Disney No Longer Including Appetizers for Deluxe Dining Plan


Well-Known Member
I can't say that I am surprised by this news. Cut backs in offerings and services but raises in prices seems to be their norm anymore.

Also, Disney buffets have an array of desserts that all look delicious but they are quite bland. So when I went to Busch Gardens and Sea World and got the One-Day Dining plan I was a bit apprehensive but all of their desserts were amazing!


Resident Curmudgeon
How was Boma $48+tax? o_O The price range for dinner is $38.33-42.59 TAX INCLUDED. Never heard anyone say it was $48+ tax before or complained.
I know the price varies and is higher for peak season but that would be the highest price listed $42.59 (again tax already included).
See below the current price info for 2015.

Dinner Served 4:30 - 9:30 p.m.

Note that the price of this meal varies based on the time of year (peak seasons vs regular season), and even on the day of the week (weekday vs weekend). The general price ranges for this meal are as follows:

Adult price range: $38.33-$42.59;
Child (ages 3-9) price range: $18.10-$21.29

Tax is included; gratuity is not included. A standard, non-alcoholic beverage is included in this price.

The dinner menu rotates daily. This listing gives you an idea of the types of foods that may be offered, more than 60 items on the buffet.

Pricing is variable - All I know is when I looked the price that day was 47.99 - and even if it was 42.99 not that much of a difference. Let's just say I'm a charter DVC member at AKL so I'm pretty familiar with the place and the recent increases in price at Boma are insane, Yet Sanaa has been more or less level and entree's are still reasonably priced ????


Love a little Disney every day!! ;)
Pricing is variable - All I know is when I looked the price that day was 47.99 - and even if it was 42.99 not that much of a difference. Let's just say I'm a charter DVC member at AKL so I'm pretty familiar with the place and the recent increases in price at Boma are insane, Yet Sanaa has been more or less level and entree's are still reasonably priced ????
I posted it WAS variable in the part I copied And pasted, and if it was the $42 price on the highest end of the variable that still already INCLUDES TAX. Read below the prices as that is tax Already included in those prices that are listed. You put it was $48 PLUS TAX. I also own DVC at AKV and eat and stay there often as well. So that info is irrelevant to make a point to me thank you!!
Also to add Buffets are always known to jack up prices at peak season and the restaurants obviously having individual items like Sanaa or any non buffet restaurant on property you will not see that affected as much. Much easier to raise a buffet price than all entrees at all restaurants and print all new menus, etc. So it makes perfect sense to mainly just raise buffet prices :rolleyes::hilarious:
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Resident Curmudgeon
Yup, and that was back when there was just one "dining plan". The standard (only) plan was somewhere in the $35-40 range/day (I'm sure someone has an exact number), and included 1 TS with app, entree, desert, drink, 1 CS with desert/drink, and 1 snack per day. And very, very few restaurants were 2 credits - not even Brown Derby was back then, if I recall - it was dinner shows, that fancy pants place at GF, and maybe a couple of Epcot resort restaurants - there were not any 2CR in-park meals.

I'm pretty stunned that they are doing this to the deluxe plan. It's almost like they want people to stop doing it, or just expect folks don't care about prices and just the "convenience" factor. It is true that complaints about the original plan were "too much food" - the app was the first to go on the original plan.

But that they are nickel and diming the deluxe is really odd to me - I'd figure they just keep jacking up the prices. Ever since they split it's been clear it's not really a "savings" - but at least you could pretty much eat anywhere anytime and get what you wanted. I mean, people here are swapping stories about how to break even - which is in stark contrast to how it began, when people who were APers like me were irritated we couldn't get in on it because of the tremendous value it was (since it's only available with full room/ticket packages).

A lot of us at the time said the same thing you are seeing here - that it would be better if there was a choice between app/desert - I'm not really a desert person, I'd much rather have a nice app. I'm pretty sure the reason they don't do that is because deserts are generally really high margin and much more perishable than apps, as well are generally pre-made and ready to serve. But in any case, I haven't done the dining plan since before the turn of the decade, because it's been a steady decline since then and once I started always having a personal vehicle on property, it's amazing how cheaply you can eat really decently minutes off of Disney property.

Also someone brought up the turn time - by skipping the appetizer you can probably turn a table 15-20 minutes faster and many people SKIP the dessert which can save another 15 minutes or so. The time adds up and increases the capacity of the venue and degrades the dining experience,

At most WDW restaurants one feels really rushed these days especially when the deliver the check at the beginning of the main course.

I know I for one am spending MUCH less on WDW dining than in past years mainly because of the 'bums rush' attitude at the restaurants and the ever increasing prices which have reached a level which offend the inner scotsman.


