Disney confirms 'Frozen' makeover coming to Epcot's Norway Pavilion


Well-Known Member
Its a discussion board as wdisney9000 said, if you post.. you will meet people who DO NOT AGREE with your opinion.
If you really cant stand other's opinions.. maybe you should stick to nothing-but-censored-good type board like Disney's own blog.
Disagreement is fine. Its the ridiculous hostility of you and a few others I don't get. You don't like the new ride in WS, fine. You think it should be in MK, fine. State it as thus. However, why go to such lengths to make fun of or in some cases insult the other poster's point of view?

SOME see a tie in with Norway and Frozen. You and a few others don't. Doesn't make you right or them wrong, it makes it different. A little respect both ways would go a long way in this and other threads


Well-Known Member


Disagreement is fine. Its the ridiculous hostility of you and a few others I don't get. You don't like the new ride in WS, fine. You think it should be in MK, fine. State it as thus. However, why go to such lengths to make fun of or in some cases insult the other poster's point of view?

SOME see a tie in with Norway and Frozen. You and a few others don't. Doesn't make you right or them wrong, it makes it different. A little respect both ways would go a long way in this and other threads
People have stated it as such. The main reason why this thread is over 300 pages is because neither side can be satisfied with the other perspective. People who don't want a large frozen presence in Norway have stated their claims many times, with evidence to support their dissatisfaction. People who want frozen in Norway have simply given opinion with no evidence to support it other than "disney says so, it must be true."

The pages on here multiply because how is that providing anything to a debate? There have been a surprising number of "new members" on here spouting off on how people should stop complaining about frozen. There are thousands of threads on this site and and the first place those members come is here and immediately dismiss criticism of frozen on their first few posts. Hmm...what are the odds?

There's no reason this thread has dragged on. There's no news. There's no updates on construction progress and if there is you have to cut through pages of back and forth to even find a simple image.


Well-Known Member
People have stated it as such. The main reason why this thread is over 300 pages is because neither side can be satisfied with the other perspective. People who don't want a large frozen presence in Norway have stated their claims many times, with evidence to support their dissatisfaction. People who want frozen in Norway have simply given opinion with no evidence to support it other than "disney says so, it must be true."
Thank you for making my point so elegantly. Evidence by those against is opinion, clear and simple. Ex. It is based on a "danish" story - truth, it is LOOSELY based on a Danish Story.

While those who point out aspects that show some nordic and Norway link are laughed at or belittled.

You all must be soooo proud of yourselves...:rolleyes:

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
Its the ridiculous hostility of you and a few others I don't get


Thank you for making my point so elegantly. Evidence by those against is opinion, clear and simple. Ex. It is based on a "danish" story - truth, it is LOOSELY based on a Danish Story.

While those who point out aspects that show some nordic and Norway link are laughed at or belittled.

You all must be soooo proud of yourselves...:rolleyes:


and then wonder why people might be a little hostile. You need to reread what you keep writing, because it keeps getting ridiculous.

Trust me, we've had to deal many times with your type MANY TIMES in this thread alone.
And it always ends with indirects and even outright insults from your camp.
It really gets TIRESOME.

Yet, you're the one who claim we're the hostile ones.


Well-Known Member
People have stated it as such. The main reason why this thread is over 300 pages is because neither side can be satisfied with the other perspective. People who don't want a large frozen presence in Norway have stated their claims many times, with evidence to support their dissatisfaction. People who want frozen in Norway have simply given opinion with no evidence to support it other than "disney says so, it must be true."

The pages on here multiply because how is that providing anything to a debate? There have been a surprising number of "new members" on here spouting off on how people should stop complaining about frozen. There are thousands of threads on this site and and the first place those members come is here and immediately dismiss criticism of frozen on their first few posts. Hmm...what are the odds?

There's no reason this thread has dragged on. There's no news. There's no updates on construction progress and if there is you have to cut through pages of back and forth to even find a simple image.

Well there is no right or wrong here, these are just opinions, there is nothing to prove here. Some have very strong opinions that are opposed to this change. Some are opposed to the idea but don't feel so strongly either way. Some like it and may even agree it probably would have fit better elsewhere. Some just flat out like it and they may view/experience Epcot very differently from you. At least for me, I have tried to explain my point of view on the subject, I fall into the I liked Frozen and feel it would have been better in another Park, but I am not STRONGLY opposed to having it in the Norway pavilion. I totally respect that some people feel very strongly in the other direction. But what keeps me responding is the fact that some people have a very elitist view on this and feel like their opinion is superior.
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A naughty bit o' crumpet
Premium Member
Thank you for making my point so elegantly. Evidence by those against is opinion, clear and simple. Ex. It is based on a "danish" story - truth, it is LOOSELY based on a Danish Story.

While those who point out aspects that show some nordic and Norway link are laughed at or belittled.

