It’s not an “individual Liberty” kinda thing. It never was..that was political “meat” thrown to the dogs.
all is the only thing that has ever worked in health scenarios…which was known by those that knew from the start.
“why should I have to do it?”
Because of the lowest common denominator. Anyone thinking otherwise should invest in some Florida swampland.
Let me try to explain my perspective with my limited ability to be articulate.
I have followed all the rules including rules currently in place at all times.
My entire family is vaccinated.
I understand that masking is an form of mitigation however is much less effective than the vaccine.
Now that the bio is over let’s move on from there…
The most rationale argument in my eyes put forward post vaccine and delta has been the need to protect the children.
That is changing and I’m fully aware it will take 4-5 weeks but everyone above the age of 5 will have had access to the vaccines.
Furthermore there are multiple pills up for approval that reduce the chance of hospitalization although I will admit complete ignorance about them.
So in a few weeks time who am I protecting from masking?
Well that’s a complicated question that deserves some thought.
The obvious answer is the unvaccinated.
That’s not the complete answer as we still have immunocompromised the elderly etc, however I assume the unvaccinated would be by far the largest remaining at risk group.
So what do we do about that?
Do me mask indefinitely waiting for our political system to find a way to mandate the vaccine?
After all if the unvaccinated become infected they can take the pill and have greatly improved odds.
How far should I consider the health of others who refuse to take responsibility for themselves?
I’m not asking these questions rhetorically, I’m asking because internally I struggle with this.
If we had 99% vaccination rates we wouldn’t be masking.
That’s why I hate the mask. To me it’s a symbol of the ultimate evil, betrayal.
I feel betrayed by those who ignore the call to the common good in exchange for selfish individualism.
Yes I’m aware masking is also a call to the common good but unnecessary if the ultimate good was considered universally.