Disney OCD - The Little Things That Bug You


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Raven66 said:
I can't stand those people who feel the need to do that high pitched scream when the lights go out in some rides or shows. HM for one. The room is too small and too crowded for that awful screaming. It's so annoying. So stop it!:D

I'm sorry. I thought that was part of the fun in the Haunted Mansion stretch room when the lights go out. :lol: I won't do it on any other part of the ride or any other ride (except RNRC, but thats usually scream singing), I promise. :D


Well-Known Member
Sledge said:
I'm sorry. I thought that was part of the fun in the Haunted Mansion stretch room when the lights go out. :lol: I won't do it on any other part of the ride or any other ride (except RNRC, but thats usually scream singing), I promise. :D

It just so happens the person is always right next to my ear. :) And I don't ride RnRC so feel free to scream.:lol:


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col said:
what about kronk -the follow up to the emperors new groove, peter pan, jungle book -the list is endless!!:eek:
At least some of them I can understand how they could make a sequel, but then there are some that make you wonder what the heck they were thinking. Tarzan, Lady and the Tramp, and now a Bambi sequel. I think Bambi is the most laughable one though. How much can you do with Bambi?


Active Member
What bugs me are running into people at WDW who are bothered by the little things and who turn their noses up at others as if their own poo-poo doesn't stink. Get a life people! Don't get so bent out of shape over stupid and petty things!:cool:

Oh, and please forgive me for not including "Walt" with "Disney World" in my signature :king:


New Member
My little pet peeve is people who refuse to do anything but stand on the moving walkway at Space Mountain, blocking the whole thing. Believe it or not, it takes about 7 mins to get from the bottom to the top at belt speed. Another pet peeve is the large groups of people with 1 or 2 strollers that normally don't speak english, that seem to be the root of EVERY traffic jam or inconvenience at WDW.


New Member
cnfdrate1 said:
3. People who push in front of you right before a parade starts when you have been waiting for an hour. (I live in New Orleans and they do it at Mardi Gras too...boy that really es me off).


That drives me crazy!! I go to Mardi Gras every year and lived there for a few years. Drives me crazy there and at WDW.


Well-Known Member
Sledge said:
At least some of them I can understand how they could make a sequel, but then there are some that make you wonder what the heck they were thinking. Tarzan, Lady and the Tramp, and now a Bambi sequel. I think Bambi is the most laughable one though. How much can you do with Bambi?

i agree with you -they hatch an idea and kill it to death and then some!


New Member
Sledge said:
I also do not like the big obese people that are in the motorized wheelchairs and think they own the way. For some reason it bothers me when the only reason they are in the wheel chair is because they are too large to walk around all day, and then they get to go to the front of lines for having the wheelchair. A lot of times I'll see them going through a crowded area honking at people so they can get by. Most the time there isn't really any where to go but they'll continue to lay on the horn until people move out of their way. I'm not trying to be insensitive I just thing its strange that they get special privledges of going to the front of the line for being in a wheelchair because they are huge. :veryconfu

BRAVO!!! I was going through all of the posts and couldn't believe after 8 or so pages this didn't come up already. This has to be my ultimate pet peeve at WDW or anywhere for that matter. The front of the line thing is one issue, but the sense of entitlement is the thing that really puts me over the edge. I understand that some folks have no choice due to a handicap they may be inflicted with, but those are not the folks I am referring too. Lay off the Dolewhips and Figaro Fries and go for a walk, it may help.

And this is all coming from a guy (being me) who could lose a few pounds himself.


New Member
Dragonrider1227 said:
Finding trash in Snow White's wishing well in the front of Snow White's scary adventure AND trash in Minnie's house.

minnie is a mouse so the trash is like food. As far as snow white's trash goes that is more like a compost pile than a wishing well.

I hate that too in case you could not catch my sarcasm


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mousermerf said:
On the other hand, it annoys me to no end when people stop in the middle of a walkway, or stand infront of others who were there first at shows/etc trying to get a picture - they act as though the world should stop because they want a photo.

When I worked at TOL at DAK, at the very end of the queue is David the chimpanzee, the most elaborate carving and I had to do crowd control every day as one silly person who wanted a picture had to hold up the entire line


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Original Poster
I got one. Referring to WDW as the Happiest Place On Earth. No clue why but it bothers the heck out of me.

WDW = Most Magical
Disneyland = Happiest




Well-Known Member
Ok, Here's what bugs me, cause I'm really OCD when it comes to Disney.

-The Park is just opening and there is only 2-4 toll plaza lanes open.

-People who insist thier information is correct, when it's not.

-Cutting in Lines

-Kids who insist that the queue ropes and chains are seats and toys, which they are not. Ever wonder why they pull the ropes so tight for parades? It so kids don't mess with them. I wish parents would say STOP!

There's a whole list...


Well-Known Member
the worst is when you are walking down Main Street, first day of your vacation, you are excited and happy and relaxed, just as you pull out your camera to take a picture of Cinderella's Castle WHOOOSH here comes a troop of 7 and 8 year olds rolling around you on there sneakers with wheels. or better yet, when you are walking and they just come at you, and if you don't move, there's going to be a collision between the two of you, and chances are you will get blamed for it. gotta love those sneakers!


New Member
Oh, I have many! Let's see...

- People who leave their trash on the counter service restaurant's tables (ESPECIALLY during peak meal times) So you actually have to clean THEIR mess before you occupy the table (This happened to us 3 times last week; at Wolfgang Puck Express, Tusker House, and in the Land pavillion.)

