Disney Buying LucasFilm! WHOA

erasure fan1

Well-Known Member
As long as I get my Jar Jar Binks origin story I'm good! :confused: :eek:

This is my thought on Disney doing spinoffs. It all comes down to the care that they take with it. If they hire great writers, directors... things could be OK. There are a lot of great stories to tell in the star wars universe. There are a few things they should stay away from though. For example, as much as I might want to see a Yoda spinoff, There is a bigger part of me that want's no part of it. What makes him so great for me is the mystery behind the character. I just think that the story could never live up to the greatness that is Yoda in most peoples minds. Knights of the old republic is the one spinoff I want to see them do the most.


Well-Known Member
So, I know that it's been discussed on the involvement of the EU in the new movies, but it seems like the EU is officially dead

Well, the EU was always considered secondary anyway. I'm sure there will still be spin-off comics and novels but it is only considered canon if it doesn't conflict with the films. There is different levels of continuity, much like the Marvel Universe, the Marvel Cinematic Universe, the animate series and all of the re-do's of the comic book titles.


Premium Member
So, I know that it's been discussed on the involvement of the EU in the new movies, but it seems like the EU is officially dead

Title of the article is misleading since it says nothing about the fate of the EU just that the new scripts will not follow what is in the EU. As Maerj points out Lucasfilm has always considered the movies as the primary canon and was always free to diverge from what is in the EU. If they do stories set between episodes III and IV it will be interesting to see if the consider the Clone Wars canon since it does extend the backstory for characters like Boba Fett.


The Epcot Manifesto

Title of the article is misleading since it says nothing about the fate of the EU just that the new scripts will not follow what is in the EU. As Maerj points out Lucasfilm has always considered the movies as the primary canon and was always free to diverge from what is in the EU. If they do stories set between episodes III and IV it will be interesting to see if the consider the Clone Wars canon since it does extend the backstory for characters like Boba Fett.
True. I got the feeling that they were implying that if they decided to write a film about a subject, they would not try and ensure it fit into the existing EU. So, as long as they don't film something that contradicts the EU, it's still OK. If they decide that Han and Leia didn't have twins, then that part of the EU was no longer "valid".


The Epcot Manifesto
"Rumored to be officially back" sounds like an oxymoron
Understood. I just didn't want to post it as absolute FACT until it's announced by Lucasfilm. Here's how the article starts off:
According to sources at Latino-Review, a site with an impeccable history of reporting accurate rumors, Harrison Ford will indeed be playing Han Solo again in a future Star Wars film. Latino Review first broke the news on Fox News Latino where the editor stated, "It’s official. Harrison Ford will reprise his role as Han Solo in the upcoming Star Wars movies.” He went on to state that “His deal is done. It’s just a formality. They haven’t really announced it yet.”

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