Disney No Longer Including Appetizers for Deluxe Dining Plan


Love a little Disney every day!! ;)
I remember the brouhaha when the tip was no longer included in the dining plan. It has been years since the numbers worked for me because one member of our party doesn't eat much.
Yeah you would be a case that it probably won't work well because of someone not eating much or if they are a very picky eater etc. :)


Well-Known Member
Wow this is upsetting. The sad part is that the idiots whose spreadsheets saw the subtraction of appetizers from the DDP don't see that a lot of people depend on them. Not to mention that the food Service in all of the Resort has been worse as the food quality is worse as those same idiots with spreadsheets buy the cheapest quality food and produce available. I still don't understand what is going on with Disney. It's hilarious because corporate is freaking out about how Jurassic World was such a success. They don't care about their consumers anymore and that's just something we will have to deal with until someone decides enough is enough.


Liker of Things
Premium Member
I guess if you don't drink any alcohol, don't have appetizers and don't tip it is all inclusive. I don't like being told what I can and cannot have. "No soup for you ever, but you must have CAKE at every meal!!"

Great way to put it. I'd be much more likely to consider the mid level plan for short trips if appetizers were included. Now, if I could get a beer a day with it, that would make it a slam dunk.


Well-Known Member
Never said you were mean nor do I think that but I'm not going to keep beating a dead horse!! Think what you want as I know you will. When I said I add places what does that have to do with breaking even for the plan!! Those are SEPERATE from all what I'm spending for the plan and get my money's worth at the places that ARe Included to break even etc. When we usually add places it's when we are on the REGULAR plan not deluxe as I sometomes have.
And lastly I edit right away usually (sometimes not as I may go back read it and realize I forgot something) because I noticed that I didn't get what I wanted said how I wanted etc or for spelling, punctuation and frankly that's what it's there for! I never misconscru or change because of something someone said etc. Done conversing with you on this same subject at hand as you will never feel the way I do and for me that's perfectly fine. I will think how I want and you will think how you want. I also don't have all day to go back and nitpick all someone's posts like you did to mine. Back to work I go. Have a wonderful day. :)

You probably won't respond to this, but I'm just curious.

Let's pretend the DDP never existed. Could you *honestly* say you would spend the same amount of money on food? I know you say you don't let the plan dictate you, but the plan itself is just too much food for one person, and you say you eat at other restaurants on top of that. Sometimes you can't just look at the numbers (the money you paid vs. the food you got), it also comes down to whether or not you would reasonably be spending as much money otherwise.


Liker of Things
Premium Member
If you are trapped in the WDW 'bubble' without a car and are not in a Villa with a full kitchen precisely what are your options for food then pray tell ???

Ummm.....I know you don't read trip reports, but from what is probably the bestest trip report to ever appear on this site -


We did a mix of old school bringing our own food with us into the park and eating out this trip. We did a meal deal thing at Universal and had two fast food type meals. Cindy and I had sweet and sour chicken/pork or something at an eatery in the comic book area of IoA (Comic Strip Café). It was really awful. I got an egg roll as a side. Overcooked and hard as a brick. Then for dinner we ate some sandwich joint (The Burger Digs) in Jurassic Park and had chicken breast sandwiches. Pretty sweet if you like really, really dry chicken. Fortunately, you have access to unlimited mayo. I know Mythos wins awards and the like, but when it comes to counter service Disney crushes Universal based on my data. Also, at the sandwich place, I had a conversation with the dude sweeping up. I told him about shopping while we were visiting the WWoHP. His reply was, “So, you tried to sell some stuff?” I was confused and said no, we were shopping like most of the other tourists. He said, “You should really try and sell stuff.” Also, he tried to sweep up the food people had thrown on the ground with a broom and wound up smearing inedible chocolate frosting and the like aimlessly around. That being said, if you don’t mind living on a liquid diet, I would recommend doing nothing but living off of Butterbeer. This is a product for people who don’t think cream soda has enough calories and it’s fantastic. Ideally, you’ll bring a thermos and fill it to the brim by 9:30 because any later than this and you won’t be able to lower your arm without bonking someone on the head with your elbow. The pumpkin juice was a big hit with me, but the rest of the family found it disgusting. It tastes just like liquid pumpkin pie.

