Disney launch 'Limited Time Magic' for Walt Disney World and Disneyland Resort in 2013


Well-Known Member
For starters, "Limited Time Magic" sounds really negative. I'd think something like "Magical Surprises" (just off the top of my head) would be much more exciting.

I think it's a nice sentiment but something Dis should be doing anyway. And would it really kill them to to do things like giving a night away in the Dream Suite from time to time again?

Besides, if the parks were full of fresh experiences, would you really need these little promotions? Shouldn't promoting your latest $500 million expansion be enough? Sadly, I think this really speaks to how stale the parks have become.


Well-Known Member
Do they have internal marketing staff or is it outsourced. Some of the creative isn't bad but the message is so badly fractured, it looks like it's always an afterthought rather than a major demand driver.

Tom Morrow

Well-Known Member
1. the name is dumb because it implies that the patented Disney "magic" is only available for a limited time
2. the offerings seem to be mostly stuff that could be offered frequently or regularly anyway.

Having said that, I like the idea that this could be a downshift into not relying on a big promotion every year.

Castle Cake Apologist

Well-Known Member
Year of a Million Dreams was without a doubt the worst campaign in Parks history. The fact that they treated it as if it were an actual milestone celebration was laughable

Funny how the vast majority of guests and Cast Members (minus those who look at working here as 'just a job.') absolutely loved YoaMD. Not everything is custom built to solely impress impossible to please members of an internet message board. Same thing with LTM. If the concept so offends you, then by all means, PLEASE don't plan a vacation around it. You're missing the point anyway.

So many people online waste so much time of their lives complaining that WDW offers nothing spontanious anymore, and when they do... they complain about that too. Ridiculous.


Well-Known Member
I think it's very unfair to jump on anyone so early not a campaign. The campaign is designed to add little surprises to people's vacation - its not designed to be a huge great magnet to lure tourists. This is actually a NICE ting that Disney are doing - don't get me wrong, I'm as upset about the 10 % merch discount as the next AP holder, but these are enhancements we can enjoy adhoc, should we be in the parks.

I think it's crazy to expect an all singing, all dancing different event each week. This should actually excite people and not be used as another chance to about something that is just 'nice'. I use the term nice because its not amazing, but I don't think it was ever meant to be.

Let's compare nth coasts at the end of the promotion and decided 'who did it better' or what park guests got the better offers - we may or may not see something that gets everyone super excited I the coming months.

..... Still holding out for a limited return of adventurers club ;)


Active Member
It's a nice $$-maker to have Limited Time hats for Year of the Ears and have guests want to buy those hats. :)

I think it's too soon to pass judgement on how well the promotion will work until later in the year when we have more information on how well the Limited Magic is promoted and received by guests. So far, I think it's OK. If I were there now, I'd get a kick out of the snow in Canada and meeting a rare character. Not everything has to be over the top all the time.

I've been hoping that they will roll out new mugs to go with a new promotion, but so far the resort mugs seem to be the same design they've had for the past couple of years or so.


Premium Member
The campaign is designed to add little surprises to people's vacation - its not designed to be a huge great magnet to lure tourists. This is actually a NICE ting that Disney are doing

marketing budgets aren't 'nice' budgets - they are supposed to be about driving business or the brand. If it were something just to be nice (like the extra day promo.. which was a sales gimmick but Disney didn't have to) it shouldn't be the annual campaign they hang their hat on.


Well-Known Member
I don't remember anyone really complaining about YoaMD.

The promotion itself, giving stuff away and what not, was not inherently bad or poorly done. The problem with YoaMD was the PAINFULLY ugly decor that was plastered over EVERYTHING. Even at DLR, there were these "dream" swans in the moat that were the fugliest pieces of poop I have ever seen - mercifully they were removed before Year 2 of the promo began.


WDW hasn't been good at doing tasteful decorations for anything since sometime in the 1980's, but they really topped themselves with the pastel swirly poop they put all over every park, every hotel. And except for DAK, every park was forced to put the Fab Five in those hideous monochromatic blue Liberace outfits.

So maybe it was just me, but the problem with YoaMD was not what it was, it was just how it looked. Thankfully, LTM is so far without gaudy, vista-ruining decor.

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