You all must be soooo proud of yourselves...:rolleyes:
For having an opinion? It's not the first thing I'd hang my hat on, but on the other hand nothing to be distraught over....


Well-Known Member


and then wonder why people might be a little hostile. You need to reread what you keep writing, because it keeps getting ridiculous.

Trust me, we've had to deal many times with your type MANY TIMES in this thread alone.
And it always ends with indirects and even outright insults from your camp.
It really gets TIRESOME.

Yet, you're the one who claim we're the hostile ones.
Noooo....no hostility here. "with your type...." Nope, no idea where i got this idea from....boy. :rolleyes::banghead:


Well-Known Member
For having an opinion? It's not the first thing I'd hang my hat on, but on the other hand nothing to be distraught over....
You are correct. There is nothing at all wrong with opinion. I totally agree. This whole thread is based on opinion. That is what keeps dragging this thing on.

Those for it, for whatever reason are basing that on their opinion of its benefits or fits.

Those against it, are basing it on their opinions for its not fitting and the fact it should be elsewhere.

at the end of the day, it is all just conjecture and opinion, to that, we all have the right to that opinion, in either direction, with respect to that opinion.

All i am saying


Well-Known Member
So. Frozen. Maelstrom. Concept art? Actual discussion on the ride?
All I have seen are some pictures folks have gotten looking through walls and such. To my knowledge, no concrete(no pun intended) art has been shown. Which is a shame, cause I think some of that might help in this discussion.


A naughty bit o' crumpet
Premium Member
You are correct. There is nothing at all wrong with opinion. I totally agree. This whole thread is based on opinion. That is what keeps dragging this thing on.

Those for it, for whatever reason are basing that on their opinion of its benefits or fits.

Those against it, are basing it on their opinions for its not fitting and the fact it should be elsewhere.

at the end of the day, it is all just conjecture and opinion, to that, we all have the right to that opinion, in either direction, with respect to that opinion.

All i am saying
And it probably will "drag" on for as long as people are upset by the upcoming changes. Thank goodness we have the ability here to not participate as a recourse....


Noooo....no hostility here. "with your type...." Nope, no idea where i got this idea from....boy. :rolleyes::banghead:
If you think this place is so hostile then why are you still here?

Why would you constantly volunteer to put yourself in a hostile environment you you claim you already know it's hostile?

If I felt the way you did and I was being "attacked" I would have left a long time ago instead of constantly interacting with the "hostiles"

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
If you think this place is so hostile then why are you still here?

Why would you constantly volunteer to put yourself in a hostile environment you you claim you already know it's hostile?

If I felt the way you did and I was being "attacked" I would have left a long time ago instead of constantly interacting with the "hostiles"
He also could be proactive instead of complaining non stop and blaming it all on us:
If he thinks I'm hostile, he can report me anytime to any mod. He also can just put the people he finds "hostile" in his ignore list.

I still fail to see any hostility. Unless for him... "hostility" is "strongly disagreement with facts provided".

Captain Chaos

Well-Known Member
He also could be proactive instead of complaining non stop and blaming it all on us:
If he thinks I'm hostile, he can report me anytime to any mod. He also can just put the people he finds "hostile" in his ignore list.

I still fail to see any hostility. Unless for him... "hostility" is "strongly disagreement with facts provided".
For the DISNEY IS PERFECT crowd, hostility is anything which does not support every little thing Disney does, and does not state how awesome everything Disney does is. Hostility, to them, is someone daring to question Disney.

Ignore is a wonderful function.


Well-Known Member
If you think this place is so hostile then why are you still here?

Why would you constantly volunteer to put yourself in a hostile environment you you claim you already know it's hostile?

If I felt the way you did and I was being "attacked" I would have left a long time ago instead of constantly interacting with the "hostiles"
I don't think this place is hostile. I don't think those against this ride are all hostile. I don't think you all can keep your fingers off anymore than those of us who are not against this ride.

Pot calling kettle black as it were.

Captain Chaos

Well-Known Member
People have stated it as such. The main reason why this thread is over 300 pages is because neither side can be satisfied with the other perspective. People who don't want a large frozen presence in Norway have stated their claims many times, with evidence to support their dissatisfaction. People who want frozen in Norway have simply given opinion with no evidence to support it other than "disney says so, it must be true."
You forgot their other response MY KIDS WILL LOVE IT!!!! Yep, because that explains how Frozen fits Norway..

Kids also love getting dirty. Does that mean Disney should remove Spaceship Earth for a huge mud pit to let kids roll around in? Oh heck, we know if they ever did that the lifestylers and the DISNEY IS PERFECT crowd would think its the most magical mud pit ever, and will be online first thing to make sure they get FP's for the experience!!!!

Just don't question them.. they won't like it. You may be "hostile"

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