Disney Imitators


Well-Known Member
I don't see why you people are bothered by these copycat parks. After all the times Disney has stolen artistic and intelectual property from others, it's nice to see them finally get a taste of their own medicine.


RunDisney Addict
Originally posted by Bairstow
I don't see why you people are bothered by these copycat parks. After all the times Disney has stolen artistic and intelectual property from others, it's nice to see them finally get a taste of their own medicine.

Thank you Mr. Positive


New Member
Originally posted by Bairstow
I don't see why you people are bothered by these copycat parks. After all the times Disney has stolen artistic and intelectual property from others, it's nice to see them finally get a taste of their own medicine.

I can't talk for anyone else, but for me it kind of takes away from the "one-of-a-kindness" Disney has for me. No other place on earth could you find anything like it. Granted its by NO mean as GOOD, AT ALL!!!! I just hate when people copy, not even use similar ideas, DIRECT COPY. And maybe Disney has taken idea from other places, but this is just a blatant shame. Looks like a place you'd find off an interstate or something. At least thats why it upsets me.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by AdLibSean

I can't talk for anyone else, but for me it kind of takes away from the "one-of-a-kindness" Disney has for me. No other place on earth could you find anything like it. Granted its by NO mean as GOOD, AT ALL!!!! I just hate when people copy, not even use similar ideas, DIRECT COPY. And maybe Disney has taken idea from other places, but this is just a blatant shame. Looks like a place you'd find off an interstate or something. At least thats why it upsets me.

Depending on your definiton of "Direct copy", Disney's still guilty of at least two counts. If you were to compare "The Lion King" with "Kimba the White Lion" you would be hard pressed to find anywhere where Disney exhibited any implimentation of creativity beyond what Tezuka came up with, except with the possibility of some added toilet-humor from the warthog. Now, that's all well and good, because by re-making "Kimba" (Albeit without the creator's permission) they exposed the story to millions who otherwise would never have appreciated the tale. With Seoulland we have the exact same thing occuring. More people are allowed to have a "Disneyland" type experience, and because Disney itself is on no moral high ground there's no reason for anyone to cry foul. Besides, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, and personally I find the whole thing rather funny. That being said, I would like to leave you with the wisdom imparted to me by the description of a certain Seoulland ride named Rock and Roll:

"Spin and spin back and forth like a sieve-frame of a squirrel!"


New Member
<center>~Lotte World: a few ride descriptions~</center>

  • Londonderry Express:

    "Roller coaster for children shaped like an old train"
  • The Comet Express:

    "Dark Ride enjoyed in the dark is based on the theme of magical adventure. Some of best examples include Sinbad's Adventure and Caribbean Pirates of Disneyland."
  • The Hydra:

    "If there are not many people around, you can enjoy a private and cozy time with only your loved one..."

    "Be careful if you get dizzy easily!"
  • The Haunted House:

    "You are cordially invited to the world of freight and terror..."
  • Star Fighter:

    "Thrill of the airplane ride hanging from one rope!"
  • Metro Madness ( bumper cars):

    "Bumpy and crashy rides with a fast funky music"

    "The worse you drive, the funnier the ride."
  • French Revolution ( roller coaster):

    "This ride spins you mercilessly from 360 to 540 degrees!"

    "After the ride, your legs feel spineless ..."
  • Drunken Basket: ( somewhat similar to Mad Tea Party):

    "You become fully aware that earth is going round"
  • Aeronauts Balloon Ride:

    "Romantic, hot, cozy"
  • Renaissance Animal Theater:

    "Listen carefully to the lyrics and their meanings."
  • Log Flume:

    "Careful of the facial expression as a camera captures you when the boat falls!!"


Does anyone remember when Homer Simpson found a box of Mr Sparkle (Japan) with his picture on it?

That's how I feel. I am not really "upset" or "bothered"
~ just weirded out!


Well-Known Member
In reality, none of us knows what goes on behind the doors at Disney.

There have been strange coincidences in the past where companies have created original works of art, only to find that others have done it before.

