Who knows I think maybe 2023? Never?
WDW is a private business and over and over again the courts and as recent as May 2021(Supreme court ruling) have stated that private business can do as they like as long as they do not discriminate.
Masks inside will end at WDW most likely when Disney feels there is more upside then downside to the mask rule. Right now there is no upside for a business like WDW to eliminating the masks inside, in my opinion of course.
I just read another right wing article my dad pointed me to disguised as a main stream article, I am a conservative after all. In HUGE FONT it states ONE IN FOUR people don't want mask inside. They go on and on about rights and all that crap that make little sense in regards to a contagious virus, but get people like my elderly father all hyped up. So I say dad read that again, that means 75% of people do want masks right? 1 in 4 don't, but 3 in 4 do. He grumbles to himself.
So it is up to Disney and I agree with that, let the business decide. For me if businesses get fed money or are a corporation both those type entities should be under the Feds rule, not the states. I say that for a variety of reasons, the main being a virus has no borders and state rules simply do not make sense when planes fly in and out and cars drive over the border hour by hour, but that is another discussion. And for me it is a huge reason I believe we won't ever beat this thing. If the feds can't blanket the same rules across the country how can we beat it(again another discussion)? Anyhow, If WDW changed the indoor mask rules right now with the way the cases are some guests will still go and people like me, yes a 30 year Republican, will not go. I will vote with my 15 K trip, or not.
Fact is WDW is jammed packed with the mask rules right now so again what is the upside to eliminating the mask rules now?