Disney Imitators


Active Member
Originally posted by Corrus

And that there are copies of Disney Parks was to be expected..

Korea (shure, the copy EVERYTING)...
Germany... are to dumb to invent something original

BUT.. Let them copy...........
As strange as it may seem, it's good to let them...
Sooner or later, people (visitors) will find "the real thing" so.....

Disney founded FastPass....

That Universal would follow was most likely, and which they did

And so there's a lot more...

Does anyone else find this offensive?? :veryconfu

Tim G

Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Bairstow
I think he's being sarcastic...I hope.

Germany never invents anything? He can't be serious.

You're right, I was.....

I was just making the point of copying...

And it was not to offend someone..

If so, Excusez Moi!


New Member
Lion King Controversy?

Did Disney ever admit to the plagerism of the other Lion King movie? It upsets me to think Disney has stooped to copying ideas. I don't think Walt would have liked that. Somebody tell me that Disney isn't a money grubbing, greedy company who only cares for the almighty dollar and not for the people that visit their parks...this post depresses me and makes me lose faith in Disney. :(

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