Disney "Moment of Zen"?


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Original Poster

The Best Thing I Ever Ate thread got me thinking....what is your "Moment of Zen" (from the Daily Show)at Disney?
Mine, our 3rd trip, 1st with our kids, DS was 18 months old and DD was 5 months old (yes they are a year apart). We were headed down to Naples to see the Grandparents and decided, while driving, to stop at MK for one day. Spent then night with family in Orlando and left for MK at the crack of dawn. It was mid afternoon, hot, nap time, well past lunch and we were all tired after a busy attraction filled morning. You can picture the approaching melt down, miserable kids and miserable parents, typical 3.00 Disney family meltdown. We went into Colombia Harbor House and got our late lunch, tucked into one of the corners and ate. After about 10 mins (and eating a ton) both kids sacked out and DH and I sat there and just chilled. We were people watching, watching the rain come in and clear out and watching our babies sleep. It was so peaceful and recharged our batteries for the rest of our day at MK and the drive to Naples that night.
(now we take a mid day break to avoid such meltdowns, but then we had nowhere to go). Often I think of that afternoon and how blessed I am, wonderful DH, healthy kids, stable financial situation and getting to go to WDW often!
Do you have a Moment of Zen at the parks? Tell me?


Well-Known Member
I do not, but I love that show. just thought I'd mention it.

Good for you on your Moment of Zen by the way.


My whole vacation is kind of a "zen" moment for me. Sometimes I feel like my life is such a rat race, and I love having an entire week to spend time with my best friend (aka my husband) with no stress or worries looming over our heads. We get to act like kids together for an entire week, do whatever we want (when we want to do it), and generally relax together. Even if we're eating dinner at an un-fancy quick service like Pecos Bill, every night feels like a date night! My Disney vacation is the best week of my year, every year.

...but if I had to pick one "zen" moment, it would probably be walking through the MK at night with my husband. There's something so magical about that park at night! Plus it's really fun watching Wishes from the Swiss Family Tree House!

Can't wait til we have kiddos and get to experience WDW in an entirely new way with them :animwink:

MT Disney Fan

New Member
For me it's a quiet stroll in Epcot's WS from Germany to France. We do it right around 11am when it opens and there's virtually nobody there. It's peaceful, relaxing, and beautiful. :)


Active Member
Our first trip with our son will be this New Years. He'll be 11 months old, and we're planning on the 3:00-4:30 back at the room afternoon crash. All our ADR's are at 5:30. I'm anticipating a "Zen Moment" for him the first time we set foot on Main Street! He has been in love with the Main Street sing-along, so when he is there for real, I'm sure it'll be magical!

My "Zen Moment" is when DW gives me the go-ahead to plan the trip!


Well-Known Member
Our first trip with our son will be this New Years. He'll be 11 months old, and we're planning on the 3:00-4:30 back at the room afternoon crash. All our ADR's are at 5:30. I'm anticipating a "Zen Moment" for him the first time we set foot on Main Street! He has been in love with the Main Street sing-along, so when he is there for real, I'm sure it'll be magical!

My "Zen Moment" is when DW gives me the go-ahead to plan the trip!

MIne too, nothing like getting the green light to start planning a trip.


Now lets see if I can pull this off without sounding like a complete A$$. It was our last night on a short unplanned 5 night trip a week before I was to deploy overseas. My poor wife had double ear infections since take-off and was at the Disney emergency care when they shipped her off to the local hospital. I stayed behind with our to kids DS 4 & DD 2 by request of my wife. DW left around 5pm and would not return until almost 10. Now I think we all know how a 2yo & 4yo can be at MK. If you say otherwise either your lying or I want your secret. Let me tell you these kids were so well behaved they must sensed that something was wrong, because not once did I have to tell my little wander DD to stay in the stroller & the DS was the best little helper. Anyways my moment of Zen was believe or not on the Tomorrowland Speedway with my 4yo DS driving ( more like ramming the rail from side to side) & my 2yo DD laughing like she didn't have a care in the world. Does she???? But at that moment I felt like nothing in the world mattered. Don't get me wrong I felt so bad my wife was stuck in some emergency care waiting room and not there to expierience that moment. 9:45 came we reunited at Casey's Corner ate a few dogs and watched Wishes. They gave my wife some meds we went home the next day and I sit he in Saudi Arabia counting down the days til I'm home 73 and 263 til my next moment.


Well-Known Member
Now lets see if I can pull this off without sounding like a complete A$$. It was our last night on a short unplanned 5 night trip a week before I was to deploy overseas. My poor wife had double ear infections since take-off and was at the Disney emergency care when they shipped her off to the local hospital. I stayed behind with our to kids DS 4 & DD 2 by request of my wife. DW left around 5pm and would not return until almost 10. Now I think we all know how a 2yo & 4yo can be at MK. If you say otherwise either your lying or I want your secret. Let me tell you these kids were so well behaved they must sensed that something was wrong, because not once did I have to tell my little wander DD to stay in the stroller & the DS was the best little helper. Anyways my moment of Zen was believe or not on the Tomorrowland Speedway with my 4yo DS driving ( more like ramming the rail from side to side) & my 2yo DD laughing like she didn't have a care in the world. Does she???? But at that moment I felt like nothing in the world mattered. Don't get me wrong I felt so bad my wife was stuck in some emergency care waiting room and not there to expierience that moment. 9:45 came we reunited at Casey's Corner ate a few dogs and watched Wishes. They gave my wife some meds we went home the next day and I sit he in Saudi Arabia counting down the days til I'm home 73 and 263 til my next moment.

