There's an 8 step way?
I have a similar story. They taught my kid some crazy way to do division (Sally method or something), and it boggled my mind, her mother's and her step-fathers (he and I are both in IT, and he's almost finished with his Masters).
We showed her long division, and she took right to it, racing through her homework. Turned the homework in, marked wrong for "not using the proper method".
I mean, I understand what they are TRYING to teach, but I'm not sure that making simple things complicated before getting into the theories behind them are really that effective for most students.
Her grades dropped in math to a C second quarter because of this, but she managed to bring it back up to a B (the first B she'd gotten in 2 years) by the end of the year.
It was frustrating...and, it also carries a psychological negative impact that "math is hard" that scares children away. Children like to succeed and learn (and I don't just mean participation ribbons)...but overly complex methods that make for interesting talk for advanced students of math over drinks and dessert (Hey Sally, ever thought about trying division THIS way?) aren't necessarily "better" if they ignore these facts.