Resident Curmudgeon
I posted it WAS variable in the part I copied And pasted, and if it was the $42 price on the highest end of the variable that still already INCLUDES TAX. Read below the prices as that is tax Already included in those prices that are listed. You put it was $48 PLUS TAX. I also own DVC at AKV and eat and stay there often as well. So that info is irrelevant to make a point to me thank you!!
Also to add Buffets are always known to jack up prices at peak season and the restaurants obviously having individual items like Sanaa or any non buffet restaurant on property you will not see that affected as much. Much easier to raise a buffet price than all entrees at all restaurants and print all new menus, etc. So it makes perfect sense to mainly just raise buffet prices :rolleyes::hilarious:

I really don't care what is on the Web it's not like Disney ever posts incorrect information, All I can say is what I saw on the little chalk board outside of Boma that night.


Love a little Disney every day!! ;)
I really don't care what is on the Web it's not like Disney ever posts incorrect information, All I can say is what I saw on the little chalk board outside of Boma that night.
Gotcha and I totally get that and never said your wrong at all but never heard anyone else say before the price was ever $48 + tax. That's the reason with the other info I provided why I asked that of you the first sentence of that first post. If people had seen that I would think someone would sure have said something before you because a lot of folks pay cash and are not on the dining plan. Anywho whether I pay Cash or do a dining plan I'll pay that price if I really want to eat there because I'm on vacation and it's okay to splurge and enjoy that's why me and DH take a vacation and get away, to at least not penny pinch while there. (Not saying you are penny pinching just generalizing because some just don't pay it because they think it's overpriced) We watch what we spend at home all the rest of our lives. Lol :)
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Well-Known Member
Pricing is variable - All I know is when I looked the price that day was 47.99 - and even if it was 42.99 not that much of a difference. Let's just say I'm a charter DVC member at AKL so I'm pretty familiar with the place and the recent increases in price at Boma are insane, Yet Sanaa has been more or less level and entree's are still reasonably priced ????
And Sanna kills Boma in taste and uniqueness of their foods. It's a must for me every tripe and with TIW, seems like a bargain.


Premium Member
like I mentioned prior we usually break even or very close to even. Every trip when I come home I figure out what our total costs were and compare.
Going by what you say here, your telling us that you "break even" or close to it based upon what the cost of your meals would have been when compared to OOP price.

We make reservations at only places we would want to eat at even if not on the plan and get items we would want at said restaurants and QS locations that we really want.
The bolded completely contradicts what you said to me yesterday, but ill get to that in a moment. Here you say that you also eat at places that do not accept the DP. This adds additional cost on top of the $110 per person, per day for Deluxe DP. You also said that you even buy additional snacks but you went back and edited that part out. (again, I'll get back to that in a moment). So adding an extra meal at $15-20 on top of what you prepaid for the DDP puts you way past any reasonable "break even" point. Its also somewhat contradictory to your prior statements of why the DP works for you vs OOP because you like that everything is already paid for and you enjoy the "inclusive" feeling.

As far as edited posts, I gotta call shenanigans. I noticed this because yesterday you responded to me in a post and you said that the Dining Plan DOESNT dictate you because the places you and your husband prefer to eat at and enjoy ALL accept the DP anyway. I know thats what it said because it was the backbone of your explanation of how the dining plan DOESNT dictate you. When I saw your response to @TeriofTerror 's post and you said you eat where you want whether its on the DP or not, I went back to your response to me yesterday to copy your contradictory statement but it had been edited out. Then I saw you edited out that you buy additional snacks outside of the DP as well.

So I decided to sift through and I noticed that about 75% of your longer posts that explain why the DP is a good deal are all edited. We all edit a post here and there, but mostly for spelling or to just ADD additional comments, not delete them, and usually people will cite the reason they edited if they do. Im not trying to be mean, honestly. Just pointing out that if you want to state your case, just state it, dont go back and move the goal posts when you realize you made a comment that may hinder your previous claims.


Well-Known Member
So I decided to sift through and I noticed that about 75% of your longer posts that explain why the DP is a good deal are all edited. We all edit a post here and there, but mostly for spelling or to just ADD additional comments, not delete them, and usually people will cite the reason they edited if they do. Im not trying to be mean, honestly. Just pointing out that if you want to state your case, just state it, dont go back and move the goal posts when you realize you made a comment that may hinder your previous claims.

I hate to be one of those people...but (you knew that was coming, as it usually comes after such a statement), I'm going to be one of those people, LOL.

I have never said this before, ever, because 99.9999999% of the time it's just an excuse someone uses to dismiss an opinion they don't like...but in this case, it's not that I don't like the opinion (I couldn't care less about what someone pays to eat at WDW that I'm not paying for), but I had noticed some of the things you pointed out, and all I can think is:

I smell a Disney Mom. ;)


Love a little Disney every day!! ;)
Going by what you say here, your telling us that you "break even" or close to it based upon what the cost of your meals would have been when compared to OOP price.

The bolded completely contradicts what you said to me yesterday, but ill get to that in a moment. Here you say that you also eat at places that do not accept the DP. This adds additional cost on top of the $110 per person, per day for Deluxe DP. You also said that you even buy additional snacks but you went back and edited that part out. (again, I'll get back to that in a moment). So adding an extra meal at $15-20 on top of what you prepaid for the DDP puts you way past any reasonable "break even" point. Its also somewhat contradictory to your prior statements of why the DP works for you vs OOP because you like that everything is already paid for and you enjoy the "inclusive" feeling.

