Disney OCD - The Little Things That Bug You


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With a lot of the people around here having a lot of passion for Disney and Disney Theme Parks, I thought it would be interesting to start a thread on this. This isn't meant to be a negative thread, but more of a "I can't believe this bugs me. Anyone else?" I'm talking the smallest things that just bug you, not to the point of being angry but just slightly irritated.

For example:

I had to sit through a 10 minute presentation on Disney World that a girl did for my speech class. She refered to Tomorrowland as Futureland, called SSE 'the big ball', and then she listed the parks as Epcot, MGM, Animal Kingdom, and Disney World. Oh, and apparently (I quote) "this year they are celebrating Disney World's 50th birthday, so go now!" I was sitting there going insane. When she asked if there were any questions of course I had to chime in and correct her on everything she messed up. "Isn't it DisneyLANDS' 50th?" She tried to argue with me and I tried telling her I've been going since I couldn't even talk so when it comes to common Disney World knowledge I know it. Finally the teacher agreed with me and said I was right, so I was happy.

Something really stupid that bugs me is when people call it Disneyworld. I think since Disneyland is all one word, they spell Disney World the same way. It's so petty but it bugs me. :lol:

What are some of y'alls?


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>>Guests throwing trash on the ground, with a garbage can in front their faces. This is a prime example of "obnoxious."

>>Spoiled little girls, dressed in as much princess stuff their parents can buy, commanding their wimpy parents what to do.

>>Folks complaining that they spent a lot of money to get here, and now it's raining.

>>Disney Commandos who race through the parks and don't slow down to enjoy what's here.

HOWEVER, I'm not a negative person, so I have to balance this with things that I love:

>>Interacting with friendly Guests who "get" the Disney magic and enjoy life.

>>Adorable, well-behaved little girls dressed up as princesses.

>>Guests that fondly recount their past stories from WDW, especially when "All you guys had was the Magic Kingdom, and you were building Epcot."

>>The incredible amount of detail WDI pours into the parks.


Well-Known Member
My biggest peeve is when people get the name wrong. They call it "Disneyland" or they call the Magic Kingdom, "Disneyworld." All. One. Word. :mad:

So annoying.


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Sledge said:
With a lot of the people around here having a lot of passion for Disney and Disney Theme Parks, I thought it would be interesting to start a thread on this. This isn't meant to be a negative thread, but more of a "I can't believe this bugs me. Anyone else?" I'm talking the smallest things that just bug you, not to the point of being angry but just slightly irritated.

For example:

I had to sit through a 10 minute presentation on Disney World that a girl did for my speech class. She refered to Tomorrowland as Futureland, called SSE 'the big ball', and then she listed the parks as Epcot, MGM, Animal Kingdom, and Disney World. Oh, and apparently (I quote) "this year they are celebrating Disney World's 50th birthday, so go now!" I was sitting there going insane. When she asked if there were any questions of course I had to chime in and correct her on everything she messed up. "Isn't it DisneyLANDS' 50th?" She tried to argue with me and I tried telling her I've been going since I couldn't even talk so when it comes to common Disney World knowledge I know it. Finally the teacher agreed with me and said I was right, so I was happy.

Something really stupid that bugs me is when people call it Disneyworld. I think since Disneyland is all one word, they spell Disney World the same way. It's so petty but it bugs me. :lol:

What are some of y'alls?

is this a deja vu post, i think i remember it from before, and became VERY funny before.. can't wait.


New Member
Annoying would be - the people that walk right in front of you and don't seem to care as you take a picture - had it happen to me 3 times in Italy during the Masquarde Festival they used to do. :(


Well-Known Member
I'm another one that gets wound up by the names of things, many people call Walt Disney World Disneyland Florida,

When people call The Tower Of Terror Terror Tower,

Guests that are using abusive language around the theme parks,

Drunken guests,

People that call it's a small world babyish,

When people assume that Epcot is not part of Walt Disney World.

Just a few lol some of them are quite small and petty but they do bug me.


New Member
When people ask me, "When are you going to Disneyland?" I say, "I'm going to Disney World." They say, "Oh, it's the same thing." :mad:

When people don't know that Pirates of the Caribbean is a Disney movie. I say, "It started out as a ride." Their looks of confusion in response are enough to make me roll my eyes. :rolleyes:

When people shove and butt in front of you to get in line. Then, of course, they have friends/family members cut in front of you a few seconds later..."I need to be with my party!" The funniest example of this involved around 20 people! Hello, you all won't sit in the same vehicle anyway!

When my parents call Mission: Space "Mission to Mars". :lol:


WHEN PEOPLE STOP IN THE MIDDLE OF A THEATER RATHER THAN MOVE ALL THE WAY DOWN!! And many times, it takes loads of people backed up behind them and a cast member to yell "Take all available seats!" a few times to finally make them realize that people won't climb over them so they get their center spot. Maybe if they didn't shove to get through the doors first, they'd end up having seats in the middle anyway.

People that finish with a ride or attraction and say, "That was dumb." Leave, then! More room for me.


New Member
Halfling418 said:
When people shove and butt in front of you to get in line. Then, of course, they have friends/family members cut in front of you a few seconds later..."I need to be with my party!" The funniest example of this involved around 20 people! Hello, you all won't sit in the same vehicle anyway!


WHEN PEOPLE STOP IN THE MIDDLE OF A THEATER RATHER THAN MOVE ALL THE WAY DOWN!! And many times, it takes loads of people backed up behind them and a cast member to yell "Take all available seats!" a few times to finally make them realize that people won't climb over them so they get their center spot. Maybe if they didn't shove to get through the doors first, they'd end up having seats in the middle anyway.