And there have been times when directors or people involved have committed intellectual piracy.

We can talk about how Disney steals this and that, but until you work there, we truly have no idea except what the media chooses to tell us.

This park, however, has crossed the boundaries in my view.

Michael Darling

New Member
Originally posted by tenchu
Nice geosphere.

Ya know, the geosphere isn't owned by Disney. Just because there's a geosphere somewhere else other than EPCOT doesn't make it a ripoff...

And I'm sorry, but the folks who say every indoor, dark coaster is a ripoff of space mountain, I feel you're wrong too.

Wilt Dasney

Well-Known Member
I'm gonna place myself in the minority and stand with Bairstow on this one; while I find this funny, it doesn't disturb me in any real way. (and aside from the Lion King issue, there are others which could be mentioned which don't paint Disney so favorably, Winnie-the-Pooh not being the least prominent.)

Besides, it's not like this place is attracting Koreans who would otherwise be off to Orlando or Anaheim. (And Disney Seas just isn't the same, before you say it.)

If people are deriving enjoyment from this, who cares who's making the money? Would Walt have cared? (Maybe the real man would have, but I don't think the idealized version many of us cling to would.)

As a kid, one of the things I always got a kick out of were the knock-off versions of popular characters I'd see painted on murals and attraction facades at carnivals and fairs. Even as a youngster, I was able to identify the inferior artwork and know these weren't "official" versions, but the characters themselves were so universal that I didn't care.

While I believe in the necessity of copyrights to protect an artist's work, my policy is "no harm, no foul." This certainly isn't hurting Disney in any direct way, and heaven knows that if anybody could stand to be knocked down a few pegs, it's the almighty Disney Company. Disney raising a stink about this would be about as ridiculous as groups like Metallica and Aerosmith whining about losing money when people download their songs for free. Take it somewhere else.

My 2 cents


New Member
Originally posted by AdLibSean
I'm surprised Disney isn't pursuing this. Where I used to live in Wisconsin, they had a local bar named Grumpy's ore somthing to that extent, take the huge painting of Grumpy off of their door. These pictures are VERY creepy, and especially that banner of Snow White down below in the other thread. It almost makes me sick to my stomach cuz other people are making money off of someone else's creations. YUCK!!! Give me another dime! (If I had a dime, everytime Walt rolled over...)

Ya I know what you mean, In a small Village town in the NW suburbs of chicago called Long Grove they had quaint shops, one of them was called Some Of My Best Friends. They sold mostly Disney collectables, very little in the soft good department. On there business cards they had a representation of the Mickey ears, after a few years in business there cards had the "ears" blacked out with marker. I guess Disney caught up to them, I'm not shure what happened but a few months later they were out of Bussiness. Maybe the copyrights on some things are only in the US.


New Member
Attraction Descriptions

Someone with more time than I have should put together a list of WDW attractions but with cheesy descriptions like they have at this crappy park. I'd love to see what people come up with...


New Member
I guess, no I know I expect too much from Disney. It is a corporation in business to make money. The Lion King post still hurt me but I think it's time to grow up and realize that Disney is like every other company and the all mighty dollar is all that matters.

I can't believe they came up with The Lion King without seeing the other cartoon.....impossible to be that many things the same.

I am going to Disney in February I hope and I think that will be my last trip for a long time.


New Member
Have you ever felt like laughing your a** off and puking at the same time? Me neither, until I saw these pics. What a wonderful display of originality these people have.

Tim G

Well-Known Member
It's always the same.........
Boeing builded a B52
Russia Builded a Topolev...

One set back was that the russian versions crashed more often

Important IDEAS from BIG important companies and Big (working) concepts are being copied all over the world...
But in the end, they find out that's not the way...

And that there are copies of Disney Parks was to be expected..

Korea (shure, the copy EVERYTING)...
Germany... are to dumb to invent something original

BUT.. Let them copy...........
As strange as it may seem, it's good to let them...
Sooner or later, people (visitors) will find "the real thing" so.....

Disney founded FastPass....

That Universal would follow was most likely, and which they did

And so there's a lot more...

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