I disagree, respectfully. It took 21 years to replace the capacity lost by removing 20k Leagues, which is a little insane for the most visited theme park in the world.
Agreed, but it's still a 1 for 1 replacement with 0 net gain.
Enchanted Tales with Belle has capacity of what, 300 people an hour? That's not really adding a whole lot capacity wise, and it serves a very specific audience...but yes, that is indeed an additional experience that did not exist prior to NFE.
My point is mainly what I said in regards to 20k Leagues, which is that it's a bit perplexing that it took so long to add back capacity that was removed from the most visited theme park in the world.
Now to bring this back on topic, and speaking of capacity, how long do we think the lines for Frozestrom are going to be when it opens?