Well-Known Member
This is a deja vu thread. It got pretty funny last time. I bet we can get some new ones though.

My number one pet peeve has to be people who send one or two members running through the line to push through. Then 10-15 others come cutting through 5-10 minutes later saying "I have to be with my group!" At LMAX last year, I saw a fully grown man knock a little girl to the ground. I said to him, "Maybe if you kept your party together, you wouldn't have to harm little girls."

Parents who think that because they're on vacation, they don't have to watch their kids. So in line, you have kids, pushing, screaming, punching and kicking each other and other guests around them while Mom and Dad pretend they have no idea who the little people are

Guests who rush into the theaters first and then stop in the middle of the row. I always make sure to climb over them really dramatically. If I get a comment, a well placed kick always works. :drevil:

Folks complaining that there aren't enough roller coasters. You want roller coasters, go to Six Flags!


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7 words: How do you get to Tic Tac? (refering to Test Track)

And this is probably a little overthetop, but when a firework misfires during Illuminations. I know they have no control over it, but it irks me because I was expecting something and nothing happened. :lol:


New Member
most of these complaints describe my mother accurately! :eek:

i agree with everyone, but to add some new ones:
-i hate to see so many alcoholic beverages openly sold in places like a resort's gift shop. it bothers me when the magical disney decorations mix with crown royal. somehow i doubt walt would appreciate that.

-having to stand on the bus! believe me, i completely understand how this is unfortunately a necessity and is ultimately unavoidable sometimes, but i have to admit i really hate it.

-rude employees! i hate to work as well, so i can't blame someone's lack of enthusiasm. but come on..when i almost feel like apologizing for ordering a burger, something isn't right. it's a different story all together if the customer is first rude to them - which brings me to my next complaint.

-rude guests! i recently watched a grown man pitch a fit because he didn't get his 3rd funnel cake. instead of simply stating the problem in a civilized manner, he demands to know why he didn't get his funnel cake. it was terribly busy that day, so the chances of something like that happening are very high. did he consider that? no. grrrr :fork:

-i do not like smelly guests. there isn't much to say about that. florida is a rather hot state at times, and i assume most guests understand that BEFORE making their trip.

-i don't like misconceptions about disney world in general. disney world is for kids, disney world only has rides, disney world is just another amusement park, etc., etc.

ok enough complaining!


New Member
When sitting in the little movie theater right after Maelstrom, people who walk by, see you sitting there in the front and loudly proclaim, "I wonder why some people waste there time to see this stupid movie". You can tell they are saying it loudly on purpose and acting like that makes them no it alls. I know it is not the most spectacular part of the World Showcase, but when the comments are on purpose, it drives me crazy, especially since we are sitting there because we want to see it:fork:
I feel especially bad when the Norwegian kids are standing around and clearly hear this and have to keep a smile on the face.


Active Member
Okay back to the whole stopping in the middle of the theatre thing...my pet peeve is along the same lines however what REALLY bugs me is when they finally open the door to the theatre and everyone starts walking in, I absolutely DESPISE it when people just stop dead and stare at the seats. They stand there and stare at the rows like "Which one should I pick?" Meanwhile people pile up and have to go around them. I just want to shout PICK A ROW!!! (and yes, make sure you go all the way down).


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The little kids that stand behind you in line right on your heels and sometimes even lean against you. I'll usually give them and their mom a look and then after that I'll "accidentally" take a step back and step on their little feet.

I also hate the kid that plays with the chain or rope in the lines. You know what I'm talking about. He stands there wiggling the chain or twirling it like a jump rope.
Halfling418 said:
. :rolleyes:

WHEN PEOPLE STOP IN THE MIDDLE OF A THEATER RATHER THAN MOVE ALL THE WAY DOWN!! And many times, it takes loads of people backed up behind them and a cast member to yell "Take all available seats!" a few times to finally make them realize that people won't climb over them so they get their center spot. Maybe if they didn't shove to get through the doors first, they'd end up having seats in the middle anyway.

This has always annoyed me. About 15 years ago I read in a guide book to WDW that if people sat down in the middle of the rows you should stand on their feet as you pass them. I have done this ever since, and sometimes wonder how many have hobbled round the park for the rest of the day. Wicked, I know, but so is the attitude of those that sit in the middle because that is where they want to sit. There are too many selfish people in this world.


-When people do not move all the way down the row.

-When people call things wrong names. Fast Track instead of Test Track, Haunted House instead of Haunted Mansion, Disneyworld instead of MK.

-When people INSIST that a Universal ride is in WDW. Last time I was there I had a guy telling me that Spiderman was in MGM, and he didn't believe me when I said it wasn't.

-This is the worst one. WHEN PEOPLE SAY WDW IS FOR KIDS!!!!:fork:


Well-Known Member
MissM said:
My biggest peeve is when people get the name wrong. They call it "Disneyland" or they call the Magic Kingdom, "Disneyworld." All. One. Word. :mad:

So annoying.

Amen to that. Drives me NUTS!


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SirGoofy said:
-When people call things wrong names. Fast Track instead of Test Track, Haunted House instead of Haunted Mansion, Disneyworld instead of MK.

I hate that too. I especially hate people calling it Fast Track and I get annoyed when people call it Mission To Space or Mission To Mars. :lol:

P.S. - "Disneyworld" is two words. :):lol:

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