Ah, that proves my theory then. I posted this on another message board but I think that it is appropriate here as well:
The thing is this. People, esp ones who grew up with the orignial trilogy, love them. They were unlike anything else at the time and created such a phenomenom that nothing else could ever live up to it.
The masses need to keep their expectations in check this time. It may be an impossible task but everyone should take this film on its own merits.
It may not feel exactly like the original but nothing will, that's what makes the original so special. This new film will have CGI in it... it's the 21st century and that is how movies are made now. Go with the flow and enjoy yourselves! I love the anticipation leading up to the next film. I love the hype surrounding it, the craziness, the long lines. It is part of the experience!
I look at it this way, you can either ignore the franchise and move on, enjoy each film for what it is, or be a typical disgruntled internet fanboy who will still watch the films, buy the stuff, but sit around complaining about it the whole time. I think that life's too short for that but to each their own. Besides, Episode One came out 14 years ago now, it may be time to move on and let it go.