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
Much as I love Disney and it is my vacation of choice I cant imagine not wanting to travel and see new places experience the culture food and meet the people.

Ideally before the planets is McDonaldised.

The northern lights in North Norway
The thrill of passing through check point Charlie when the wall was up
Torch light ski parties in Switzerland (watched from the comfort of the gite bar)
The sound and colour of the "historical " processions in Northern Ireland
Window shopping in Amsterdam
the worst of mankind in the Balkans

All part of lifes rich tapestry and beyond the abilities of even Disney Imagineering


Active Member
Christina said:
Wow. What pathetic answers I'm reading.

You mean to tell me that if you had the choice of traveling and seeing the world- eating gelato in Italy, swimming in Greece, shopping in Hong Kong- you'd choose to go to DISNEY PARKS instead?

Snap back to reality people. I adore Disney, but trading it for REALITY is not going to happen in my books. From Italy to Bolivia- there are many things that you can see in other countries that are way more valuable to your whole essance than a Disney theme park. I'd much rather be able to build houses in Costa Rica and see relatives in Spain than spend a week at an playful city built to entertain you - life lessons do not come to you in Disney.

They are not pathetic, it is what THEY choose and just because it isn't what YOU would choose don't discredit people for it.

I have travelled a great deal outside the US and I can say that if I had to choose, Disney and the US are fine with me. Travelling outside the US is no great shakes, there are plenty of places to see right in your own backyard and unfortunately most people don't ever explore it.

1. Building houses in Costa Rica, never did it, have no interest in doing it.

2. Seeing Relatives in Spain, well I don't particularly care where one sees relatives, visiting them is okay, but they can always meet you in WDW. It would be far better anyway for all concerned because everyone would have their own room and could go back to it at the end of an evening. Besides visiting relatives is highly overrated.

3. Life's lessons, so what you are saying is that by going on vacation around the world is the only way to learn life's lessons. I guess Mom, Dad, Grandma, Grandpa and kids have nothing to do with it. And why do I need to go somewhere and have life's lessons shoved in my face, I get enough of things day-to-day, I want to get away from it all on vacation.

It's Disney all the way.


New Member
ruca said:
"If you had to choose between travelling to Walt Disney World, but couldn't travel, outside of the US, or could travel all over the world, but never go to a Disney park again, what would you choose?"

What kind of question is that....WDW hands down!


World travel would be fun...but to never go to a Disney park again? Never.


Well-Known Member
My family always wants to go to Europe or Japan or someplace else, but I honestly could care less about the rest of the world... What's so great about going to France just to look at a big metal tower, or to London to see a clock? I mean, that's cool and all, but the rest of the world doesn't have IllumiNations, Soarin', Tower of Terror, Rock 'N' RollerCoaster, or Dinosaur!


New Member
Sorry, I love Disney.....but if it meant not travelling anywhere else....I couldnt do it. There is way too much to see out there. I've loved everywhere I've been and there are some many other places I want to see. I obviously would prefer not to give up going to Disney, but if I had to make the choice it would have to be bye to the Disney World.


New Member
The question is a bit unfair but...

Pumbas Nakasak said:
Much as I love Disney and it is my vacation of choice I cant imagine not wanting to travel and see new places experience the culture food and meet the people.

All part of lifes rich tapestry and beyond the abilities of even Disney Imagineering

Ditto...and, just to mention a few more, let's not forget:

the pyramids
Roman Colosseum
the catacombs
the Great Wall of China
the Great Barrier Reef
Big Ben
the Eiffel Tower
Rio De Janeiro
Panama Canal
the Mayan temples
the Inca City
Diamond Head
Bora Bora
Acapulco Bay
Wellington...yes, New Zealand

on and on and on...the list is almost limitless and contains real-life experiences and knowledge far beyond that which can be showcased in any theme park. Given an absolute choice, I'd much prefer to gaze upon the Taj Mahal than Cinderella's Castle, the look of wonderment in my kid's eyes, upon seeing Mickey Mouse for the first time, notwithstanding. :)


New Member
For me you could limit it to just travel in Texas and WDW vs. the rest of the world and I'm still good with the Disney option...although Florida does have some amazing beaches:cool:


New Member
I would say just Disney. My family and I drove across the country this past summer and there is so much to see and do just in this country...plus it has the two best Disney theme parks!

