I don't. I'm seeing a goofy bit of mask theater going on where I live. We're friendly with several employees in grocery stores and restaurants. What I've heard is that in many cases, employers are requiring vaccinated employees to wear masks because they want their customers to perceive that the business is providing the safest environment. Vaccinated customers feel safe, but are wearing masks because the employees are wearing masks, so it seems like the right thing to do. In the meantime, there's a whole lot of unnecessary mask-wearing going on.
That's why I asked a previous poster about the notion of "respecting" employees by wearing a mask. As long as the customers are still mostly masked, businesses are likely to force their vaccinated employees to continue wearing masks.
My own practice (not giving advice to anyone else) is to go unmasked whenever it's allowed, and I don't worry if the employees are wondering about my actual vaccination status. If the employees are vaccinated, they are protected (according to the CDC). If they are not vaccinated - and are worried that I'm a maskless unvaccinated threat to them - the answer is for them to get vaccinated. Getting vaccinated is the ultimate expression of respect. An actual, real, effective form of respect.