As far as edited posts, I gotta call shenanigans. I noticed this because yesterday you responded to me in a post and you said that the Dining Plan DOESNT dictate you because the places you and your husband prefer to eat at and enjoy ALL accept the DP anyway. I know thats what it said because it was the backbone of your explanation of how the dining plan DOESNT dictate you. When I saw your response to @TeriofTerror 's post and you said you eat where you want whether its on the DP or not, I went back to your response to me yesterday to copy your contradictory statement but it had been edited out. Then I saw you edited out that you buy additional snacks outside of the DP as well.

So I decided to sift through and I noticed that about 75% of your longer posts that explain why the DP is a good deal are all edited. We all edit a post here and there, but mostly for spelling or to just ADD additional comments, not delete them, and usually people will cite the reason they edited if they do. Im not trying to be mean, honestly. Just pointing out that if you want to state your case, just state it, dont go back and move the goal posts when you realize you made a comment that may hinder your previous claims.
Never said you were mean nor do I think that but I'm not going to keep beating a dead horse!! Think what you want as I know you will. When I said I add places what does that have to do with breaking even for the plan!! Those are SEPERATE from all what I'm spending for the plan and get my money's worth at the places that ARe Included to break even etc. When we usually add places it's when we are on the REGULAR plan not deluxe as I sometomes have.
And lastly I edit right away usually (sometimes not as I may go back read it and realize I forgot something) because I noticed that I didn't get what I wanted said how I wanted etc or for spelling, punctuation and frankly that's what it's there for! I never misconscru or change because of something someone said etc. Done conversing with you on this same subject at hand as you will never feel the way I do and for me that's perfectly fine. I will think how I want and you will think how you want. I also don't have all day to go back and nitpick all someone's posts like you did to mine. Back to work I go. Have a wonderful day. :)


Premium Member
Never said you were mean nor do I think that but I'm not going to keep beating a dead horse!! Think what you want as I know you will. When I said I add places what does that have to do with breaking even for the plan!! Those are SEPERATE from all what I'm spending for the plan and get my money's worth at the places that ARe Included to break even etc. When we usually add places it's when we are on the REGULAR plan not deluxe as I sometomes have.
And lastly I edit right away usually because I noticed that I didn't get what I wanted said how I wanted etc or for spelling, punctuation and frankly that's what it's there for! I never misconscru or change because of something someone said etc. Done conversing with you on this same subject at hand as you will never feel the way I do and for me that's perfectly fine. I will think how I want and you will think how you want. I also don't have all day to go back and nitpick all someone's posts like you did to mine. Back to work I go. Have a wonderful day. :)
So your saying that you DID NOT remove comments from your posts? And you do realize that it time stamps when you edit a post. Yours are most definitely not right away.


Love a little Disney every day!! ;)
So your saying that you DID NOT remove comments from your posts? And you do realize that it time stamps when you edit a post. Yours are most definitely not right away.
Never said I didn't! I do if it does not say what I was getting at correctly! Sorry to not clarify exactly for your pleasure. Geez people I am not dumb I know it time stamps it etc. Sheesh! :rolleyes:
Now yall are going way far away from the subject at hand and you are wrong at that assuming and accusing why someone chooses to edit their own post! Hope you also have a wonderful day! I'm going to talk with those on this thread again that are actually talking about what the OP started. :)


Well-Known Member
Going by what you say here, your telling us that you "break even" or close to it based upon what the cost of your meals would have been when compared to OOP price.

The bolded completely contradicts what you said to me yesterday, but ill get to that in a moment. Here you say that you also eat at places that do not accept the DP. This adds additional cost on top of the $110 per person, per day for Deluxe DP. You also said that you even buy additional snacks but you went back and edited that part out. (again, I'll get back to that in a moment). So adding an extra meal at $15-20 on top of what you prepaid for the DDP puts you way past any reasonable "break even" point. Its also somewhat contradictory to your prior statements of why the DP works for you vs OOP because you like that everything is already paid for and you enjoy the "inclusive" feeling.

As far as edited posts, I gotta call shenanigans. I noticed this because yesterday you responded to me in a post and you said that the Dining Plan DOESNT dictate you because the places you and your husband prefer to eat at and enjoy ALL accept the DP anyway. I know thats what it said because it was the backbone of your explanation of how the dining plan DOESNT dictate you. When I saw your response to @TeriofTerror 's post and you said you eat where you want whether its on the DP or not, I went back to your response to me yesterday to copy your contradictory statement but it had been edited out. Then I saw you edited out that you buy additional snacks outside of the DP as well.

So I decided to sift through and I noticed that about 75% of your longer posts that explain why the DP is a good deal are all edited. We all edit a post here and there, but mostly for spelling or to just ADD additional comments, not delete them, and usually people will cite the reason they edited if they do. Im not trying to be mean, honestly. Just pointing out that if you want to state your case, just state it, dont go back and move the goal posts when you realize you made a comment that may hinder your previous claims.

Yikes, I better not say anything here. Wrong forum sorry.

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