I couldn't EVER ditch Disney.



Active Member
pyramids -- ride a smelly camel in the heat with no bathrooms, I can see pyramids in Las Vegas.

Stonehedge -- a bunch of rocks laying around in the middle of nowhere

Roman Colosseum -- if I want to see that many cats I'll visit the ASPCA

the catacombs -- I see dead people, go to local funeral home for that

Great Wall of China -- So someone built a wall, do we really need to climb it and take photos of trees.

Great Barrier Reef -- Do I really need to be some shark's lunch

Big Ben -- A giant clock, been there done that, seen better things.

the Eiffel Tower -- How about the Empire State Building, Statue of Liberty

Rio De Janeiro -- if I need to be scared for my life, I can find a nice place right here in NYC

Panama Canal -- Hudson River.

the Mayan temples -- plenty of nice landmark churches right here in the US and you don't have to tramp through the rainforest to get there.

the Inca City -- Williamsburg, Virginia

Tokyo -- Visit NYC, Chicago, Los Angeles, same thing millions of people rushing to work or where ever.

Diamond Head -- been there done that, it's okay, no need to rush back

Bora Bora -- no thanks far too rural

Acapulco Bay -- again, if I need to be scared for my life, I can find a nice place right here in NYC, been there done that.

Wellington...yes, New Zealand -- go to the local zoo to see the wildlife.

While I think if you want to go to these places, then by all means go, but they aren't high on my list of "must do's."


Well-Known Member
shoppingnut said:
pyramids -- ride a smelly camel in the heat with no bathrooms, I can see pyramids in Las Vegas.

Stonehedge -- a bunch of rocks laying around in the middle of nowhere

Roman Colosseum -- if I want to see that many cats I'll visit the ASPCA

the catacombs -- I see dead people, go to local funeral home for that

Great Wall of China -- So someone built a wall, do we really need to climb it and take photos of trees.

Great Barrier Reef -- Do I really need to be some shark's lunch

Big Ben -- A giant clock, been there done that, seen better things.

the Eiffel Tower -- How about the Empire State Building, Statue of Liberty

Rio De Janeiro -- if I need to be scared for my life, I can find a nice place right here in NYC

Panama Canal -- Hudson River.

the Mayan temples -- plenty of nice landmark churches right here in the US and you don't have to tramp through the rainforest to get there.

the Inca City -- Williamsburg, Virginia

Tokyo -- Visit NYC, Chicago, Los Angeles, same thing millions of people rushing to work or where ever.

Diamond Head -- been there done that, it's okay, no need to rush back

Bora Bora -- no thanks far too rural

Acapulco Bay -- again, if I need to be scared for my life, I can find a nice place right here in NYC, been there done that.

Wellington...yes, New Zealand -- go to the local zoo to see the wildlife.

While I think if you want to go to these places, then by all means go, but they aren't high on my list of "must do's."
:lol: :lol: :lol: Very well put!!!!
I have to agree with almost everyone here and say USA and Disney are the way to go!!!!!! I love Disney. I love the escape that I get from going there. I Am calmer and more at peace with my essence than anywhere I have been to before or since. Belle


Premium Member
Christina said:
Wow. What pathetic answers I'm reading.

You mean to tell me that if you had the choice of traveling and seeing the world- eating gelato in Italy, swimming in Greece, shopping in Hong Kong- you'd choose to go to DISNEY PARKS instead?

Snap back to reality people. I adore Disney, but trading it for REALITY is not going to happen in my books. From Italy to Bolivia- there are many things that you can see in other countries that are way more valuable to your whole essance than a Disney theme park. I'd much rather be able to build houses in Costa Rica and see relatives in Spain than spend a week at an playful city built to entertain you - life lessons do not come to you in Disney.
Couldn't agree with you more. That's something that has always bugged me around here....

Anyways, if I need my "theme park fix," I can always go to the great Universal theme parks or even try some of the other parks around the world. :)

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