I pray the days will fly by for your next "zen" moment- and you all can create more Disney magic the the near future. Thank you for all you do for our country:)


Well-Known Member
Our entire vacation is a "Moment of Zen" moment, but if I had to choose a few it would probably be walking down MS:USA and seeing Cinderella's Castle, and walking through WS when the park is officially closed. Having WS completely to ourselves, sitting on a park bench, just taking it in.


Well-Known Member
There are many moments in our trips over the years that have made me catch my breath and tear up a little bit (OK, OK, I usually bawl like a baby!) but i think my "Zen" moment was on my Dec 08 trip. That first night, watching Wishes and seeing the castle Christmas lights from the balconey of the Contemporary. Made me appreciate that we live in the greatest country in the world, and I am so thankful for all that I have.

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
I have had a few moments of zen while at WDW but my favorite one was at Epcot. It was around 7:00 AM on October 1st 2007. I was in front of Epcot surrounded by fellow Epcot geeks and the BGM that played on opening day began to run. Everyone around me immediately recognized it and began to applaud. The warm and fuzzy felling bordered on overwhelming at that moment.


Active Member
I have a few peaceful/emotional moments when I'm vacationing in WDW:

  • Landing in Orlando, walking through the airport and visiting the Disney store
  • Seeing the Magical Express pull up
  • Driving under the Welcome sign/DME GPS movie magic always makes me cry
  • Hearing the monorail spiel
  • Walking up main street for the first time, smelling the popcorn & candy, hearing the old time ragtime music

All of these things make me teary because I've worked so hard to be able to treat myself and my family to a WDW vacation. Now it's my time :)


Well-Known Member
I take a red eye each year from California. When I arrive at the Beach Club, I take a minute to chill and then I walk to Epcot.

Entering the World Showcase when it is quiet, the water is still and the park is empty is my Zen moment.

I always take a minute to breathe, look out over the water and realize that I am home.


Well-Known Member
My Disney zen moments tend to be where there is water, and a relaxing atmosphere.

I have mentioned several times how much I enjoy the little fountain just inside the door to the lobby at the Coronado Springs. it has a beautiful peaceful mural, and the sound of the trickling water just makes me breathe a little easier.

The other place is in POR, in the food court. Especially in the middle of the day, when no one is around. Just enjoying a beverage or snack and watching the water wheel turn makes me feel so relaxed and refreshed.

French Quarter

Well-Known Member
Two immediately come to mind:

1. On our honeymoon. We had been going steady since we arrived. About the fourth or fifth night in, we decided to chill at the hotel. So, we changed into our lounging clothes and went down to the food court at one of the values. We had some food and went out and sat at the pool bar for a couple of drinks. It felt so good to relax and to be at WDW.

2. The year that I was pregnant with my first child. We sat for an hour or more at the Cantina in Mexico right on the water, snacking and waiting for IllumiNations to start. Even though it was really cold, I loved having the time to be with my hubby and to just chat. We had an amazing seat for IllumiNations and the best part was, we were so close to the action, that the effects warmed us up!


My moment came in the Magic Kingdom, we were able to sit on tom sawyers island playing draughts/chequers on the end of a barrell for about 20 minutes and only one other couple walked past. you're in the middle of the tourist capital of the world, and it was so peaceful and relaxing it was untrue.


Active Member
I have had a few moments of zen while at WDW but my favorite one was at Epcot. It was around 7:00 AM on October 1st 2007. I was in front of Epcot surrounded by fellow Epcot geeks and the BGM that played on opening day began to run. Everyone around me immediately recognized it and began to applaud. The warm and fuzzy felling bordered on overwhelming at that moment.

We were there that morning too! I think when Marty Sklar walked out on stage was my zen moment that day. I had never seen him in person before.

My most recent zen moment was last July. My husband, our three kids (who were 17, 20 and 22 at the time) went to WDW to celebrate our 25th anniversary. We spent the week with my bff and her family. It was early evening and we were at Epcot in future world. My hubby is not as big WDW fan as I, so when he agreed to come to WDW I was shocked. I just looked around at this wonderful man that I am married to, my three kids who are all great kids, my best friend who was nice enought to use her DVC points for this trip for us and her family and had the best zen moment I've ever had at WDW.

disney dharling

Active Member
My moment of zen was sitting on a bench just off the hub with my daughter sleeping in my lap. We were sitting near a speaker and I could just see the Main Street Electrical Parade. It felt like we were the only ones there. In that small slice of the evening it was the most peaceful place I had ever been.

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