Disney Big announcement next week!!!


Well-Known Member
Is anyone else a bit disturbed by this whole China park thing? Surely a country that has naked toddlers begging outside swanky department stores would fail to sit well with the Disney ideals. I know that they're a profit-seeking organisation, but I'd really consider them appalling sell-outs if they are opening in China.

I concur. But the average every day American can barely do anything but think about themselves, so I doubt they will ever get educated on the crap that goes on in China.

When China needed to build housing for the athletes for the Olympics, they found a great site right near the venues. So they decided to level everything there and build a village. The only problem was that thousands of people already had homes there! Could you even imagine that one day the "good" government knocks on your door and says "Get out!" and they level your house just so athletes aren't inconveinced for a few days by long travel?

Who would want to go to China right now? Can you imagine all these "freedom loving" Americans going to China and /moaning that they can't get access the Internet? And that they got detained because they were taking pictures of buildings or sites they weren't suppose to?

So unless Disney could build a park/resort where its mandatory that you cannot leave the premises, I think that anyone that goes would be a one timer, if ever.


Well-Known Member
Also magical will be the fact that a large % of guests will spend more on the DDP than they would if they ate the exact same meals without the plan.

Also magical will be the tower that will be erected before there is even a Contemp. DCA resort announcement. Nobody will even see it coming. SURPRISE. MAGIC!

Also magical will be... ah forget it. The lameness of this is silly. It would be one thing if they were doing some serious expansion, but there is nothing huge on the slate for quite some time.

It's all about the Benjamins! Anything that is announced will be fluff and given the past trends, its all about high profit margins on mediocre "magical offerings".

Disney knows that the majority of WDW goers are RETURN guests. So if you dont make something new and interesting and also give some REAL value rather than perceived value, most people will begin to pass on it. For sure, this is my last time doing the DDP unless they go back to the way they use to do it.
I concur. But the average every day American can barely do anything but think about themselves, so I doubt they will ever get educated on the crap that goes on in China.

When China needed to build housing for the athletes for the Olympics, they found a great site right near the venues. So they decided to level everything there and build a village. The only problem was that thousands of people already had homes there! Could you even imagine that one day the "good" government knocks on your door and says "Get out!" and they level your house just so athletes aren't inconveinced for a few days by long travel?

Erm that's what they have done at pretty much every olympic games in modern times. They've done it in London and they'll do it at the next games after. Olympic parks are huge; there arent an awful lot of cities that have huge empty spaces that they can just build on in the middle of the city.

It isnt a China thing, its a world thing.


New Member
The thing is that in some countries dogs are not pets but are treated as food and/or pests. I'm not saying they're right but it's the way things are. :shrug:


New Member
I'm not so sure that it's the death that's the problem (I have no issue with people eating whatever animal they like - so long as it's not my cocker spaniel!) but the method. With the numbers that they're talking about, ensuring a quick, pain-free death with minimal trauma is extremely tricky when using poison on an animal the size of a dog.

Scar Junior

Active Member
The only "Hurricane Ike" story that has upset me is thus far is the one of the dog that was washed away from its owner.

I know... 2 dozen confirmed deaths so far... but something about a person watching their dog float away to (presumably) death is far more tragic. I don't know why but it is. :shrug:


It's always the animal stories that get me too!

Remember the floods in Cornwall a few years back? I got all upset when I heard that one of the cars that got washed out to sea had a dog trapped in it and it's owners couldn't do anything to help it. I would be devastated if it was my retriever!:cry:


Well-Known Member
Disney knows that the majority of WDW goers are RETURN guests. So if you dont make something new and interesting and also give some REAL value rather than perceived value, most people will begin to pass on it. For sure, this is my last time doing the DDP unless they go back to the way they use to do it.

Amen! Our last time on the DDP as well. This past trip the dining experiences just were not magical..esp. when you are constantly reminded 'you are aware the tip is no longer included?' more often than you hear "would like another drink? is there anything I can get you? how is everything?"

And forget about the snacks...that was just a nightmare.


European Disney Cruises

this may have already been reported so be nice...but I heard from an EXTREMELY reliable source yesterday that the announcement this week would at least in part be about Disney Cruises to Europe.


According to screamscape, disney has sent out new invitations to the media for another announcement on october 6 where they will announce new destinations for the cruise line.

By the way, I'm new here. So hello everyone.
I just did a Google News search for YPartnership, the company mentioned in the posting. On article which I found may give some insight into what is to be announced - http://www.hospitalitynet.org/news/154000320/4037356.html

The article highlights YPartnership's research into the online usage habits of travelers, including travel planning and social networking.

Here are my ideas as to what it might be:
  • A social networking website for Disney Parks fans
  • An improved website for booking Disney vacations - including the much-discussed ability to make dining reservations online
  • The Disney Vacation Connection - a friend of mine told me that a Professional Internship posting mentioned a "Branded Desktop Application" called the Disney Vacation Connection, and www.disneyvacationconnection.com is registered!


New Member
I just read somewhere, I think it was cruisecritic.com that Disney Cruise Line has applied for a ten year permit for Alaska....Hmmm:shrug:

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