We ate at Peco’s Bills for the first time in a long time. I had forgotten that the burgers there are really good burgers. Fish and chips in the UK at EPCOT always hits the spot. My family grabbed a table in a prime Illuminations viewing spot that unbeknownst to them was reserved. It was roped off after they sat down. Therefore, minutes later when I was trying to get to them I had to negotiate with two CMs who initially weren’t going to let me through, but my panicked look and the 4 full meals and 4 drinks on the two plastic trays caused them to take pity on me. We had to eat in a timely manner so when the bigwigs showed up we would be gone. In other weird EPCOT eating news, the kids wanted apple ham sandwiches in Norway and Cindy and I wanted brats in Germany. Like most of you, I consulted my mental EPCOT map and decided that carrying a tray of brats to my family in Norway would be a good idea. This works until you’re actually walking by the outpost and China with a tray of food and you think, “this really isn’t that short of a walk.” Plus, an incredibly obese woman commented to her husband that she would like to mug me and grab my delicious, German meat tubes.

If your route to WDW takes you through Atlanta on I-75, a good tip is stop at the Varsity. It’s swarming with WDWmagicers. We met SweetMagic, Brkgnews, and Wilt Dasney. It was a lot o’fun. Plus, the BFO (Big Frosted Orange) is really good. I would also recommend the hot dogs, and onion rings. My wife said that even the grilled chicken sandwich was tasty.

We had a really nice cookout at a friend’s house in Orlando. Which leads me to the following tip - Befriend people in line who are locals and invite yourself to their house for free meals on your present or future trips. The conversation will go something like –
You, “So…this is a great ride huh?”
Person, “It sure is. I’ve been on it hundreds of times.”
You, “Are you from around here?”
Person, “Yep. How about yourself?”
You, “I don’t see that it matters. Anyhoo, now that we’ve developed this close personal bond can I have your name and phone number so that we can get together at your house for a free meal?”
If you do this 21 times you’re set up with enough meals for a week! Be sure to note your closest “friends”, because these are the people at whose house you’ll be breakfasting before heading to some park for an early morning rope drop. Finally, don’t waste your time talking to non-locals.

We did eat at one nice sit down place. While we were at the Boardwalk I befriended this 60ish couple from New York. Anyhoo, the man insisted that I could eat at the “Greek place” without any reservations. I had a conversation with the rest of my family about this and said that I knew this guy was wrong. (I should note that I know there is no rule about eating without reservations, I was working under the assumption that it would be well nigh impossible to gain a seat without a 2 hour wait over spring break). So, I went up to the greeter at Kouzinna and said, “Can you eat here without any reservations?” She said, “We have one table free if you don’t mind being seated right now.” A free table at a Disney sit down restaurant at 6PM during spring break? What kind of bizarro parallel universe am I inhabiting? Anyway, we sat down and ate some of the best food I’ve ever had on property. Over the years, I would estimate that I’ve eaten at most of the sit-down restaurants in the theme parks and about 34.8% of the sit down places on the rest of the property. Cat Cora’s Kouzzina is up there with the best of them. Cindy had this – “Kouzzina Trio - Tasting size portions of Greek-style Lasagna, Char-grilled Lamb Burger, and Cinnamon-stewed Chicken with Orzo $21.99” and I had this – “Oak-fired Pork Tenderloin - with Feta Gremolata, Wilted Greens, and Zucchini Corn Pie $27.49.” Both were excellent. This isn’t faint praise. TwoTigersMom can confirm that I can prepare food, especially meat. In fact, I oftentimes won’t eat pork at a restaurant because my assumption is that it won’t be as good as what I make. However, this pork was succulent, well spiced and not overcooked.

I bolded advice for obtaining food whilst on property in an economical fashion. Advice that still rings true today.


Well-Known Member
You probably won't respond to this, but I'm just curious.

Let's pretend the DDP never existed. Could you *honestly* say you would spend the same amount of money on food? I know you say you don't let the plan dictate you, but the plan itself is just too much food for one person, and you say you eat at other restaurants on top of that. Sometimes you can't just look at the numbers (the money you paid vs. the food you got), it also comes down to whether or not you would reasonably be spending as much money otherwise.

and if the DDP never existed,dining prices would not be as obscenely priced as they are now.


Liker of Things
Premium Member
Unreal. I *think* when it first started it included appetizer, entree and dessert.

Another example how they decreasing value while increasing prices. So damn glad we eat at our rental (breakfast) and only do 1 meal and share snacks during our visits.

And the tip up until 2008 I believe. I don't think the price dropped either. That effectively increased the cost of the dining plan by 15-20%.


Love a little Disney every day!! ;)
You probably won't respond to this, but I'm just curious.

