Yes, I understand that. But do not consider the EU to not be of any importance or canon. Lucas wouldn't have allowed them to continue if they weren't. And if they do split the continuity up with diverging timelines or alternate realities then yes, it most certainly is the same thing as in the comics. You're arguing semantics with which came first, he original works or EU.
You are making subjective assumptions not based on available facts.
As had been said, Lucas allowed the EU to continue for marketing, money, and probally because he thought he was done with Star Wars movies anyway.
The canon of Star Wars is what Lucas says it is and ultimately what Lucas himself puts together. The EU authors devised their story lines. What Lucas outlined 20 years ago will not match EU. Lucas is the creator of Star Wars, not the EU authors, so it is important.
It seems you have an affection for the EU, but that alone does not make it canon.
You are the only one saying something about diverging storylines and alternate realites in Star Wars, no one else. If the story of the new movies differ form the EU, why is this proof of 'alternate realities'. The reason the EU will not match with the movies is because they were never the real story in the first place. The real story is in an outline at Lucas's house, and now in a 50 page story treatment. If Lucas knew he was going to make 7, 8, and 9, he would not have authorized the books of the EU, unless it took place after the movies or in between. EU is a place holder.
Semantics is about words. What I am arguing is about situations and scenarios. When the material came to be and the basis of it is relevant. That is like saying continuity in movies and tv shows does not matter because soap operas hack up continuity on a regular basis. Let's bring back Darth Vader. That wasn't he who died, it was his evil twin Garth Vader. And Anakin was never really Luke's father, it was Obi Wan and they have a secret paternity test to prove it. After all, its all the same. Or that is like saying that the Hunger Games book should have been more accurate to the movie, even though the book came first. Order is important. Ask any fan of Hunger Games about details from the story and you will likely get a variety of answers of details form the book that weren't in the movie which the fans will hold greater importance to. Why, because the books came first and were written by the original author, and fashioned for the medium in which they were originally presented, just as Star Wars was fashioned more for movies than books.
Comics have hundreds and hundred of issues for one character or group, and maybe a handful of movies. You can't help but change some things to accomadate the medium. But when another author makes up a storyline deviating from the story of the original creator, whatever the original creator decided is ultametly more important.
You want these things to be the same only to prove your point.