News Disney mask policy at Walt Disney World theme parks

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Vegas Disney Fan

Well-Known Member
I think if they can point to a specific business reason to get rid of him, like missing quarterly targets, that would be one thing. But if they are literally sidelining him because of how he handled a political issue, I think they are going to open themselves to a firestorm of criticism from both sides. I know we can't talk politics here, and I'm not trying to wade into the issue again, I'm just saying that I think from a PR standpoint "he's not producing the results we want" is very different from "he said something we don't like."
I’m speaking more about the general overall negativity towards Disney, the recent political stuff is just the icing on the cake. Genie+, AP situation, reservation system… I don’t think I’ve ever seen so much negativity surrounding this company, on paper it’s probably been a great year for Disney but from a PR perspective it’s been a nightmare.

I’m also curious if the demand is going to stay at these levels, gas prices may hurt east coast visits and we were just looking at a WDW trip or Cruise this summer and flights from the west are INSANE… the flights would be as expensive, if not more than, the cruise… looks like DL and Hawaii for us, it’s way to expensive to get out east. (Hawaii flights are about 2/3 the cost of getting to WDW right now.)

If attendance dips, even if it’s not his fault, I don’t see how he survives this year.

Tom P.

Well-Known Member
I’m speaking more about the general overall negativity towards Disney, the recent political stuff is just the icing on the cake. Genie+, AP situation, reservation system… I don’t think I e ever seen so much negativity surrounding this company, on paper it’s probably been a great year for Disney but from a PR perspective it’s been a nightmare.

I’m also curious if the demands going to stay at these levels, gas prices may hurt east coast visits and we were just looking at a WDW trip or Cruise this summer and flights from the west are INSANE… the flights would be as expensive, if not more than, the cruise… looks like DL and Hawaii for us, way to expensive to get out east.

Hawaii flights are about 2/3 the cost of getting to WDW right now.
I can more see that argument, but the whole public notion that "Disney is now a greedy mega-corporation that does not care about the guest experience" is not a new thing under Chapek. It most definitely started long ago under Iger. Now perhaps Iger was better at managing the PR machine of Disney than Chapek is, but the anger at Disney has been palpable for many years. None of which is to say that it's not a legitimate problem, of course. But if this has been going on for years, why would the Board of Directors suddenly decide that it is such a big deal now that they need to take action against Chapek?

Tom P.

Well-Known Member
Could posters please get back on topic? Thank you.
Is it possible to break out the recent posts about Chapek's future into a separate thread? They are definitely WDW-relevant and, I believe, in line with board rules? But I can definitely see where they are out of place in this thread.

Dreaming of Disney World

Well-Known Member
I'm not talking about flight attendants enforcing the rules. I asked (and continue to wonder) why somebody who is not in a position of authority (whether in an airport, on a plane or on the monorail or bus at WDW) would risk a possible violent confrontation to be the self appointed mask police.

If you actually read the rules put out, passengers on transportation aren't required by "federal law" to wear a mask. The carriers (airlines or Disney if they are really required to follow the mandate) are required "use best efforts" to ensure that the passengers are wearing masks. I don't have to wear one on the monorail because you told me to. Disney is supposed to have a policy and their employees are supposed to "use best efforts" to make me wear one. If you aren't on the clock working for Disney, there is no requirement upon me for you to enforce.
I've asked people to put on masks because I don't want to catch covid from them while I'm forced to sit next to them in a confined space. Why wouldn't I ask them? If it's policy to wear one then I have a right to remind them of the rules when it affects me like in this situation.


Well-Known Member
I've asked people to put on masks because I don't want to catch covid from them while I'm forced to sit next to them in a confined space. Why wouldn't I ask them? If it's policy to wear one then I have a right to remind them of the rules when it affects me like in this situation.
I think it's fine to ask if it's policy. But you're taking a risk that you'll encounter someone who won't take it well. Also, it's being dropped as policy in more and more places.

Much better to just have an N-95 mask of your own and protect yourself as best you can.

Dreaming of Disney World

Well-Known Member
I think it's fine to ask if it's policy. But you're taking a risk that you'll encounter someone who won't take it well. Also, it's being dropped as policy in more and more places.

Much better to just have an N-95 mask of your own and protect yourself as best you can.
I do have an N95 equivalent mask (Happy Masks), but if I don't ask, I take a risk of contracting covid. Masks are still required on public transportation, that's the law.


Well-Known Member
I do have an N95 equivalent mask (Happy Masks), but if I don't ask, I take a risk of contracting covid. Masks are still required on public transportation, that's the law.
That’s fine but I didn’t see the discussion limited to transportation.

And my point stands. Ask if you want but it still might not go well. You don’t want to be in an enclosed place with someone unmasked. I don’t want to be in an enclosed place with someone who doesn’t take well to being asked to wear one.


Well-Known Member
That’s fine but I didn’t see the discussion limited to transportation.

