Based upon the results from data collection, as shared previously by members on this board, Harmonious only barely outperforms both of it's predecessors with younger audiences. Those in and above the 20-25 bracket rare it ar a poorer performance. Also, a congregation of people near Port of Entry does not constitute full viewing areas around the lagoon. Nearly every Epcot show has filled the lagoon to the gills, even those before IROE, Illuminations 25, and 'Illuminations'. Heck, even Laserphonic Fantasy was more packed. Restaurants around the lagoon are beginning to notice too. Showing the crowd near the mouth of WS is the same as showing the area directly near the Partners Statue. It's the most common area for congregation. During previous Epcot shows the ENTIRE LAGOONS viewing area would be occupied. Now the back remains completely dead. I see it here every day.