- People who stop dead-flat in the middle of a busy walk way for no apparant reason. MOVE TO THE SIDE!

- When ANY pintrader blatently interupts & pushes their way to a CM when the CM is helping you ring out, with directions, etc.

- Guests who STOP in the middle of any theater row when the CM repeats 10 times "please move all the way down the row." This is especially annoying when it's obvious that the theater is going to be near capacity.

- In the MK, mostly Fantasyland, there are several attractions with metal chains dividing the cue lines. It drives me NUTS when kids bang these chains together. It hurts my teeth for some reason.

- When you take a moment to hold a door, hold an elevator, take a picture for a family, etc. and they don't say "Thank You."

- Guests who smell like they've been in 102 degree weather for 12 hours. OK, I understand if your cultural, religious, ethnic, personal, or whatever ideals doesn't allow you to wear deodarant but when you are crammed into a tight space with 100's of other guests in a line you are only making everyone around you miserible.

- People who CLEARLY aren't disabled on those electric wheelchairs. I know I am not a dr. and have no right to judge but I am. On this past trip especially we saw SOOO many, and surprisingly young, obese people on these where it appeared that their only disease is being fat. They would ride them to the "guests needing assistance" areas then be able to get out, walk to the vehicle, and board just fine. I'm a heavy person, but it's just my opinion that maybe if SOME people who are still capable of walking actually DID so, they might not have as bad a problem. My grandma was heavy, suffered one heart attack and defeated Cancer, she still walked around WDW when we went. Yes, she took breaks often but she said "walking is good for you."

- Another big one that ALOT of people mentioned is SO MANY people calling WDW "Disneyland" or when I say I am GOING to Disneyland (the real one) they will say, "You're going to Disney World again?"

And probably one of my BIGGEST "Disney" pet peeves are the following comments DH and I get...

- Don't you get bored of going to Disney all the time?
- How can you go without kids?
- Why don't you travel somewhere else? (well considering I've already been to 9 countries around the world, I feel like sticking with what I love most right now)

OK, sorry. haha. Normally I am a completely positive person and a total optomist but especially after just returning from WDW I had all these pet peeves fresh on the tongue.


New Member
"People who CLEARLY aren't disabled on those electric wheelchairs. I know I am not a dr. and have no right to judge but I am. On this past trip especially we saw SOOO many, and surprisingly young, obese people on these where it appeared that their only disease is being fat. They would ride them to the "guests needing assistance" areas then be able to get out, walk to the vehicle, and board just fine. I'm a heavy person, but it's just my opinion that maybe if SOME people who are still capable of walking actually DID so, they might not have as bad a problem. My grandma was heavy, suffered one heart attack and defeated Cancer, she still walked around WDW when we went. Yes, she took breaks often but she said "walking is good for you."

You know what ticks me off....comments like this. I have read many to the same effect and it bothers me each time. I visit DW every year in April with my brother and his family. My brother is obese. Prior to 2004 when we went to DW he walked (never rented a electric cart) May of 2004 my brother fell in a freak accident and broke his leg in 2 compound fractures and one fracture (the same leg). They did surgery and rebuilt his leg. He can walk (with a limp) however, excessive walking will cause his leg to lock up and nothing can fix that until he takes meds and lies down for a while. Is he CLEARLY disabled, no. April of 2005 and 2006 we went and he rented a chair. Yes, he rides to a parking area and gets off and walks. Looking at him...all you would see is an obese younger man. My question is...who are you to question it? Even before this "handicapped" guests did not bother me...even if they availed themselves of handicapped processes. If anything I would be glad that I am not in that position and be thankful for it. The only entitlement that any guest at Disney has is to enjoy their vacation to fullest. I hope that I did not insult you, I just think that people should be a bit more open-minded when judging whether someone is CLEARLY disabled. There are soooo many handicaps that can not be seen by the eye but are most CLEARLY there to the person who possesses it.


New Member
Oh sheesh - where to begin??

  • People who abuse undeserving CMs to try and get something for free
  • People who abuse undeserving CMs to compensate for their lack of control/discipline of their children
  • People who allow their children (or themselves) to ruin everyone else's enjoyment because of a stunning lack of self control
  • Pin traders
  • People who loudly talk along with the attraction dialouge, such as in the Haunted Mansion elevator (unless of course, they're simply pointing out that the chamber has 4 windows, and 2 doors!).
  • People who ask where Magic Mountain is located.
  • Asking, "What time is the 9 pm parade?"
  • Pin traders
  • Asking a costumed CM, "Do you work here?"
  • Families/Groups who walk 10 abreast, slowly, and won't move for anyone
  • Pin traders
  • Approaching a stand-by line, and two people cut in front of you. Five minutes later, their clan of 30 shows up, and expect to cut the line.
  • People who get bent out of shape about things that can't be controlled, like the weather, or the number of people on vacation on a national holiday.
  • Did I mention Pin Traders?
And the grand-daddy of them all: People who don't say "Please" and "Thank you" to fellow guests and Cast Members alike. It's amazing what a difference it makes when you do!


I do agree with a lot of the annoying things listed, but then I think of OCD's I think compulsive actions. I never go to Tomorrowland first, it always has to be from the left side of the Magic Kingdom and around the park to the right (Tomorrowland last). It's just how we've been doing it for 35 years, and it would be wrong for me to do otherwise. And, of course - like many others here - I plan out which park, where and when to eat. I even make posterboard charts. :hammer:

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