In regards to the removal of the long-time Disney tradition of saying "Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls!!!" before parades and shows, I find it hard to believe that anybody truly, honestly is either "offended" by it nor does it have a negative impact on their day. The removal of the traditional greeting was a solution in search of a problem and simply insults the intelligence of their audience.
Any person who would be offended (actually offended not just looking to be noticed on social media by complaining about something) would therefore by assaulted mercilessly throughout their day by restroom signage, clothing sections in stores, discount nights at your local bar, hair club ads, and the other endless examples of society recognizing the existence of ladies, gentlemen, boys, and girls making this amusement park greeting the least offensive moment of their otherwise offense-filled day.
Somebody earlier mentioned the Reddit threat "AITA?" - well, if you go to Disneyland and actually complain about "Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls!!! being said before the Main Street Electrical Parade - yes, yes you are.