I agree with yout historical views of sweatshops. However, it was piece work that allowed my mother-in-law to build her business. She came from Italy with almost nothing but her sewing skills. She not only worked during the day but brought work home so she could make extra money to buy a home and then a small business. Unfortunately, thanks to the way the unions eliminated piece work, we have no more garment industry. It has been exported to China. The immigrants to the US were and are hard working people and were willing to work. They are not asking for handouts but opportunity.
Americans on the otherhand are lazy and want everything handed to them. The idea that many here think working 40 hours a week doing anything should provide them with an income that would give them a nice home, car, furniture, jewelry and expensive clothes and yes yearly vacations to the Orlando themeparks, show how foolish they are. My Mother-in-law worked 60 to 70 hours a week, built a successful business and achieved the American Dream, but only because of her hard word and desire for her daughter to have a nice life. Today, many here think just because they were born here the deserve everything. Life is not easy and shouldn't be. Work hard, study, take steps to improve yourself and don't spend more than you make. It is easy to build wealth if you are willing to work hard and save something every week. My father taught me there are two ways to make money, you at work and your money at work, and your money at work is easier. Save, invest and in the future live off your money's work. Don't ask for others to pay for your lifestyle, pay for it yourself. It may be hard but it is rewarding.