Premium Member
If you truly believe that then you need to go see more movies. I don't know what "young" people you are talking to, but I have yet to meet anyone, anyone, that prefers the new trilogy over the old. And yes, that includes people on the internet.
I had superman and return of the jedi bedding as a kid.. and I like the prequels for what they are.
Things like 'accents' didn't throw me.. or jar jar (could do without him.. but I don't think it ruined the trilogy).. but things like.. jedi battles moving from standing fencing type fights to... hyperspeed mixed martial arts+gymnastics? Or... the extremely overplayed reuse of catch phrases as a form of foreshadowing.
I don't see how picking on the acting is so great when we consider what we are comparing against in the OT.. none of the heros roles in the OT are smooth or refined.
The battle sequences and genosis stuff in attack of the clones is fun.. the directing style of the battles to take you at 'ground level' was pretty cool for the level of realism given the CGI nature of it all. Revenge ties so much of the story back together.. liked all of it except for the very very end of it with the six million dollar man segment for Vader. They do a poor job connecting the old and new there IMO.
In a clean slate.. would the prequels establish a world dominating franchise like the OT did? No... but if released today I don't think the OT would either. It was a blend of timing, product, and market that made the starwars domination what it was.
Lets face it.. the starwars fans were out to hate Lucas from the get-go. After the special editions and his handling of releasing the OT without the changes... everyone was on edge. Add to that all the lack of trust in CGI and Lucas' insistence on all digital... traditionalists were on the defensive even before anything was shown. Then add in a character like jar jar that didn't go over well.. and you have a snowball effect that could not be stopped.
Add to that the stubborness from Lucas.. and you have the bitter divorce scenario where neither side is willing to give the other an inch and nothing can be seen in a positive light.