And my point stands. Ask if you want but it still might not go well. You don’t want to be in an enclosed place with someone unmasked. I don’t want to be in an enclosed place with someone who doesn’t take well to being asked to wear one.
I remember at the beginning of the pandemic there were people who would have masks in hand and others would say "don't forget the masks" that usually was fine. We were all learning - including myself. I do remember one bratty woman who wouldn't mask, and kept hovering right on people and many weren't nice to her. She was a snot back. We're talking June of 2020 when things opened up again. After that woman seeing how horrible she was (she asked someone what they expected her to do - leave? I even said yes along with so many closer to her, though I doubt she heard me) I decided it was never worth it. Granted she made everyone uncomfortable who was trying to follow rules. From then on I simply distanced myself from people.

I had the power in schools with kids to remind them to mask, but that's it. I would never ask another to outside my own home or private space to do so.

A while ago someone mentioned moving monorail cars... that's as far as I would go myself. I do think asking others, while honestly not entirely wrong technically, just is asking for trouble.

Dreaming of Disney World

Well-Known Member
I only ask while on transportation or in medical settings, and it's been fine every time. I just ask politely. Sometimes people look annoyed, but they always comply. I'm a young woman with young children, and I think people look at me and don't want to get in a fight.


Well-Known Member
It would be really nice if by some miracle masks on transportation was finally pulled back by our trip in June. That's the only reason why I really keep checking this thread lol.
I think there is a decent chance of it. Though we had transportation only a few weeks ago and it wasn't bad. Best part was they had masks at monorail stations if needed.


Well-Known Member
Skyliner DHS line was down last week after closing so they had to get busses out for Pop and AoA. I'd say bus mask compliance was about 70%. Drivers weren't enforcing. BTW, they did a decent job rounding up busses for us.


Well-Known Member
I only ask while on transportation or in medical settings, and it's been fine every time. I just ask politely. Sometimes people look annoyed, but they always comply. I'm a young woman with young children, and I think people look at me and don't want to get in a fight.
Are you talking about transportation at WDW or transportation in general? If specifically at WDW, that means that you are OK with the risk in poorly ventilated parts of indoor queues for 30 minutes or more but not on the monorail for 5 minutes?

As a general question, do you plan to mask up (and ask others to do so) for the rest of your life? As a practical manner, COVID cases are unlikely to ever be much lower than they are now in the US. If you feel masks are necessary now, when will they ever not be necessary?


Well-Known Member
Are you talking about transportation at WDW or transportation in general? If specifically at WDW, that means that you are OK with the risk in poorly ventilated parts of indoor queues for 30 minutes or more but not on the monorail for 5 minutes?

As a general question, do you plan to mask up (and ask others to do so) for the rest of your life? As a practical manner, COVID cases are unlikely to ever be much lower than they are now in the US. If you feel masks are necessary now, when will they ever not be necessary?
Having just returned from our week long stay at WDW masking in the airports and on the planes, plus on some park transportation - but not boats, what is really glaring is - what's the point?
What is any of this masking accomplishing anymore?
Does masking in select areas reduce the rate of covid spread?
As guests we were practically on top of each other in the parks, ride queues, Friendship Boats, restaurants...
It's just silly now.


Premium Member
Having just returned from our week long stay at WDW masking in the airports and on the planes, plus on some park transportation - but not boats, what is really glaring is - what's the point?
What is any of this masking accomplishing anymore?
Does masking in select areas reduce the rate of covid spread?
As guests we were practically on top of each other in the parks, ride queues, Friendship Boats, restaurants...
It's just silly now.
It makes no sense to sit on a monorail or bus for 10 minutes with a mask and then wait in Space Mountain’s indoor queue for 30 minutes without one.


Premium Member
Having just returned from our week long stay at WDW masking in the airports and on the planes, plus on some park transportation - but not boats, what is really glaring is - what's the point?
What is any of this masking accomplishing anymore?
Does masking in select areas reduce the rate of covid spread?
As guests we were practically on top of each other in the parks, ride queues, Friendship Boats, restaurants...
It's just silly now.

There really is no point, it's now just that the federal government is slow to roll back these sorts of changes.


Premium Member
It is not just being slow to roll them back. They made conscious decision to extend the transportation mandate.

I took that as giving themselves more time to roll it back instead of just letting it expire. Now if they extend it again, then I would agree. I am assuming when it is dropped there will also be guidance to recommend under what conditions they would come back.

Wendy Pleakley

Well-Known Member
It may not make sense to have masks in a few places but not otherwise, but is it honestly a big deal?

If you really dislike masks, just be happy they're mostly gone.

I spent five days at Disneyland before the requirement ended and so only having to wear a mask for a few modes of transport seems like such a minor inconvenience, when I was there at the point where I had to wear one for extended indoor queues.

Not that I found it to be a big deal, but the current requirements is such a minor thing compared to what it was just a couple of months ago.
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