Let's pretend the DDP never existed. Could you *honestly* say you would spend the same amount of money on food? I know you say you don't let the plan dictate you, but the plan itself is just too much food for one person, and you say you eat at other restaurants on top of that. Sometimes you can't just look at the numbers (the money you paid vs. the food you got), it also comes down to whether or not you would reasonably be spending as much money otherwise.
I'll gladly answer of course. I don't mind people questioning me at all if done properly as this is what these forums are for.
The answer is yes because we are big foodies and love doing that on vacation. We have spent just as much or more on non Disney vacations on dining out at nice restaurants, that easily cost us $200 just for one meal for just the 2 of us. That is where we splurge on vacations is our meals. We love many restaurants at Disney and have to visit all our faves every trip regardless of prices plus we always include places we have yet to try to every trip. We enjoy all the delicious snacks as well. We watch what we eat most of the year and when on vacations we enjoy anything and all that we want and not feel guilty about it. :)


Think for yourselfer
The dining plan isn't a cost saving plan. It's a prepayment plan. Once you accept that, you'll get much less angsty when those dang MBAs cost cut your butt.

A close friend of mine took her family to Dizzy Werld last month. They went with another family. That other family used DDP. I encouraged my buddy not to. The first thing she thanked me for upon return was talking her out of the DDP. They saved a few hundred $$$ over the course of the trip by just eating the amount of food that made them full.

I should add, they are neither rubes nor faux 1%ers. Just hard working blue collar types. They had the time of their lives.


Liker of Things
Premium Member
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Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
If Disney discontinues offering Dining Plans and the Extra Magic Hours...I'll never stay on property.
I pay for the Meal Plan and that's a major reason why I stay on property, as well as EMH

Ehh- they aren't getting rid of EMH or the Dining plan. Just removing appetizers from the deluxe plan.

And regardless- the only way the dining plan actually comes out ahead vs a TiW card is if you eat at Akershus for basically every meal, or make sure you eat the most expensive thing at only the premier restaurants. You can't eat at Beaches & Cream. You cant order a pork tenderloin from anywhere. You definitely can't skip dessert or just drink water. And you can't eat at signature restaurants using 2 credits. You're essentially tied down to character buffets.
Not to mention my wife and I can go to Via Napoli with my kids and share a single pizza instead of being forced to use 3 TS credits and all have to order something.

There were unique situations- particularly split stays- where the Deluxe plan was truly a good value. But now with the Appetizers, it isn't. The Regular and quick service were never good values- Every spreadsheet that Ive ever seen that tries to make it look like a value, at the very best breaks even. And that's trying to take advantage (i.e.- most expensive entrees, snacks, etc). They've made it that even if you try to "win" the best you can do is break even.

Please- for my sanity- just buy a gift card with what you would have spent on your dining plan and go eat normally, and tell me there isn't money left on your card by the end of the trip. :D
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Liker of Things
Premium Member
On occasion, I will organize family reunions at Disney World on one side of the family or the other and they always feature 10 to 12 people. Since you can get the 20% tables in Wonderland discount for up to 10 people, in that situation the card pays for itself very quickly. You only need to do a couple of sitdown meals. I have used the card to talk various family members out of the dining plan.
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Resident Curmudgeon
Here's a link to the exact moment when the dining plan became a none good deal - http://forums.wdwmagic.com/threads/people-angry-over-disney-dinning-plan.264070/

@Master Yoda 's post (the fifth one in the thread) summarizes it nicely. Ever since then, it hasn't made much sense from a cost analysis perspective. I think it makes sense from a pre-planning, now worries perspective for some.

@xdan0920 ^^^^ is essentially correct.

@George I think @Master Yoda nailed it in that post.


Resident Curmudgeon
On occasion, I will organize family reunions at Disney World on one side of the family or the other and they always feature 10 to 12 people. Since you can get the 20% tables in Wonderland discount for up to 10 people, in that situation the card pays for itself very quickly. You only need to do a couple of sitdown meals. I have used the card to talk various family members out of the dining plan.

TiW is in the process of 'Jumping the Shark' it now has fairly extensive blackout periods which are a new feature this year. This will probably be the last year I get a TiW card because I expect blackouts to become more extensive and more restaurants dropped from program.


Resident Curmudgeon
Well except for the DDP going away if they did not change back part.:oops: I failed to take into account that Disney would jack the prices of the character meals up to the moon and make a dining plan that costs more and delivers less still seem like a value.

It was a less greedy WDW then. Not only Character meals have been jacked to the moon just simple buffet's are now 40+ bucks!

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