YOU JUST AGREED WITH WHAT I'VE BEEN SAYING....Get the job, learn everything you have to and work your way up to a better position. The mom & pop local business has no turnover because THEY CAN'T FIND ANY HELP!! I don't know where you live, but here in NJ, you can't travel down any road for a mile without seeing MULTIPLE help wanted signs...EVERY mom & pop diner, restaurant, etc. I go into all have signs that read "please be patient with our lack of service...we are understaffed, and are looking for help in ALL positions...tell a friend" Wawa here in NJ is offering a $500.00 sign on bonus for gas attendants!! The same job I had at 14 for $2.35/hour! I'm sorry, we will agree to disagree, but a gas attendant, a Dollar Tree cashier, a Mickey D's burger flipper OR the CM selling me my overpriced bottle of Desanti water does NOT need to earn a "living wage" when there are MILLIONS of better paying jobs available at this time.