But is it really people trying to tell you what to like or is it them voicing their dislike at something? To me, there's a big difference. I agree some posters do that, and can be overly negative but there are so many here, myself included, that try and see things from both sides.
I don't know why every thread needs to be hijacked with "stop being negative" and "stop being so happy" though. So many pages get wasted on this argument and there have been many noticeable thread hijacks lately.
Its usually the same progression. A member (usually new) will post their opinion in a thread such as this one. A different member will post an opposing viewpoint and then perhaps a few others will post their views that also differ from the new members opinion. All of the sudden the new member feels "attacked" because there are several people disagreeing with him/her. The new member mistakes that 'disagreement' as argumentative or people trying to tell them how to feel when in reality its just a discussion going back and forth and nobody has done anything but state their opinion.
Threads like this one are a great example. Look at how many defensive posts you see that say something like "your just clinging to the past" , "Epcot is boring for my family" , "your just a purist who hates change", or pick any one of the many "Disney is a business" type of posts. When met with opposition they come back with "get over it" or they assume you hate Frozen. They completely miss the point because they are angry at the thought of someone questioning TWDC. Ive had days on here where out of nowhere someone will chime in with "man, you guys are negative, why do you even go to Disney if you hate it"? 9 times out of 10 its a new member. Queue the progression I described above.